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Ready to work with India to settle border dispute: China

Europian nations resolved their issues and create NATO. there is hardly a dispute among western nations, but when we see the picture of asia..its totally different. Asia is the home of awesome and old civilized countries, but dispute between the nations are making it weak. whether it is indo-Pak, Indo-China, China- japan-S. Korea-Vietnam, Indo- bangladesh....almost every country in Asia has dispute..i really wish all the disputes will get resolved peacefully and we can make a prosper and powerful asia..Asia has immense pool of talent and capability which need to be exposed for good future of each citizen of every nation
Indp-Chinese naval fleets will not allow U.S. domination either in Pacific Ocean or South China seas unchallenged . Best of luck to other countries .

Thats right.Due to Indian pressure Maldives already reject US movement for a naval base in Indian ocean.
India modernizing IN for avoiding over involvement of USN in our area.China modernizing PLAN for Pacific Ocean.
May there is a dispute between India and China.But we both must keep US away from our backyard and must prevent US meddling with our affairs.
Thats right.Due to Indian pressure Maldives already reject US movement for a naval base in Indian ocean.
India modernizing IN for avoiding over involvement of USN in our area.China modernizing PLAN for Pacific Ocean.
May there is a dispute between India and China.But we both must keep US away from our backyard and must prevent US meddling with our affairs.
Bangladesh also Started to strengthen its armed forces with goal and Navy has gotten most priority.
Bangladesh also Started to strengthen its armed forces with goal and Navy has gotten most priority.

BD can get more chance in Navy and AF like UK.Due to country size there is severe limitations in Army modernization .But
you can develop better AF and Navy .
Frankly, China's biggest military concerns come from the Pacific region. Not from the Western border.

India could help the USA in their goal to contain China (everyone knows that is their goal even if they publicly say we are cooperative partners).

Or India could solve the border dispute with China, then we could both relax on the Sino-Indian border, to concentrate on the bigger threats.

The geography of the Himalayas already rules out the possibility of a full-scale land war in any case.

And the nature of our differing economic growth models would lead to a great deal of benefit from economic cooperation rather than direct competition.
I donot know whether you will believe this or not but it was China that did not want to solve the border issue till about a few years back - till atleast 2005-6ish.
Maybe it was a way to keep the pressure India, a lever of influence as such to pressurize India when needed - like whenever India would be in confrontation with Pakistan -or maybe just to keep their options open.

Or maybe the Hawks were more influential in China at that time. However India was very keen till then to solve it and be done with it.

Today, US has quite a lot of influence in India, which was not the case till even 2005. Somehow our relationship with US has grown exponentially each year. A significant aspect of concern now is China in that relationship.

China's strong arming tactics in SCS, has also shored up our alliances with Japan and Vietnam in East Asia and also shown Indian politicians that China is not about peace if you are weak.

As of now however I truly do not know whether its China still stalling or India has decided to milk its relationship with US and Japan in the name of China and has now started stalling herself.

The wise course of action however in any case for both India and China is to finalize the border agreement, sign it and end the issue. This would automatically render any Indian need to strengthen offensive capabilities near the Chinese border moot, and China would have one of its largest borders become completely stable and secure. And what is much more important in the long run, China would have transformed a potential rival to a staunch supporter of China's rise.

There is one thing that West knows very well and we compeletely dont - they fight wars in distant lands and make double sure to keep peace near home. If India and China become rivals, its US/Europe who laugh their way to the bank.

China offered that , India refused .
Please read my post.
It was decades back when that offer was made and rejected. India has changed its policies and priorities since then.
2014 will be crucial for Indo- China relationship. media should also be mature who always pinpoint only on negatives and western media makes best of it to shake the relationship between these two great countries.why should we blame western media when our media is behaving like a kid. some more work should be done to increase the cultural relationship, but nothing much has been done to remove the shadow of ignorance about shared culture and spritual past.there should be communication beyond leaders to include people of both countries. Lets hope for the best.
I donot know whether you will believe this or not but it was China that did not want to solve the border issue till about a few years back - till atleast 2005-6ish.
Maybe it was a way to keep the pressure India, a lever of influence as such to pressurize India when needed - like whenever India would be in confrontation with Pakistan -or maybe just to keep their options open.

Or maybe the Hawks were more influential in China at that time. However India was very keen till then to solve it and be done with it.

Today, US has quite a lot of influence in India, which was not the case till even 2005. Somehow our relationship with US has grown exponentially each year. A significant aspect of concern now is China in that relationship.

China's strong arming tactics in SCS, has also shored up our alliances with Japan and Vietnam in East Asia and also shown Indian politicians that China is not about peace if you are weak.

As of now however I truly do not know whether its China still stalling or India has decided to milk its relationship with US and Japan in the name of China and has now started stalling herself.

The wise course of action however in any case for both India and China is to finalize the border agreement, sign it and end the issue. This would automatically render any Indian need to strengthen offensive capabilities near the Chinese border moot, and China would have one of its largest borders become completely stable and secure. And what is much more important in the long run, China would have transformed a potential rival to a staunch supporter of China's rise.

