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China-India Border Talks


Aug 4, 2009
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An interesting article by Xinhua.com on China-India border talks -

China rejects report on border talks with India_English_Xinhua

Apparently, a Hong Kong newspaper had falsely suggested that as per border talks, China was willing to hold only 28% of the disputed territory with India.

Well.. at least we two are trying to resolve the border dispute through diplomacy.
An interesting article by Xinhua.com on China-India border talks -

China rejects report on border talks with India_English_Xinhua

Apparently, a Hong Kong newspaper had falsely suggested that as per border talks, China was willing to hold only 28% of the disputed territory with India.

Well.. at least we two are trying to resolve the border dispute through diplomacy.

well even if the 28% is true the government will never admit it cause then the other guys know what ur baselines are. the point of meetings is to get as much as the other guys willing to give up
i hope this time they will solve this issue.
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as the border talks r going on China's PLA strengthing their muscles on the border to put pressure on INDIA..... but this time if they make misadventure like "62" Indian Army will surely hit their A§§ hardly........
as the border talks r going on China's PLA strengthing their muscles on the border to put pressure on INDIA..... but this time if they make misadventure like "62" Indian Army will surely hit their A§§ hardly........

When I was a kid and wasn't aware of facts on ground, I used to see dramas on Doordershan (Indian State TV) about Indian/China war and how India "crushed" them and made Chinese beg for their life before Indian soldiers. But later, I was surprise the moment I came to know that in that war, India lost its territory to China and China is still holding up that part and is claiming for more. If India has grown stronger, China has grown stronger too. How have you planned to "hit their a$$ hard" this time? like the way you did before or by making few more dramas showing Chinese "touching Indian soldier's feet and requesting them to let go"?
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as the border talks r going on China's PLA strengthing their muscles on the border to put pressure on INDIA..... but this time if they make misadventure like "62" Indian Army will surely hit their A§§ hardly........
INDIA better not mess around with china, or else INDIAN army would be dying of cheap bombs. i guess it would be kinda entertaining seeing our neighbor being destroyed like that lol. no offence, but that's the fact...
i don't get it why is this border issue so hard to be solved.everyone know that McMahon is a illegal line, former dalai was born in your "Arunachal" ,and there is not Arunachal in this world before 1987,even 2000 miles away KMT don't recognise this line,it's like india is crying for a war
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i don't get it why is this border issue so hard to be solved.everyone know that McMahon is a illegal line, former dalai was born in your "Arunachal" ,and there is not Arunachal in this world before 1987,even 2000 miles away KMT don't recognise this line,it's like india is crying for a war

Friend if india crying for a war than china should provide one. Why think about it? Worried of the result? My advice to your china is stop having a meetings. Meetings wont let solve the problem. Look at india and pakistan. Do you think meeting would led to solving kashmir problem? Meeting is just a bone to keep opposite country busy. If china wants solution than 'war' is only way to test other countrys power. In short stop the girly meetings. Meet like a man in wars ground. And by the way its china who kept saying and crying give our anurachal pradesh. What's the use having largest army in the world if u keep having a meetings.
INDIA better not mess around with china, or else INDIAN army would be dying of cheap bombs. i guess it would be kinda entertaining seeing our neighbor being destroyed like that lol. no offence, but that's the fact...

Thats the problem china had friend. Cheap bombs??? Do u think india wearing bangals? Do u think only china has bombs? If yes than u gotta do some research on indian military too. Am sure u will find quantity vs QUALITY. India more accurate while china depends on number. All they have is number.
as the border talks r going on China's PLA strengthing their muscles on the border to put pressure on INDIA..... but this time if they make misadventure like "62" Indian Army will surely hit their A§§ hardly........

Friend i think there is huge correction. Who made moves just before the meeting started??? it wasnt china. its india. China allready has huge NUMBERS in indo-china. 3 times more than india. i just wont wonder why so large number if they are superior? (atleast they think they are). To defeat one indian soldier they need 3 chinees soldiers? Now thats funny. It shows how insecure and worried china is. Anyway friend now china cant make move. They already made alot moves on indo-china border. Now all they can do is watch india making moves and than object indian moves.
Friend if india crying for a war than china should provide one. Why think about it? Worried of the result? My advice to your china is stop having a meetings. Meetings wont let solve the problem. Look at india and pakistan. Do you think meeting would led to solving kashmir problem? Meeting is just a bone to keep opposite country busy. If china wants solution than 'war' is only way to test other countrys power. In short stop the girly meetings. Meet like a man in wars ground. And by the way its china who kept saying and crying give our anurachal pradesh. What's the use having largest army in the world if u keep having a meetings.

don't ask me ,things will be totally different if i am the P,probably Hu have big plan than india,probably PLA already have plan for india,probably they just hope india could push your "forward policy" again,probably they just hope india will be the next soviet in the arms race with us,god knows
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Thats the problem china had friend. Cheap bombs??? Do u think india wearing bangals? Do u think only china has bombs? If yes than u gotta do some research on indian military too. Am sure u will find quantity vs QUALITY. India more accurate while china depends on number. All they have is number.

i am sure india has bombs, india's bombs have to cross over 2000miles to beijing,but china's bomb only need to fly less than 400 miles to New Delhi
long missile : short missile,really can't agree with your "quantity vs QUALITY" point if india's Agni-III is unable to reach guam
Friend i think there is huge correction. Who made moves just before the meeting started??? it wasnt china. its india. China allready has huge NUMBERS in indo-china. 3 times more than india. i just wont wonder why so large number if they are superior? (atleast they think they are). To defeat one indian soldier they need 3 chinees soldiers? Now thats funny. It shows how insecure and worried china is. Anyway friend now china cant make move. They already made alot moves on indo-china border. Now all they can do is watch india making moves and than object indian moves.

clearly you are high,stop taking your media 's “propaganda”
i am sure indian army is powerful and capable of fighting with anyone. india might have bombs and BANGALS, but remember chinese dont wear bangals at all. it does not matter what quality of bombs china has, indian army would still suffer. The point is that instead of getting destroyed by cheap bombs, INDIAN army should rather back off. fighting with china could also be a reason of inviting china to capture some indian territory, since india is such a big country that indian government can't control some of the areas and want to get rid of those areas. GREAT STRATEGY!!
i am sure indian army is powerful and capable of fighting with anyone. india might have bombs and BANGALS, but remember chinese dont wear bangals at all. it does not matter what quality of bombs china has, indian army would still suffer. The point is that instead of getting destroyed by cheap bombs, INDIAN army should rather back off. fighting with china could also be a reason of inviting china to capture some indian territory, since india is such a big country that indian government can't control some of the areas and want to get rid of those areas. GREAT STRATEGY!!

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