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China-India border skirmishes may become a new normal

When you are building up your military power with the sight of matching a power nothing short of US, you won't pay attention to a midget.
Let's not insult midgets here ... any association of India with them is an insult to them as well. The correct comparison would be you not paying attention to the local sewage drain :enjoy: .

  • India has stationed about 100,000 more soldiers in the disputed Himalayan area between the two countries, Wang Hongguang says
  • Indian troops could easily cross into China within a few hours, he says
Kristin Huang

Kristin Huang

Published: 8:15am, 26 Sep, 2020

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USS Ronald Reagan leads an American carrier strike group. Photo: US Navy

NAn Indian Air Force Apache helicopter on a flight in the Ladakh region on September 17. Photo: Reuters

An Indian Air Force Apache helicopter on a flight in the Ladakh region on September 17. Photo: Reuters
China should stay on alert for surprise attacks along its
disputed Himalayan border with India
, a retired Chinese general has warned, claiming that New Delhi has at least doubled its troops in the area.
Retired Chinese lieutenant general Wang Hongguang issued the warning in an article published on Li Jian, a defence-related social media account, on Wednesday.
“India only needs 50,000 soldiers to maintain the Line of Actual Control, but now, instead of withdrawing troops before the winter comes, India has added 100,000 more soldiers in Ladakh,” Wang said, referring to the disputed China-India border.
“India has doubled or tripled its troops near the Line of Actual Control; they are mostly stationed within 50km (31 miles) of Chinese territory, and they could easily cross into China in a few hours.”
The China-India border dispute: its origins and impact
30 Jul 2020

Wang is a former deputy commander of the Nanjing Military Region, now part of the Eastern Theatre Command. He did not cite a source for the troop numbers.

He said the danger of a conflict had risen and “incidents” in the Taiwan Strait and the coming US presidential election might give India an opportunity to “do something big”.

He said the Chinese military could not afford to let down their guard before mid-November.
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Wang’s assessment came just days after the two countries held a sixth round of talks between military commanders.

India’s military sends supplies to disputed China border ahead of winter
In the meeting on Monday, the two sides agreed to implement consensus reached by the leaders, strengthen communication on the ground, avoid misunderstandings, and stop sending more troops to the front line. They also agreed to refrain from unilaterally changing the situation on the ground and avoid any action that might complicate the situation.

Tensions along the border erupted in a series of border skirmishes in the remote Himalayan area of the Galwan Valley in May and June. In mid-June, Chinese and Indian troops armed only with sticks and rocks came to blows, with at least 20 Indian soldiers dead and 76 wounded. The casualties on the Chinese side are not known.

Since August, troops have clashed at least twice more and have even accused each other of firing warning shots in the air, breaking a long-standing agreement to not use firearms within 2km of the LAC.
Both sides have sent
reinforcements to the area

Indian media reported on Thursday that helicopters had been readied to support troops at forward posts throughout winter.

India to open world’s longest high-altitude tunnel strategically located near disputed China border
Hong Kong-based military commentator Song Zhongping said China had to tread carefully in relation to the additional Indian troops in the disputed region.

“India always thinks it is in an inferior position and doesn’t accept the so-called Line of Actual Control. So it’s possible that they will initiate attacks to take back the region that Indians see as belonging to them,” Song said.
Zhou Chenming, a Beijing-based military specialist, said rising nationalist sentiment in India and the big difference between the two countries over the need for troops in the area might prompt India to be more adventurous and opportunistic.

“The high nationalistic sentiment in India leaves no room for Indian troops to step back, so I think there is a high possibility of a long-term stand-off,” Zhou said.
From our archive

  • India has stationed about 100,000 more soldiers in the disputed Himalayan area between the two countries, Wang Hongguang says
  • Indian troops could easily cross into China within a few hours, he says
Kristin Huang
Kristin Huang

Published: 8:15am, 26 Sep, 2020

Why you can trust SCMP

Top US marine calls for redistribution of Pacific assets as PLA’s power grows
25 Sep 2020
The growing might of the PLA means the US needs to reconsider its military deployments in the western Pacific, America’s top marine says. Photo: Xinhua

