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China fighters in "dangerous" brush with Japanese planes !

In germany we would not shot down even an hijacked airliner. Our constitution doesn't allow to put ones life over someone else. I think that is the best solution. If you would shot down one of our airliners this would be considered murder. And as far as i know no european, no korean and no japanese airplanes follows this ADIZ rule. Why should we? We don't accept this and see it as simple international airspace.

American airplanes went there armed and your forces did not react either. I doubt China would risk a war over this.

And let me ask you a question. If a chinese civilian airliner has a technical problem and can't contact ground control and goes into our airspace, reacts to no message, would you understand if our airforce shots it down and agree with this? Would you really say "well its bad but i understand that the germans did this." ?

So you think allow a hijacked airliner to crash into building that will kill hundred on board is better than shooting it down to prevent thousand dead? What kind of logic is this? The US 9/11, if given enough time, they will shoot the plane down than letting it crash into the WTC. Actually they do. US airliners, Korea, and Europe do. It is normal procedure. Before ADIZ declaration, they filed their advance flight path to our aviation department anyway. After ADIZ declaration, they filed to aviation department AND military air defense department. Like I said, for precautionary reason, most airliners are not stupid not to file. The Japanese airliners intended to file until Japanese government stopped them. LOL

Wrong. B52 carry no bomb when they tried to send a message to us by barely flying within 2 miles inside our ADIZ, on the edge of Diaoyu, and immediately flight back. LOL During the Malaysia Missing plane, US airforce military planes notified us they would trespass through our ADIZ to reach South China Sea. We said okay, and so nothing happen. You can google it, my friend. It is very recently like a couple months ago.

Absolutely yes, my friend. If our civilian airliners don't file in advance of their trespassing through Europe's airspace, and you shoot it, then it is our fault for not following Euro's ADIZ safety instruction. However if we file in advance but lost communication for faulty reason, which is extremely rarity because modern planes have have radio communication or satellite to communicate, then you cannot shoot it down as you already know the exact flight path we already notified you in advance. Do you now understand, my German friend?
Chinese AIDZ does not cease to exist even if you decide to ignore it or bark loud why you would not recognize it.
Bet it Viets, Japanese, Indians or Americans. Your conceit and hate are irrelevant to the Chinese AIDZ.

The AIDZ has been announced.
The AIDZ is and will be enforced.
Abide it or life with the consequences if you decide to endanger others and ignore Chinese airspace security regulations because of your provocative anti-chinese politics.
Don't cry foul if we protect our security against your aggression and provocation.
China's ADIZ is work now.

Good news to prove it.



Damn!The pilot of 40547 is a "Golden Helmet"!
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