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China Interfere's in other countries Affairs?

Kosovo and Iraq are two different animals. In Kosovo a secular (but still a Judeo-Christian nation) the US, destroyed a Christian nation, Serbia, to give freedom to a muslim majority province of Kosovo. The minority of Serbians in Kosovo today are hanging by a thread. Wait until Jizia is imposed on them. Ask the Kosavars about the US (they just erected a huge statue to Clinton) and you will truly understand the significance of what happened. Never in history has an event like that ever happened.

Bush was an isolationist, he wanted to look after the interest of the american citizen. He had zero interest (or knowledge) of world affairs, then 9/11 happened. After Afghanistan we went into Iraq to free "the Iraqi"s from Sadaam" . Even I, who was pretty knowledgeable of the area, was suprised of the sunni/shia hatred, and slaughter. This was our biggest failure in Iraq.

For me the night is always young, you never know what the future holds.

For the record I've had some wonderful times in Xiamen with strangers I met (I could barely walk to my hotel room). I have some great friends in Karachi who i have to make time for.:cheers:

So you conveniently take an example of a genocide that was perpetrated against the Muslims and turn it into an anti Islamic rhetoric, trying to show those b@$tard serbs as humans and victims. So by this I can say that the Jews deserved it too, from Hitler. Hope that is acceptable by you. And thank you for the liberation of Iraq frankly how stupid can you be man, or is it the national duty of you hill billies to defend any thing and every thing that is the US and no matter how wrong it was.
So you conveniently take an example of a genocide that was perpetrated against the Muslims and turn it into an anti Islamic rhetoric, trying to show those b@$tard serbs as humans and victims. So by this I can say that the Jews deserved it too, from Hitler. Hope that is acceptable by you. And thank you for the liberation of Iraq frankly how stupid can you be man, or is it the national duty of you hill billies to defend any thing and every thing that is the US and no matter how wrong it was.

Sorry buddy,for jumping in, just like to let you know you are dealing

with an Indian hiding behind an American flag.
Sorry buddy,for jumping in, just like to let you know you are dealing

with an Indian hiding behind an American flag.

So I think I should him a wannabe hill billy............The guy is doing a very bad pr service for the Americans. They kill people in the name of democrazy and his country in the name of secularism and enlightenment. :pakistan::cheers::china:
The problem is NOT China's lack of "interference" in other countries, rather it is that China is not helping enough by lending a strong hand -- take for instance Pakistan. I wish China can do more for Pakistan, but I realize now is not ideal.

What do I mean? Every intelligent Pakistani knows this who GWOT is bullsh!t. There is NO "war-on-terror", rather it is a "war-of-terror"..... against whom?

Taliban? NO. Most supposed talibans are really only local poor farmers who want foreigner invaders to GET-THE-FVCK-OUT.

AQ? NO. AQ is a creation of CIA-MOSSAD. 9/11 was a jewish inside job, plain and simple!

So whom is this GWOT against? The GWOT is against Muslims, plain and simple. It's also against all "3rd world nations", or anyone who DARES to stand up for their human rights and dignity! We "sub-humans" are striving to improve our lives. We know the aggressors mantra "Might is Right! White is Right!" And so our ONLY hope is to strengthen ourselves so we can defend OUR human rights against these "foreign" aggressors! China is the beacon of hope for the "3rd world" "sub-humans", but China is not strong enough to stand up against USA + EU. And that is the reason why China can not help Pakistan as much as it wants to. :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:

Are u insisting that china is the saviour of the human rights in the third world countries? :rofl::rofl:..............

how can you give such a bold statement man?
Just see the history of china with regard to human rights and then post.
and again we haven't seen the true colors of china yet, just wait and see :agree:
Are u insisting that china is the saviour of the human rights in the third world countries? :rofl::rofl:..............

how can you give such a bold statement man?
Just see the history of china with regard to human rights and then post.
and again we haven't seen the true colors of china yet, just wait and see :agree:

You are quite right MKI. PRC's record on interference was abysmal - in the precious few times when it did. Here is where the CCP falls down flat - it not only hasn't shown any willingness to come clean on the Cultural Revolution and related shenanigans (except through "back channels" with endless hand-wringing), it should express regret - to say the very least about involvement in the rise of the Khmer Rouge.

Anyhow, this is not to excuse the Saffronists (or their less explicitly "organge" fore-bearers) who sent part-time soldiers and full-time rapists to Sri Lanka as "peace-keepers" - even though I could be convinced that Rajiv was to a meaningful extent motivated to keep peace.

Cliche has it that the road to h#ll is paved with good intentions.

Message to all (IMHO): the choice is not always polar as that between either Rwanda or Sudetenland - with no in-beweens. That's the neo-con hegemonist version which they promote for their own end.

Imperialism doesn't work - be it the Star/striped, Saffron-coloured, Hammer-sickled, or Maoist/"Han-ist" versions.