This Week in Asia
‘We’re finally fighting our enemy’: Tibetan soldier killed on China border
25 Sep 2020
Indian soldiers pay their respects during the funeral of Nyima Tenzin in Leh. Photo: AFP

This Week in Asia
If the US and China go to war, whose side is Southeast Asia on?
21 Sep 2020
USS Ronald Reagan leads an American carrier strike group. Photo: US Navy

NAn Indian Air Force Apache helicopter on a flight in the Ladakh region on September 17. Photo: Reuters

An Indian Air Force Apache helicopter on a flight in the Ladakh region on September 17. Photo: Reuters
China should stay on alert for surprise attacks along its
disputed Himalayan border with India
, a retired Chinese general has warned, claiming that New Delhi has at least doubled its troops in the area.
Retired Chinese lieutenant general Wang Hongguang issued the warning in an article published on Li Jian, a defence-related social media account, on Wednesday.
“India only needs 50,000 soldiers to maintain the Line of Actual Control, but now, instead of withdrawing troops before the winter comes, India has added 100,000 more soldiers in Ladakh,” Wang said, referring to the disputed China-India border.
“India has doubled or tripled its troops near the Line of Actual Control; they are mostly stationed within 50km (31 miles) of Chinese territory, and they could easily cross into China in a few hours.”
The China-India border dispute: its origins and impact
30 Jul 2020
View attachment 673363

Wang is a former deputy commander of the Nanjing Military Region, now part of the Eastern Theatre Command. He did not cite a source for the troop numbers.

He said the danger of a conflict had risen and “incidents” in the Taiwan Strait and the coming US presidential election might give India an opportunity to “do something big”.

He said the Chinese military could not afford to let down their guard before mid-November.
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Wang’s assessment came just days after the two countries held a sixth round of talks between military commanders.

India’s military sends supplies to disputed China border ahead of winter
In the meeting on Monday, the two sides agreed to implement consensus reached by the leaders, strengthen communication on the ground, avoid misunderstandings, and stop sending more troops to the front line. They also agreed to refrain from unilaterally changing the situation on the ground and avoid any action that might complicate the situation.

Tensions along the border erupted in a series of border skirmishes in the remote Himalayan area of the Galwan Valley in May and June. In mid-June, Chinese and Indian troops armed only with sticks and rocks came to blows, with at least 20 Indian soldiers dead and 76 wounded. The casualties on the Chinese side are not known.

Since August, troops have clashed at least twice more and have even accused each other of firing warning shots in the air, breaking a long-standing agreement to not use firearms within 2km of the LAC.
Both sides have sent
reinforcements to the area

Indian media reported on Thursday that helicopters had been readied to support troops at forward posts throughout winter.

India to open world’s longest high-altitude tunnel strategically located near disputed China border
Hong Kong-based military commentator Song Zhongping said China had to tread carefully in relation to the additional Indian troops in the disputed region.

“India always thinks it is in an inferior position and doesn’t accept the so-called Line of Actual Control. So it’s possible that they will initiate attacks to take back the region that Indians see as belonging to them,” Song said.
Zhou Chenming, a Beijing-based military specialist, said rising nationalist sentiment in India and the big difference between the two countries over the need for troops in the area might prompt India to be more adventurous and opportunistic.

“The high nationalistic sentiment in India leaves no room for Indian troops to step back, so I think there is a high possibility of a long-term stand-off,” Zhou said.
From our archive

I thought India was on the defensive, this Chinese General claims India is on the offensive and suspects India will take advantage of US elections to attack China - lol!!
I thought India was on the defensive, this Chinese General claims India is on the offensive and suspects India will take advantage of US elections to attack China - lol!!

Chinese military always considers itself on the strategic defensive, operational offensive.
India has never attacked anyone for territorial expansion in its history, except Ranjith Singhs invasion of Tibet and obviously after 1947 Indian independence.
So it’s highly unlikely that India would launch an invasion now.
Also it will loose the moral high ground if it attacks.
I think Indians are smart enough to know, that it gives china a perfect legitimation for a full counter attack.
I thought India was on the defensive, this Chinese General claims India is on the offensive and suspects India will take advantage of US elections to attack China - lol!!

China appears to be building a narrative for further invasion of Indian controlled territory.

