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China income inequality, top 5% make 234 times that of bottom 5%

Jun 22, 2013
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From Hong Kong's South China Morning Post

China's income inequality slowly improving, survey finds | South China Morning Post


Despite a softening Gini index, the China Family Panel Studies figure also confirmed a staggering income gap, with the top 5 per cent of households' income last year being 234 times that of the lowest 5 per cent, whose annual per capita income was about 1,000 yuan (HK$1,250).

China communist news agency Xinhua has similar report in Chinese language.


The inequality is very natural thing in a developing country, as it's a process of developing.

The main problem is not at the top, but instead the bottom. The government need to increase people salary.

Only idiots who translate the inequality problem in the developed country perspective.
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中华民族对平等的概念强过很多民族。 白人甘于封建贵族制度。白人的平等制度是很迟才建立起来的。而现在西方贵族全都可以追溯到查理曼。同样雅力安人种的印度人可以忍受种姓制度3000千年,而没杀官造反。


We will revive Maoism and a new CR to deal with these corrupt motherfckers.

BTW, it is still none of your Taibazi and Singawhoreans' business.
This is what Deng said, first some become rich and then the other become rich too, you cannot make everyone rich at the same time. As China develops, inequalities will be reduced.
中华民族对平等的概念强过很多民族。 白人甘于封建贵族制度。白人的平等制度是很迟才建立起来的。而现在西方贵族全都可以追溯到查理曼。同样雅力安人种的印度人可以忍受种姓制度3000千年,而没杀官造反。



Many say Hu did nothing, yet China witnessed unprecedented growth during that time. Some might say he had it easy because of a large and capable country like China.

But let's look at the facts, China let the way in growth and held firm while many thinks India will take over.

We tend to look at the negatives and think only how it could be better not how it could be worse.


Since you like using Chinese you must know what this means. The first two prime minister of Han dynasty, first Xiao he set the laws and policies, and his successor drink and played during his tenure. When asked why by the emperor, he said that he was not as good as Xiao and if he brazenly changed polices it will hurt more than help the empire.

This may seem like an incapable minister and in some ways it is, but during the 200 years mark, Han was usurped by another prime minister, he changed policies that were revolutionary, but not right for the time and it ended in disaster and the reclaiming of the throne by a Liu clan member and began the latter half of Han dynasty.

What some don't understand is leaders like Deng, Bismark, Napoleon, FDR only comes once every long while, that's why they are great, the rest just needs to do enough to not screw up. A tougher task than you think, just look at China in 2000, now compare China to the rest of the developing world again.

Who's to say Hu did the wrong thing.

IF you want a easier example? Inter Milan soccer club under Mourinho won the treble of Champions league, domestic league and domestic cup, the most successful season for Inter, the minute he's gone Inter went from best to worse than the rest. So before you say Hu did nothing and was useless, think long and hard, did he really do nothing.
中华民族对平等的概念强过很多民族。 白人甘于封建贵族制度。白人的平等制度是很迟才建立起来的。而现在西方贵族全都可以追溯到查理曼。同样雅力安人种的印度人可以忍受种姓制度3000千年,而没杀官造反。



No...trigger for dynastic succession is inability to meet the basic necessity of the people, which is the result in rebellions, etc. Inequality may be an indirect cause, but by itself it is not a trigger. This is the same for all human society, not just Chinese.

Also, he reason for prolonged European feudalism and caste system has to do with the availability of education for common people. Basically, nobility and caste system tends to last longer when they remain the only class of people getting educated.

Inequality in China isn't about special classes, considering that 5% of Chinese population is 60 million people, more than the population of UK. It is more about the uneven development of different geographical areas. For example, middle and western provinces such as Guizhou, Tibet, Xinjiang tend to be much poorer than Eastern coastal provinces because their development process is much slower (due to lack of sea trade route, water, etc). Vast majority of inequality in China come from this. The solution to this is continued development of infrastructure, transportation, education, etc for these regions or broadly speaking the middle-western region development plan proposed a while back. It is a long process and will take decades to take effect.
China will not die, PRC may.
Inequality is a necessary "evil" under any political system or ideology. To start, promote and run a business enterprise, one needs capital. If everybody has more or less the same amount of wealth,

1. nobody would be motivated to start a business if everybody have enough to live comfortably
2. nobody would have the capital to start any business if everybody is poor as a church mouse.

China is a still by and large a poor country. Without those "capitalists" money, nobody would have a job except those that work for the state (PRC enterprises), or be a farmer.

So it is foolish to talk about inequality when China is just starting to learn to walk.
China will not die, PRC may.
Right...just because you cannot pass the civil servant exam, doesn't mean there is someone out there to get you.
China will not die, PRC may.

I need to check how many times Singapore Li family's wealth bigger than bottom Singaporean ?

Please help us to check Lee dynasty and overthrow them. They are bunch of mofos and pro USA idiot who did a lot of thing to harm the Chinese. Recently they flood us with Indians. These people are anti Chinese and many cultural Chinese hate them.

Our only hope is China flood us with China MNC, then we can kick out all these Indians. Singaporeans Chinese today live under caste system. The USA MNC with their Indians manager together with the help of PAP government hate to hire Chinese. The IQ 82 Indians are mass imported changing our demographics.

Please come and invade us. Welcome.
Atleast China has eradicated poverty......
Income disparity is order of 21st century!! It exist in every country culture and more prevalent in developing countries. It may not be as bad as we think it is. There are high chances of exploitation of poor by rich but it's also inspire poor people to do better to improve their income and lives.

Govt. have to play bigger roles to set and and implement right policies to ensure that poor do not suffer and no unfair levies strapped to neck of rich.

Atleast China has eradicated poverty......

China has done good job in reducing poverty, but it's far from something called "no poverty".
LOL. HK people had it good for so long. Even in HK, the income gap b/w rich and poor is staggering. These Hongkies should not bitch so much. They used to make fun of mainland Chinese, calling them country bumpkins. Now they are still making fun of weathier mainlanders calling them 強國人. They complain that mainlanders come to HK and buy all their brand name purses and baby milk products and want the government to step in to prevent this.

These former colonists are pretty pathetic.
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