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China fighters in "dangerous" brush with Japanese planes !

That was a classic and cultuvated kick in the balls. Merkel is known for such subtile and ice cold served "gifts". She later denied him to visit the holocaust memorial and hold a speech there, so he can´t use it for anti japanese propaganda.
Merkel declines to show Chinese President Holocaust memorial site - Telegraph
Jinping was humilated again and again from Merkel on this visit. ;)
Last edited: Today at 3:49 AM
fallen? Come back when your people earn at least 10% of what the lowest class in the EU earns.

That evry day dozens of EU planes fly through this zone without contacting China should be statement enough. No need to waste any more time for this nonsense.

Oh and Merkel made a funny and interesting statement when chinese leader visit us. She gave him a gift. A map that shows him chinese boarders. :D


She even showed him his countries boarders:


That was a classic and cultuvated kick in the balls. Merkel is known for such subtile and ice cold served "gifts". She later denied him to visit the holocaust memorial and hold a speech there, so he can´t use it for anti japanese propaganda.

Merkel declines to show Chinese President Holocaust memorial site - Telegraph

Jinping was humilated again and again from Merkel on this visit. ;)

That's pretty harsh, haven't seen China's president being disrespected like that.
The EU itself is in turmoil, not the least with the mess they allowed to happen in Ukraine, but the anti EU movement is gaining momentum. A few rocks & islands in the East China Seas is the least of their worries, if not, their attention. Of course, NATO has to tow the line when Uncle Sam says so, they cannot defy their master.
How is that humilation? China is a third world country with much to compensate. Of course you have higher growth. How should germany, a country that already is on the absolute top, achieve high growth? Thats basic economics.

In the same way, being presented a historical map by an unrelated country is not a humiliation for China and its leader.

Nothing has changed ever since, right? You use the word "humiliation" very cheaply.

About ADIZ, it is really not about who conforms; it is about their knowledge that they are being now actively monitored. An ADIZ would be too expensive if we sent a fighter jet to inspect every civilian flights. So long as the rules are observed, no body cares about they report or not.

The ADIZ basically means the initiative is on our side. We decide to interfere or not interfere.

Have you ever seen China stepped back on any policy proclamation. Even when we did not take aggressive steps, we responded equally or more if others harmed our interests. You can check the response to the 5 Chinese officials being indicted with cyber crime at a US court.

Xi Jinping did not care about it, because we have lower bureaus to deal with it. And dealing with it very effectively. Your Merkel is about to go and the rising right wing Neo-Nazisism is going to begin to cut your throat very soon. I would worry more about that if I were you.
It is normal procedure. Our aircraft constantly getting harassed by Japanese aircraft before we implemented our ADIZ. So the game is on.
harassment and bullying are your habit.

a shame for the most populous country on earth. who believes to you, when you cry and whine:
"I am the biggest hooligan in the neighhood and get harassed by some small boys". :lol:
In the same way, being presented a historical map by an unrelated country is not a humiliation for China and its leader.

Nothing has changed ever since, right? You use the word "humiliation" very cheaply.

About ADIZ, it is really not about who conforms; it is about their knowledge that they are being now actively monitored. An ADIZ would be too expensive if we sent a fighter jet to inspect every civilian flights. So long as the rules are observed, no body cares about they report or not.

The ADIZ basically means the initiative is on our side. We decide to interfere or not interfere.

Have you ever seen China stepped back on any policy proclamation. Even when we did not take aggressive steps, we responded equally or more if others harmed our interests. You can check the response to the 5 Chinese officials being indicted with cyber crime at a US court.

Xi Jinping did not care about it, because we have lower bureaus to deal with it. And dealing with it very effectively. Your Merkel is about to go and the rising right wing Neo-Nazisism is going to begin to cut your throat very soon. I would worry more about that if I were you.

Don´t worry about my throat. ;) Merkel just won her third time and many believe she will also be elected a 4th time. She is extremly popular. And i see no rising "neo nazism". The front national in france or UKIP in the UK collect votes of people who are disappointed and this is normal in a democracy. The front national is much calmer in its goals than your communist party for example. A stable democracy can ride out such things.

As the ADIZ as nobody is hurt i see no reason why care about such things. The last thing the world needs is a war between China and Japan. The chinese leadership knows this. I also understand their goal. China has an economic problem growing. Shadow banks are uncontrolled and nobody knows what happenes when they collapse. Too much factories were build and now over capacity exists. This are tough problems and serious things can cascade. Of course china needs an outside problem to distract people from this problem.