The problem is NOT China's lack of "interference" in other countries, rather it is that China is not helping enough by lending a strong hand -- take for instance Pakistan. I wish China can do more for Pakistan, but I realize now is not ideal.

What do I mean? Every intelligent Pakistani knows this who GWOT is bullsh!t. There is NO "war-on-terror", rather it is a "war-of-terror"..... against whom?

Taliban? NO. Most supposed talibans are really only local poor farmers who want foreigner invaders to GET-THE-FVCK-OUT.

AQ? NO. AQ is a creation of CIA-MOSSAD. 9/11 was a jewish inside job, plain and simple!

So whom is this GWOT against? The GWOT is against Muslims, plain and simple. It's also against all "3rd world nations", or anyone who DARES to stand up for their human rights and dignity! We "sub-humans" are striving to improve our lives. We know the aggressors mantra "Might is Right! White is Right!" And so our ONLY hope is to strengthen ourselves so we can defend OUR human rights against these "foreign" aggressors! China is the beacon of hope for the "3rd world" "sub-humans", but China is not strong enough to stand up against USA + EU. And that is the reason why China can not help Pakistan as much as it wants to.

Since no one really took this one up. Then I will. No country, IMO, is a "beacon of hope" for anyone in the truest sense of the word.

The best a nation-state can do is to inspire others. When they "help" - all beware. The PRC has been helping Pakistan from a distance - for mutual reasons, and by mutual consensus. There is no dishonour in that. Sometimes the "help" was conducted at an arm's length, other times the distance can be stretched quite far.

That, IMHO, is staying on the right track.

Pakistan has Pakistan's destiny and I sincerely hope her reach for the stars (and believe or not, I hope the same for India and China - and Canada for that matter, with her big brother to the south :azn:). And the destiny should include mending the fence with India one day and may include reaching deeper into Central Asia/Western Asia/rest of the world hopefully.

But it's no one's place to "shape" the destiny for her, except by herself. And this self-shaping can be quite lonely, and painful - especially during moments as those we live today.

Now it comes to the sister's favourite sport (or her only real sport for that matter): pin this and everything on the "Joos" - and "Hindoo Joos" :what:.

For the sake of my own time, I will opt to speak "cryptically": the difference between a little "narcotics" once in a while to ease the "pain" and help the fight vs injecting it to a level of addiction/respiratory depression so one escapes reality is the difference between life and death.

If the above sounds like "speaking in tongues" to anyone - then I apologize, and you are clearly not the intended audience anyways.

Beware of the sister's rhetoric - I have no problem with someone "sugar-coating" a bitter pill. But beware of those who give you a sugar-coated poison pill.

:cheers: and :pakistan:
. .
Kosovo and Iraq are two different animals. In Kosovo a secular (but still a Judeo-Christian nation) the US, destroyed a Christian nation, Serbia, to give freedom to a muslim majority province of Kosovo. The minority of Serbians in Kosovo today are hanging by a thread. Wait until Jizia is imposed on them. Ask the Kosavars about the US (they just erected a huge statue to Clinton) and you will truly understand the significance of what happened. Never in history has an event like that ever happened.

Bush was an isolationist, he wanted to look after the interest of the american citizen. He had zero interest (or knowledge) of world affairs, then 9/11 happened. After Afghanistan we went into Iraq to free "the Iraqi"s from Sadaam" . Even I, who was pretty knowledgeable of the area, was suprised of the sunni/shia hatred, and slaughter. This was our biggest failure in Iraq.

I almost forgot to reply to this one, Nomad. Your argument will only logically stand if you believe America is waging or should be waging a "Judeo-Chrisitian-Muslim" war.

Nothing should be further from the truth, IMO.

This entire concept of "Judeo-Christian-hood" seems to me a 20th century New World construct that gained particular traction only after WWII had rendered both faiths ash heaps - at least in their former "joint habitat" where they flourished for nearly two millennia. How many more rivers of blood must flow to usher in a "Judeo-Christian-Muslim-People-of-the-book" construct in another 50-100 years as a gesture of reconciliation?

Not that I am particularly advocating another pseudo-religious construct for political expediency. But I simply wish to point out - what's sauce for the goose, is sauce for the gander.

It's far better to "live and let live" now, than kill and be killed later. It seems that only the Catholics are concerned with the so-called "Just War" these days. Though I am no Catholic - but it strikes me that the Pope is doing more than many the so-called Protestant leaders, particularly on this side of the Pacific/Atlantic.

As an example - Mullah Hagee to me is simply Taliban with a Cross.

Now if you say your war is really a defensive struggle of Secularism vs Fanaticism - then Kosovo and Iraq are two putrid fruits hanging from the same accursed tree.

I blame part of GWB's folly on Bill Clinton's "precedence" in Kosovo. Now I make a clear distinction between Kosovo and Bosnia. In a land of anarchy and organized atrocities that bordered on genocide (as in Bosnia), intervention was just. But carving out Kosovo was inexcusable - Kosavars being Muslims or not (to you that seems to bear singular significance).

