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China invades "Japanese" territorial waters

MOSCOW, January 5 (RIA Novosti) - Japan scrambled fighter jets on Saturday to intercept a Chinese plane that flew near a chain of islands claimed by both Tokyo and Beijing, NHK Television reported.

The jets were alerted when a Chinese maritime aircraft flew about 120 km north of the Senkaku islands, which China calls the Diaoyus, a Japanese Defense Ministry spokesman said.

The Chinese Y-12 twin-turboprop later left the zone without entering Japanese airspace over the islands, he added.

This is the first time Japanese fighters have been scrambled this year to head off Chinese aircraft approaching the islands, the spokesman said.

The islands have been at the center of a dispute recently that has triggered violent anti-Japanese protests across China and caused Japanese companies to suspend operations in China.

The islands, which are also claimed by Taiwan, lie on a vital shipping route and are situated above large hydrocarbon deposits.

Japan Scrambles Jets over Islands Dispute | World | RIA Novosti
Wise men make more friends.
Unwise men make more enemies.

Can you guess in wich group you seems to be?
Japan has no friends. Both North and South Korea agree they hate you. :lol: You just have a master -- USA.

The fact is that after the war the US wanted to counter the expansion of communism and instead of jail a bunch members of the old empire, they give them jobs in the new Japan. So today, their descendants fill the right-wing and are war apologists. The majority of the people is tired of give apologies for the war crimes. But the majority have no interest in rebuild the old empire, being at peace and rich is good enough us, unlike China.
Your master refuses to allow a pan-Asian faction to control Japanese politics. Instead, Japanese PM must be anti-China like Shinzo Abe whose grandfather was an accused war criminal in WW2.

Let' me guess, you never ever heard before of computer simulated nuclear tests. Unlike the DPRK, Japan dont' start from scratch. If we make an underground test, is going to be for demonstrate that our arsenal work fine enough for turn Beijing and a dozen more of the main cities of the PRC into radioactive wasteland with mushroom looking clouds on top.
LOL Japan right now doesn't even have a short range ballistic missile. China has road mobile MRBM each with 10+ 350 kT warheads (DF-25) and MIRV SLBM on nuclear submarines (JL-2). But China might not even get a chance to nuke Tokyo because North Korea will hit it first!

Clearly there is no chance of peace. War is the only solution. China and Japan: one nation will disappear from the face of the Earth forever!
Japan has no friends. Both North and South Korea agree they hate you. :lol: You just have a master -- USA.

Your master refuses to allow a pan-Asian faction to control Japanese politics. Instead, Japanese PM must be anti-China like Shinzo Abe whose grandfather was an accused war criminal in WW2.

LOL Japan right now doesn't even have a short range ballistic missile. China has road mobile MRBM each with 10+ 350 kT warheads (DF-25) and MIRV SLBM on nuclear submarines (JL-2). But China might not even get a chance to nuke Tokyo because North Korea will hit it first!

Clearly there is no chance of peace. War is the only solution. China and Japan: one nation will disappear from the face of the Earth forever!

Wow for the first time your right one nation will be gone its china i mean one country with paid allies plus half of the world you piss with your arrogance wow your right give the man a bear!
Wow for the first time your right one nation will be gone its china i mean one country with paid allies plus half of the world you piss with your arrogance wow your right give the man a bear!
We are arrogant toward you Filipinos because we are better than you in every way -- you are just leftovers after the Spanish, American and Japanese colonialists pillaged the native islanders.
China declares PLAAF ready to engage JASDF in aerial combat!

According to Japanese media, the Japanese government is considering permitting Japanese self-defense forces' fighter jets to fire tracer bullets as warning shots against Chinese surveillance planes which have "infringed" upon Japan's "territorial airspace" over the Diaoyu Islands.

A Chinese foreign ministry spokesman said yesterday that China has consistently opposed Japan's infringement upon China's sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands. China "remains vigilant against attempts to escalate the tensions."

The Chinese spokesman's statement is not enough to express the Chinese people's strong determination to fight back against Japan's unscrupulous action.

We believe that if Japan starts using tracer bullets, it will definitely trigger a military confrontation between China and Japan. Chinese people will certainly ask the government to send naval and air forces to retaliate.

Tracer bullets were used by Japan to warn Soviet Union surveillance aircraft above the Okinawa Prefecture in 1987. However, the relationship between the Soviet Union and Japan was one of war and invasion. The Diaoyu Islands are a typical disputed area.

We believe that China is carefully assessing plans to deploy combat aircraft to the Diaoyu Islands due to the imbalance between China's surveillance aircraft and Japan's fighter jets. If Japan uses tracer bullets, Chinese fighter jets are bound to be sent to the Diaoyu Islands.

China's replacing surveillance aircraft with fighter jets does not mean they will conduct military operations there. These are upgrades of China's ability to defend its sovereignty in the face of Japan's provocations. All of East Asia would face tension in that scenario, but we have no choice. We do not wish to begin a war with Japan. However, if Japan insists on provocations, we will follow it through to the end.

If the Chinese government does not earnestly prepare for it, it will certainly suffer huge political losses. The public wouldn't understand that and they would not accept any interpretations by the government.