As long China plays it safe i have no problem with this.
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harassment and bullying are your habit.

a shame for the most populous country on earth. who believes to you, when you cry and whine:
"I am the biggest hooligan in the neighhood and get harassed by some small boys". :lol:
If a big country imposes its territorial integrity, it is called bully. But when a small country imposes its territorial integrity, it's called justice. This bullshit mindset is typical of inferior complex country like you and Japan. As a big boy, we go after our national interest, just like the US will.

What is your ADIZ worth since nobody takes it serious? Japan ignores it, USA ignores it, Korea ignores it, EU ignores it. :/
ADIZ is a warning airspace. It is not territorial airspace. So we will continue to provide warning to any aircraft trepassing in our ADIZ. If they don't follow instruction, then an accident might occur and they cannot blame us. Every country apply the ADIZ concept in similar ways.
OP should change his flag, his soul and nationality is more leaning toward PRC than Indonesian. A real traitor indeed

hey mado, why you so bother about foreign policy view of other people?
I know your Poor Quality in Indonesian Military Forum. you are YANKEE DOODLE indeed

In Indonesian Military Forum,
you always do Anti-China Campaign, and always make Yanks are the real Hero, Our Savior. LOL :D
How Pathetic you are !
You always say, people with More "Pro China" view, with Traitor, trash, stupid, 50cents army.
but with People with more "Pro USA-Japan" view, with real hero, Nationalistic People, smart people. LOL :lol:

by the way, after your effort to do Pro USA Campaign until right know,
are you already get your dream, Your Green Card to your HOLY LAND, hmmm I mean America Land :omghaha:
hey mado, why you so bother about foreign policy view of other people?
I know your Poor Quality in Indonesian Military Forum. you are YANKEE DOODLE indeed

In Indonesian Military Forum,
you always do Anti-China Campaign, and always make Yanks are the real Hero, Our Savior. LOL :D
How Pathetic you are !
You always say, people with More "Pro China" view, with Traitor, trash, stupid, 50cents army.
but with People with more "Pro USA-Japan" view, with real hero, Nationalistic People, smart people. LOL :lol:

by the way, after your effort to do Pro USA Campaign until right know,
are you already get your dream, Your Green Card to your HOLY LAND, hmmm I mean America Land :omghaha:
He forgets US is the one butchering muslim :lol:
Wait...are you telling me you would shot at an Lufthansa airliner? I highly doubt this.
In international laws, you cannot shoot any aircraft operating in ADIZ, which still technically, is international airspace. However you can send warning to that aircraft first. If that aircraft doesn't follow instruction and for whatever reason head in the wrong direction toward territorial airspace of our country (12 nautical miles), then we will consider the commercial aircraft is being hijack and we will use whatever necessarily to bring it down and the world cannot blame us as we already provide warning in our ADIZ. Now arm military aircraft is a totally different matter. It is consider a preemptive invasion on our airspace and we will shoot it down without any warning. This is why almost every international commercial planes follow our ADIZ rule because they fear of the accident caused by disobeying our warning. For safety reason, we advice you listen.
In international laws, you cannot shoot any aircraft operating in ADIZ, which still technically, is international airspace. However you can send warning to that aircraft first. If that aircraft doesn't follow instruction and for whatever reason head in the wrong direction toward territorial airspace of our country (12 nautical miles), then we will consider the commercial aircraft is being hijack and we will use whatever necessarily to bring it down and the world cannot blame us as we already provide warning in our ADIZ. Now arm military aircraft is a totally different matter. It is consider a preemptive invasion on our airspace and we will shoot it down without any warning. This is why almost every international commercial planes follow our ADIZ rule because they fear of the accident caused by disobeying our warning. For safety reason, we advice you listen.

In germany we would not shot down even an hijacked airliner. Our constitution doesn't allow to put ones life over someone else. I think that is the best solution. If you would shot down one of our airliners this would be considered murder. And as far as i know no european, no korean and no japanese airplanes follows this ADIZ rule. Why should we? We don't accept this and see it as simple international airspace.

American airplanes went there armed and your forces did not react either. I doubt China would risk a war over this.

And let me ask you a question. If a chinese civilian airliner has a technical problem and can't contact ground control and goes into our airspace, reacts to no message, would you understand if our airforce shots it down and agree with this? Would you really say "well its bad but i understand that the germans did this." ?
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