There is no need to discuss Iraq, except to say that if your goal was to wage wars to protect "Secular Christendom" - then you would've had no better friend than in Saddam, who was as nominal a Muslim as nominal Muslims went (as told to me).

So I take exceptions with your statements above from ideological, factual, and even logical perspectives.

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Buddy, ignore him, he is just a typical Indian troll with hate "Built in"

Thats why i don't even reply him. :pakistan::cheers::china:

Buddy for your knowledge i don't hate your country nor Pakistan ..I came to this forum to know more about your countries ..Yes when you criticize my country I counter your arguments..if you think that trolling then i cant help you...I didnt meant to offend you by asking that question because his country flag shows he is from US and you were saying that he is an Indian..Well i dont have the insight to know which country he is really from so I am not arguing about it ..

Sorry for derailing the thread
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HAHAHAHH Adrenaline's banned!!! And I'm still here...Lol, how do I get along here...I feel...Privileged! Sorry for derailing the thread, I got carried away by Seiko.
The problem is NOT China's lack of "interference" in other countries, rather it is that China is not helping enough by lending a strong hand -- take for instance Pakistan. I wish China can do more for Pakistan, but I realize now is not ideal.

What do I mean? Every intelligent Pakistani knows this who GWOT is bullsh!t. There is NO "war-on-terror", rather it is a "war-of-terror"..... against whom?

Taliban? NO. Most supposed talibans are really only local poor farmers who want foreigner invaders to GET-THE-FVCK-OUT.

AQ? NO. AQ is a creation of CIA-MOSSAD. 9/11 was a jewish inside job, plain and simple!

So whom is this GWOT against? The GWOT is against Muslims, plain and simple. It's also against all "3rd world nations", or anyone who DARES to stand up for their human rights and dignity! We "sub-humans" are striving to improve our lives. We know the aggressors mantra "Might is Right! White is Right!" And so our ONLY hope is to strengthen ourselves so we can defend OUR human rights against these "foreign" aggressors! China is the beacon of hope for the "3rd world" "sub-humans", but China is not strong enough to stand up against USA + EU. And that is the reason why China can not help Pakistan as much as it wants to. :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:

IMHO, the most Pakistan need is not money, but a STRONG leader, like Putin or Deng Xiaoping. The inconsistency of policies is fatal to a developing country. Democracy, to a certain extent, is a beautiful mirage for poors, in which many lost. I am glad China knows what benefits its people and implementing so without hesitation.

China is helping Pakistan with a lot infrastructure development, tech R&D and co-operation projects - roads, ports, factories, etc.. Those are the real future, though they are not striking the eyes as $$$ does.

I almost forgot to reply to this one, Nomad. Your argument will only logically stand if you believe America is waging or should be waging a "Judeo-Chrisitian-Muslim" war.

Nothing should be further from the truth, IMO.

Even my reply is late,the USA is not and will never wage a "Judeo-Chrisitian-Muslim" war as there is no longer a Judeo- Christian country. When you talked about Kosovo and Iraq, the only thing I said was a (Judeo christian) but secular country. This is how I describe the US today and will do so tomorrow.The values, morals, and ethics of the US and all European countries have come from Judeo - Christian principles, but peace has made all these countries forget where they come from.

This entire concept of "Judeo-Christian-hood" seems to me a 20th century New World construct that gained particular traction only after WWII had rendered both faiths ash heaps - at least in their former "joint habitat" where they flourished for nearly two millennia. How many more rivers of blood must flow to usher in a "Judeo-Christian-Muslim-People-of-the-book" construct in another 50-100 years as a gesture of reconciliation?

You cannot separate the Christians from the Jews as the Old testament are entirely their books. The New Testament is the teachings of Jesus and his followers. The Christians did many wrongs but those wrongs are in the "ash heaps" of history.

Not that I am particularly advocating another pseudo-religious construct for political expediency. But I simply wish to point out - what's sauce for the goose, is [C
OLOR="Blue"]sauce for the gander[/COLOR].

There is nothing "pseudo-religious" for any expediency, this is the reality.

It's far better to "live and let live" now, than kill and be killed later. It seems that only the Catholics are concerned with the so-called "Just War" these days. Though I am no Catholic - but it strikes me that the Pope is doing more than many the so-called Protestant leaders, particularly on this side of the Pacific/Atlantic.

"Live and let let live" is a wonderful way of looking at life, but my philosophy has been "You slap me once shame on you, you slap me twice, shame on me." Spare me any lectures about the Pope.

s an example - Mullah Hagee to me is simply Taliban with a Cross.

Give me one message of Jesus that has hate or of any Mullah.

Now if you say your war is really a defensive struggle of Secularism vs Fanaticism - then Kosovo and Iraq are two putrid fruits hanging from the same accursed tree.

Why those two different issues came to fore are totally different. The only accursed part is one view point.....Unfortunately I have to leave, we will discuss the other issues later.

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