It's like how the US made Yugoslavia and Iraq look like they were just too powerful and dangerous for the entire world which left the US no option but to invade.
Global Times: China-India border skirmishes may become a new normal
By Huang Kangrui Source: Globaltimes.cn Published: 2020/9/26 18:04:05

In 2020, China and India have gone through a series of border conflicts. The governments and military officials from both countries have held multiple meetings on different occasions discussing the border crisis. The sixth round of military commander-level meetings between the two sides was held on Monday to further de-escalate border tensions.

Yet, it seems that the two sides have fallen into a circle of standoff — talks — standoff — talks, again and again. Against this backdrop, it is believed that three phenomena in India should be paid attention to.

Firstly, the Indian government has lost its grip on restraining certain forces of the military. Since the conflict first started in May, China and India have held many talks. On June 10, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs noted at a regular press conference that "through diplomatic and military channels, China and India have recently had effective communication and reached agreement on properly handling the situation in the west section of the China-India boundary." However, on June 15, the situation sharply worsened: Indian troops illegally crossed the Line of Actual Control (LAC) and deliberately launched provocative attacks that directly resulted in the bloody brawl of the Galwan Valley. It is hard to imagine that the Indian army's moves did not have the acquiescence or support of high-level officials.

Indian front-line troops' provocative actions obviously violated the consensus reached by the two governments. It should be expected that this force will continue to repeatedly disturb China-India border issues.

Secondly, there are profound divergences over China policy within India. Taking a look at the statements of India's different departments on border-related incidents, it is obvious that their attitudes and positions are quite different. Indeed, different departments have their own interests, so their actions are oftentimes not coordinated. Among them, the stances of the military and ministry of foreign affairs are very different, sometimes even conflicting.

On September 10, the foreign ministers of China and India held a dialogue to cool down border tensions. The meeting in Moscow conveyed the desire of both sides to maintain peace and stability before they reached a five-point consensus.

The next day, however, Bipin Rawat, chief of defense in India, took a very tough attitude and publicly declared that India's armed forces are ready for any eventuality.

Thirdly, external forces are fueling potential China-India border clashes. In May, the White House released the "United States Strategic Approach to the People's Republic of China," stating that "the United States will increase public pressure on the PRC government." It is regarded as one of US' guidelines to comprehensively contain China's development in the future

Due to the different positions of India's departments and the uncontrollable forces within the Indian military, external forces have the opportunity to take advantage of the conflicts on the China-India border.

The divergences among India's different authorities will not disappear any time soon, neither will the uncontrollable forces within the Indian military cease their provocative activities. The border issue is not just influenced by the China-India bilateral relationship, so it will be hard to wipe out border skirmishes quickly. Conflicts could sadly become a new normal along the border.

India's infrastructure and transportation capacity are, however, not strong enough to support a large-scale and long-term military confrontation along the border areas, meaning that the scale of future border clashes will be limited.

For China, we should stay alert to the possible new normal, and prevent India's radical forces from taking more provocations on border issues as an attempt to seek their political interests. Meanwhile, China should proactively conduct dialogues with peace-loving forces in India and strive to jointly control the crisis, as this serves China's core interests.

Another conflicts ladden border had been successfully created by India in it's north and east.
With an unlimited supply chain, close to our population centers vs China from a sparsely populated desert to border points where temperature drop below -10 C. Good Luck.
With an unlimited supply chain, close to our population centers vs China from a sparsely populated desert to border points where temperature drop below -10 C. Good Luck.
They can convince themselves that a defeat is a win and claim victory after their Jawans were killed and captured by the Chinese.

"India have unlimited supply chain", what a BIG JOKE.
Last time I checked, many Indians still starved to death in India.

Lets wait and see how well the Indian peasants climbing the hills in extreme cold can supply the front lines vs the Chinese supply routes with their Highways and roads.

With an unlimited supply chain, close to our population centers vs China from a sparsely populated desert to border points where temperature drop below -10 C. Good Luck.
You have a unlimited supply chain? You ammo can only last you for 10 days, supply chain is a word now reserved exclusively for China in today's world.
where temperature drop below -10 C. Good Luck.
It's not uncommon for temerature to drop below - 40 C in North east China, Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang, even in Beijing - 10 C will be considered a warm winter.

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