There is one thing that West knows very well and we compeletely dont - they fight wars in distant lands and make double sure to keep peace near home. If India and China become rivals, its US/Europe who laugh their way to the bank.

Please read my post.
It was decades back when that offer was made and rejected. India has changed its policies and priorities since then.

Oh the Indo China border is very secure. China can withdraw all but the border police and nothing would happen. We are both nuclear countries, but also our nukes are about 10 times more powerful than yours more or less. Not that we would ever use it or need to use it, but what's there is there.

India US relationship is good for us, if US can make India strong, that would be great. I'm not sure if you are aware, but US China had a honey moon period too, but you know what changed? We became powerful. The same will happen to India US relationship, just a matter of time, so I am not worried.

Japan Vietnam relationship? Means nothing, more of a trade deal, even if it comes to war, US won't come to Vietnam's aid, but India will? With what? India at this moment, like China cannot project force, our army isn't like American air cav, so the mobility is an issue. Our air forces lack the transport power of the US like globemaster ( I know India has some, but not nearly enough for a battle involving China), while our navy is more of a defense force than a force projection force, I know two carriers, but two American carrier can launch over 100 fighters+AEW, India and China can't launch AEW and can't launch enough to deter the other.

Even if the assault comes from Tibet, India still need these transports, which unless you can do magic, you don't have it.

As to holding off the talks? What do you think changed between now and then? Did India recognize China superiority or vise versa? IF not then what can we talk about? The only remaining option is to recognize each other's territory, China can't due to the current disputes and would set a bad precedent, while India can't if your politicians ever want to be elected again. So really nothing to talk about.

So to sum up, nothing to talk about, and Chinese border west of Tibet is very secure. As to these web of alliances? Too shallow or just plain unhealthy.
It was decades back when that offer was made and rejected. India has changed its policies and priorities since then.

Easy way to find out.

We made the offer of a swap, and India rejected it. This is a matter of public knowledge.

If India has TRULY changed its mind, then why don't they come out and publicly state they would be willing to do that?

When India's General JJ Singh recently hinted that India should be willing to compromise, he was shot down by the nationalists and the government.

China made it clear that we were willing to compromise with a swap. It is India who is refusing to say the same.
Easy way to find out.

We made the offer of a swap, and India rejected it. This is a matter of public knowledge.
If India has TRULY changed its mind, then why don't they come out and publicly state they would be willing to do that?
When India's General JJ Singh recently hinted that India should be willing to compromise, he was shot down by the nationalists and the government.
China made it clear that we were willing to compromise with a swap. It is India who is refusing to say the same.
Because India is a democracy and as such there are limitations on how the Govt can act and what it can declare..dealings on sensitive topics are not declared till they are finalized.

These issues would be discussed between the SR of India and China. Not made public.

Oh the Indo China border is very secure. China can withdraw all but the border police and nothing would happen. We are both nuclear countries, but also our nukes are about 10 times more powerful than yours more or less. Not that we would ever use it or need to use it, but what's there is there.
There is a concept that the French pointed out. It does not matter if you have nukes 10 times more powerful as long as we can destroy you once.

Fear of being destroyed 10 times over is the same as being destroyed once.

And so.. nukes also donot prevent a knife fight do they.
If a limited border skirmish happens between India and China, it would be messy.
If it escalates to a border war, it would be ugly for both economies and any global ambition that both nations have.

India US relationship is good for us, if US can make India strong, that would be great. I'm not sure if you are aware, but US China had a honey moon period too, but you know what changed? We became powerful. The same will happen to India US relationship, just a matter of time, so I am not worried.
You shouldnt be worried on that account.
The thing is what happens when because enhanced ties with US, India gets strong and India and China have a conflict.
Its what happens after India becomes strong. US would put its resources into ensuring a conflict between India and China.

Japan Vietnam relationship? Means nothing, more of a trade deal, even if it comes to war, US won't come to Vietnam's aid, but India will? With what? India at this moment, like China cannot project force, our army isn't like American air cav, so the mobility is an issue. Our air forces lack the transport power of the US like globemaster ( I know India has some, but not nearly enough for a battle involving China), while our navy is more of a defense force than a force projection force, I know two carriers, but two American carrier can launch over 100 fighters+AEW, India and China can't launch AEW and can't launch enough to deter the other.
Its not about what is.
Its about what will be.
India and Vietnam are both growing in power and economy.

As to holding off the talks? What do you think changed between now and then? Did India recognize China superiority or vise versa? IF not then what can we talk about? The only remaining option is to recognize each other's territory, China can't due to the current disputes and would set a bad precedent, while India can't if your politicians ever want to be elected again. So really nothing to talk about.
India got more realist.Thats what happened.
China also has pull with Indian political class. They can, should they want make sure all stake holder politicians in India understand the benefits of getting the deal.

So to sum up, nothing to talk about, and Chinese border west of Tibet is very secure. As to these web of alliances? Too shallow or just plain unhealthy.
There lies the difference and what you are not see'ing. It is from small seeds that big trees grow. These times and partnerships are just seeds.
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the solution to such a dispute is very hard to achieve, the process will be derailed as soon as it starts....
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