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China fighters in "dangerous" brush with Japanese planes !

Japan can do in its airspace whatever it wants. Beside that Japan did not accept this ADIZ and China has no right to tell japan where unarmed airplanes fly.
Japan can do in its airspace whatever it wants. Beside that Japan did not accept this ADIZ and China has no right to tell japan where unarmed airplanes fly.
It is not Japan territorial airspace, so China can send fighters to follow Japan airplanes. Specially China had informed ADIZ to Japan, although didn't accept but it's legal for China fighters to fly in international airspace, and no rule forbid to flight much close to Japan airplanes.
It is not Japan territorial airspace, so China can send fighters to follow Japan airplanes. Specially China had informed ADIZ to Japan, although didn't accept but it's legal for China fighters to fly in international airspace, and no rule forbid to flight much close to Japan airplanes.

The EU sees it as japanese airspace. We stand on japans position here so naturally we agree with japans opinion in this. The EU also does not recognize the chinese claims and european airplanes too do not inform the chinese authorities. Infact each day lufthansa machines go through it woithout cooperation or information towards China. What will be next? That you harass civilian airliners?

This is not against China in any way but this "zone" is a non issue here.
Did any leader of the fallen EU countries ever clearly expressed support to the Japan ADIZ, or claimed that area is Japan's legal airspace, in public?

fallen? Come back when your people earn at least 10% of what the lowest class in the EU earns.

That evry day dozens of EU planes fly through this zone without contacting China should be statement enough. No need to waste any more time for this nonsense.

Oh and Merkel made a funny and interesting statement when chinese leader visit us. She gave him a gift. A map that shows him chinese boarders. :D


She even showed him his countries boarders:


That was a classic and cultuvated kick in the balls. Merkel is known for such subtile and ice cold served "gifts". She later denied him to visit the holocaust memorial and hold a speech there, so he can´t use it for anti japanese propaganda.

Merkel declines to show Chinese President Holocaust memorial site - Telegraph

Jinping was humilated again and again from Merkel on this visit. ;)
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fallen? Come back when your people earn at least 10% of what the lowest class in the EU earns.

That evry day dozens of EU planes fly through this zone without contacting China should be statement enough. No need to waste any more time for this nonsense.

that's why I said fallen, ofc you are richer than China, when did I deny the fact? But your income level and GDP per capital is around the same level for decades. Greece is bankrupt, Iceland too, all your EU countries are waiting for bail out. China is poorer than you, but we are improving faster than you. You can never see China as nothing important.

Your EU leaders will never in the public support Japan ADIZ, that's truth, but hurt you? Of course, you can hate China, we don't care, but your government is waiting for our investment and contract. You Europeans just feel too good, aren't you?
EU is fallen, hundreds of people are waiting for government aid, why? Because they are too lazy too work, they are the burden of this society
The EU sees it as japanese airspace. We stand on japans position here so naturally we agree with japans opinion in this. The EU also does not recognize the chinese claims and european airplanes too do not inform the chinese authorities. Infact each day lufthansa machines go through it woithout cooperation or information towards China. What will be next? That you harass civilian airliners?

This is not against China in any way but this "zone" is a non issue here.
Did China care EU, or follow EU orders ? The ADIZ only for China national interests in East China Sea. Japan can disagree with it, PLAAF also can send fighters to follow them.
The EU sees it as japanese airspace. We stand on japans position here so naturally we agree with japans opinion in this. The EU also does not recognize the chinese claims and european airplanes too do not inform the chinese authorities. Infact each day lufthansa machines go through it woithout cooperation or information towards China. What will be next? That you harass civilian airliners?

This is not against China in any way but this "zone" is a non issue here.
Yes , EU and US always has biased opinion upon China.

Tell me why Japs can draw AIDZ and we chinese can not.

Because Jap is pro-eu/us ?

And next time when RU bomber circles Jap , ask Abe to shot down the bomber or shut the FK up.
go to ask your leaders to protest aginst us? if they dare. You imbecile American lapdogs here open your filthy mouth to represent EU?

Merkel did show often enough what she things about China. The map gift and denieing Xi a visit to certain memorials was one thing. This here another:


Yes , EU and US always has biased opinion upon China.

Tell me why Japs can draw AIDZ and we chinese can not.

Because Jap is pro-eu/us ?

And next time when RU bomber circles Jap , ask Abe to shot down the bomber or shut the FK up.

Russia send propeller bombers build in the 60th. Do you honestly think anyone is scared from such things? We live in the 21st century.

And i said before, we are not biased against China. Japan is our friend and China just a business partner. What do you expect?

If my friend goes into an argument with a local shop owner do you think i support the shop owner or my friend?
ADIZ is not a no-fly-zone.
respect the rule!
What rule did we break? Next time when you talk to me, you better know what you are talking about.

We don´t hate China. The thing is, Japan is our friend and China just a business partner.

And you talk about growth. German grows with roughly 1% per year. Thats good for a post industrial nation. We already reached the absolute top. If we would grow like China the world would collapse. I´m happy that you try to reach our standard and hope you suceed. Its good when people stop being poor. I have nothing against China. Why do you mention Iceland? Its not even part of the EU. Greece is small and its economy smaller than the economy of a single german city like Stuttgart. Beside that greece recovers. Economy is always an up and down.

The thing is as i said before, we see Japan as friend. We trust them. There is common loyality between our nations. China is just a business partner and not a friend. And it is my understanding that you don´t betray a friend. And we won´t betray Japan. Merkel made this very clear.
You are correct. We are business partner. There is no love and loss between us. We need to keep our distance and work on mutual economic benefit. Don't try interfere in our internal affair or whitewash our population with your Western liberal democracy. Keep our distance. We are socialist country with Chinese characteristics. Our friends are Russian and Pakistan.
What rule did we break? Next time when you talk to me, you better know what you are talking about.
your fighter jets came too close and risked a fatal collision. Keep distance!
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