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Ready to work with India to settle border dispute: China

There is a concept that the French pointed out. It does not matter if you have nukes 10 times more powerful as long as we can destroy you once.

Fear of being destroyed 10 times over is the same as being destroyed once.

The point is India can't destroy China even once. Indian nukes currently lack sophisticated enough equipment to deliver nuke. It's also not that powerful. But India does have the power to cripple Chinese economy, possibly.

And so.. nukes also donot prevent a knife fight do they.
If a limited border skirmish happens between India and China, it would be messy.
If it escalates to a border war, it would be ugly for both economies and any global ambition that both nations have.

what border war, did you not read what I wrote on strategic force? India and China cannot sustain any meaningful offensive without going to far and become isolated and easy prey. In terms of economy it won't be the worst, in terms of prestige, for China it would be disastrous.

You shouldnt be worried on that account.
The thing is what happens when because enhanced ties with US, India gets strong and India and China have a conflict.
Its what happens after India becomes strong. US would put its resources into ensuring a conflict between India and China.

India China conflict isn't as important to China as China US, the same will be true for India if India gets into it with US. Also India US has had ok to good economy for a while and even if India does become somewhat strong, it would take at least a decade, by then any wars would be crazy, as China is finishing up the catching up part, but India is just strong enough to start.

Its not about what is.
Its about what will be.
India and Vietnam are both growing in power and economy.

India and China's difference isn't Vietnam, the only way Vietnam is useful to India is an excuse to start something with China, it won't add to India strength. Which brings me back to why Vietnam is useless to India but could be useful to America.

India got more realist.Thats what happened.
China also has pull with Indian political class. They can, should they want make sure all stake holder politicians in India understand the benefits of getting the deal.

benefits? Plenty, but nations are rational, but priorities are not what you think, for China it is dominance in East Asia, and we can't lose face, for India it is election. By the way India dealt with the ambassador issue it's clear as day election is #1 for everyone.

Not saying you handle it wrong or anything, but if what you assume to be rational decision makers, with PRIORITY OF INDIA OVER ELECTION, are present, that wouldn't have been handled the way it did. Again I'm not judging.

There lies the difference and what you are not see'ing. It is from small seeds that big trees grow. These times and partnerships are just seeds.

China will always be bigger trade partner to Japan, and China will always be closer in distance. The East China sea dispute is actually much closer than South. So the day China or Japan becomes the supreme power in east Asia is nigh. While India will not have any part to play in it due to distance.

India won't play a part in East Asia because it is not in East Asia nor is it US. But China can play a role in South Asia, because we are also there.

You seem to think Japan and India will counter China, but India isn't even in the picture due to geographic reasons. At most you can be in South China sea conflict, but Japan won't be in it. Look at Austro Prussian war, and how the German states changed after the Prussian victory, and see what alliances foreign players play when their strength is negligible or similar.
Easy way to find out.

We made the offer of a swap, and India rejected it. This is a matter of public knowledge.

If India has TRULY changed its mind, then why don't they come out and publicly state they would be willing to do that?

When India's General JJ Singh recently hinted that India should be willing to compromise, he was shot down by the nationalists and the government.

China made it clear that we were willing to compromise with a swap. It is India who is refusing to say the same.

What was involved with the swap?
There is no war as long as China is more powerful than India. As India is a democracy, it's very hard to persuade every party of India to make some necessary compromisation for border dispute resolution agreement. Still lots of top brass Indians conceived strong hatred toward China due to 1962 defeat, I see no hope of settlement in the near future. The best we could do is to keep the status quo.
I do not see how Sino-India border can be demarcated de jure. Maybe both sides can settle for a de facto LAC. The best opportunity for solving Sino India border demarcation was squandered and sabotage by Nehru. Then China proposed holding on to Aksai Chin -- a desert, giving the entire South Tibet aka Arunachal, the most fertile area in Tibet to India.

Nehru refused even to oblige to McMahon line, he wanted more. When Sino India War started, Indian troops were north of McMahon. After India was defeated, her elites directed the media to lie and brainwash the people, painting India as victim.

Even if China is able to control her lawmakers today, I do not think India can control her Lok Saba well enough to officially "cede" Aksai Chin, an area 1.5 times of Taiwan.
There is no war as long as China is more powerful than India
this is not correct. we want to be develop only. india don't have any intention to compete china in military front, we are building our defensive capability as a required measure to balance china's power and save our interest, be it is himalayan border or IOR.
and its make sense also when one have two disputed fronts with two different countries who have friendly relations.

it's very hard to persuade every party of India to make some necessary compromisation for border dispute resolution agreement. Still lots of top brass Indians conceived strong hatred toward China due to 1962 defeat, I see no hope of settlement in the near future
Partially i will agree with you that due to our democracy its very hard to persuade every party. they will play with sentiment of people for vote bank politics, but things are changing now and it starts from the comment of General JJ singh that india has to move on from her stand that our territory is not negotiable and very good thing is, this remark trigger introspection rather than national outrage.

The best we could do is to keep the status quo.
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