China may fall into military conflict with Japan eventually. We hope we can continue our peaceful development, but our risk management strategies are more complex due to various pressures.

There is little room for concessions. Therefore, let us abandon all hesitation and seriously prepare for mutual warnings and confrontation with Japan over the Diaoyu Islands. If the situation goes awry, we must make Japan pay more of a price than China.

The Diaoyu Islands dispute will test the Chinese government's leadership for a long time. But we should have confidence: our rival is a bully which can even bear US military occupation. As long as we keep tough, we will not lose this test of wills.

Japan tracer bullets will bring war closer - Globaltimes.cn
China will attack Japan....Japan will reply back....China will attack more....USA will come into picture.....more intense war......China economy will nose dive.......India will get more business from USA.......I like it.......go China go :D
Chinese fighter airwing enters Japanese air defense identification zone! JASDF refuses to engage and confront directly!

TOKYO: Japan scrambled fighter jets on Thursday to head off a number of Chinese military planes near islands at the centre of a territorial dispute, Japanese media said.

The Chinese planes were spotted on Japanese military radar north of the Japanese-controlled Senkaku islands, known as Diaoyu in China, the Fuji TV network reported, quoting Japanese government officials.

They did not violate territorial airspace over the islands but flew inside Japan's so-called air defence identification zone, the report said.

The Japanese defence ministry press office did not confirm the report.

The Chinese planes were gone when F-15 jet fighters from an airbase on Japan's main Okinawan island reached the area, the report said, adding the Chinese flights continued until about 5:00 pm (0800 GMT). :rofl:

Chinese government ships and planes have been seen off the disputed islands numerous times since Japan nationalised them in September, sometimes within the 12 nautical-mile territorial zone.

Japan dispatched fighter jets last month after a Chinese state-owned plane breached airspace over the islands.

Japan scrambles jets against China military planes - Channel NewsAsia
Asianews.it 01/17/2013 15:13

As China tries to appease, Japan seeks allies in ASEAN over the Senkaku/Diaoyu

...Beijing (AsiaNews) - China is trying to gain time and perhaps avoid an all out military confrontation with Japan over disputed islands in the East China Sea. Tensions between the two countries have been rising over them since last September.

For Jia Qinling chairman and Party secretary of the National Committee of the People's Political Consultative Conference, the two sides should resolve the dispute over the islands, called Diaoyu in China and Senkaku in Japan, through dialogue.

"The two sides should appropriately handle questions surrounding the Diaoyu islands and other and other issues on which their stances' differ," said Jia during a meeting with former Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama.

Although his mandate ends in March when the Communist Party's fifth generation of leaders takes over under Xi Jinping, analysts believe his statement reflects the current official line.

"China doesn't actually want a military confrontation. It is using the dispatch of ships and planes as a means of putting pressure on Japan to at least admit that a dispute over the islands exist," said Zhu Feng, a security expert at Peking University's School of International Studies...

...Jia's overture has not been met by Japan's government led by hawkish Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. The recently elected Japanese premier ran a nationalist campaign. In his view, no dispute exists.

After responding tit for tat, he now wants to use the economic card to marshal support among ASEAN nations against Beijing.

Abe is currently in Vietnam on his first official foreign visit. He will then travel to Thailand and Indonesia. All three Southeast Asian nations are major manufacturing bases and growing markets for Japanese companies.

For various analysts, the Japanese leader plans to offer these nations trading opportunities to secure their backing in Japan's dispute with China.

When Abe became prime minister for the first time six years ago, his first foreign trip was to China...

Taipei Times Fri, Jan 18, 2013

Chinese official urges talks with Japan over islets


...Jia is believed to be the highest-ranking Chinese official to publicly issue such a call, and the mild tenor of his remarks — omitting China’s standard accusation that Japan is wholly responsible for the frictions — was seen as a signal Beijing hopes to arrest momentum toward an all-out crisis...

...Jia is due to retire in March and Hatoyama has long been an advocate of closer ties with China, though he has lost influence under new Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. China’s call for talks in a meeting on Wednesday could represent a way to ask for talks that is less risky than an official, high-level exchange.
However, Japan showed no sign of budging from its position...

...Feng Wei (馮偉), a researcher at Fudan University’s Japanese Studies Center in Shanghai, said that Jia represents “the official stance, which is to ease tensions.”

“That’s also why he [Hatoyama] was invited to China in the first place. It’s highly symbolic,” Feng said

South China Morning Post Friday, 18 January, 2013, 12:00am

Ex-Japan PM Hatoyama visits Nanking Massacre memorial

Yukio Hatoyama becomes third former Japanese leader to pay respects, in move to ease tensions

Former Japanese prime minister Yukio Hatoyama paid respects to victims of the Nanking Massacre yesterday, as efforts to find a way out of the tense row over islands in the East China Sea appeared to be gaining momentum.

...Natsuo Yamaguchi, leader of Japan's New Komeito - a party that is a key ally of the Liberal Democratic Party and a member of Japan's coalition government - said yesterday he would also visit China next week in an effort to ease bilateral tensions...

Sinochallenger, you can try to spin this any way you want an so much until your desk looks like you are riding in an helicopter. But I think that the rightwingers in Japan are going to say that: "the CCP blinked first".

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