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China-India border skirmishes may become a new normal

Chinese forces lack the toughness and experience to fight in the 18,000 feet mountain peaks at the LAC. Those qualities can't be replaced with machinery and technology. To be honest, Pakistan has got rather more experience in mountain warfare than China. An ongoing conflict with India where both countries suffer regular casualties for decades has troops psychologically ready for a hot war in short notice. In 1962, ill prepared and heavily outnumbered Indian troops faced Chinese veteran of Korean war in NEFA and Ladakh.
This time around, things are very different in terms of troop
A fact checking is beneficial.
Don't know if the Indian troops were "ill prepared " ( which itself is an anathema for any armed forces), Just two years earlier India had routed a European power and NATO member, Portugal and taken its possessions in South Asia in a fairly professional air land and sea operation ( Goa 1960). These possessions about 3700 sq.km with strategic deep water ports and mineral resources had been held for over 450 years and Portugal lost them to India in a couple of weeks.
In the Sino-Indian conflict India had a "forward " policy and engaged in massive build up of 100s of thousands of troops and heavy equipment which had been in progress for months. India was as well prepared as it could be for the worst. Matters didn't turnout as well as it was hoped. It's not the first time an adversary is underestimated.
A fact checking is beneficial.
Don't know if the Indian troops were "ill prepared " ( which itself is an anathema for any armed forces),
In the Sino-Indian conflict India had a "forward " policy and engaged in massive build up of 100s of thousands of troops and heavy equipment which had been in progress for months. India was as well prepared as it could be for the worst. Matters didn't turnout as well as it was hoped. It's not the first time an adversary is underestimated.
Yes, a fact checking is beneficial.
And no, India didn't build up 100s of thousands of troop and heavy equipment.

The Indo-China war, that began on 20 October 1962, saw a month-long standoff between approximately 10,000-20,000 Indian troops and 80,000 Chinese troops. The war ended on 21 November, 54 years ago, after China declared a ceasefire. Amid the barrage of information available on the war, here are a few things about the war that you might not be aware of.

Indian military can't even afford to fire missiles, artillery, and tanks, etc. They can't even calibrate their weapons .
then why is Russia selling them billions of weapons currently??? this dont make any sense.
PLA never start war when enemy is prepared. War will not happen as Indian army is well prepared. As soon as disengagement reached and India lowers guard with trust. PLA will try again same drama.

Example: Taiwan

The PLA is not in the business of waiting for you to get ready. It is in the business of winning wars, as you will soon find.

Indian Army isn't ready. It won't be for decades. Indian military and economy are both puny compared to Chinese.

The fate of India will scarcely differ from that of its fascist brothers - Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan.
Indian military can't even afford to fire missiles, artillery, and tanks, etc. They can't even calibrate their weapons .
Live fire exercises are very important. I don't see India doing any due to ammunition shortages. Let's see what happens when the real war starts. They always brag before the war starts, and then complain when they lose.
Fighting a war with India will be much easier than with Taiwan. For one thing, you are not separated by a 100 mile Taiwan strait, which is already huge. And plus, there is really no threat to the Chinese ground forces, which number roughly 800,000 to 900,000 troops, so basically the entirety of the Army could be brought against you guys. Besides, saying the Indian Army is prepared is almost as funny as saying India has enough toilets for its population. You guys have less than 10 days worth of ammunition stockpiled, which is why the IA has virtually zero live fire drills (I'd be surprised if you guys even shot straight in combat). The only thing stopping you from having to learn Chinese is that China has tens of billions of dollars worth of investments in India and worries about the nuclear arsenal of India.
You seem to know a lot about military but when it comes to Indian's nuclear capability I think you way overestimate the Indians. Remember India only has nuclear fission bombs from the 50s at best. The Chinese thermonuclear test in 1967 has a higher yield than the total of all Indian fission bombs.
External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar on Thursday called the India-China border faceoff an "unprecedented situation".

Speaking at the World Economic Forum Development Impact Summit, Jaishankar said that the months-long border standoff between India and China is "one facet of a larger phenomenon for which both have to sit down and find a solution".

These were the external affairs minister's first public comments on the India-China border tensions since his meeting with Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi in Moscow earlier this month.

The two foreign ministers had met in Moscow in early September on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation meeting hosted by Russia.

During the meeting, India and China agreed on a five-point plan for resolving the prolonged border faceoff in eastern Ladakh that included abiding by all existing agreements and protocol on management of the frontier, maintaining peace and tranquillity and avoiding any action that could escalate matters.

This week, India and China agreed to stop sending more troops to the frontline, refrain from unilaterally changing the situation on the ground and avoid taking any actions that may further complicate matters.

The announcement of the decisions was made by the Indian and Chinese army in a joint statement, a day after the sixth round of Corps commander-level talks that lasted for 14-hours, in what is seen as an attempt to create an environment to resolve the over four-month-long border standoff.

However, there appeared to be no forward movement in disengagement of troops from the multiple friction points on the Line of Actual Control(LAC).

The statement said the two militaries also agreed to strengthen communication on the ground, avoid misunderstandings and misjudgments and earnestly implement the important consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries.

The Indian Army and the Chinese People's Liberation Army(PLA) have been locked in a tense standoff in multiple areas along the Line of Actual Control(LAC) in eastern Ladakh since early May.

These shameless jokers need to be exposed thoroughly, openly boast to their own population about how they will take Azad Kashmir as if there's nothing stopping them and all the BS they spout about "dealing with" Pakistan - but when they get into an altercation with a foe that is bigger, look what happens!
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