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China in talks to export Pakistan bigger nuke plant

look who is out on a trolling expedition!!

Why did you bother replying, when you did not have the answer??Question was definitely not directed to you!!

trolling haaaa... everyone knows who is trolling... you are not the one who have to decide... i smply gave the answer to the crying babies.
china has to face world powers as they are the suppliers!!

Yes, some of these "world powers" will spend their time agonising and whining about the fact that China is helping to build domestic reactors in Pakistan.

They should realise that the Chinese Government simply does not care about such complaints.

Pakistan is China's ally, and Pakistan wants to do a deal for nuclear reactors. They are already a nuclear power, so we're not telling them anything they don't already know. Simple.
however on serious note!!!
what about safety??
i mean who will be footing footing bill in case of any mishap.
are those have been discussed???

are you in a k.g. cLass ?? you are talking about the mishaps as if they are so common in the world ..:hitwall: grow up kid :) . if you dont even bother to learn the nuclear history of PakisTan then why you are asking a senseLess question about the safety of the system ..??:disagree:

PakisTan's nucLear hisTory is free of any mishaps or any other Leakages unlike india whose history involves radiation leakages and not to forget the mysterious death of one of its atomic scientists which happened just recently not too long ago .. now you got the point ??:pdf::pakistan:
I think he was just inquiring about nuclear liability which is different with each supplier.

Can you shed some light on nuclear liability for existing plants.

But overall you are right, liability is offcourse discussed once the technical feasibility is over.

if that kid was saying about the liability then why did not he say liability instead what he wrote in the first place as you said liability in your post ??:azn: he could have been a little simple in statement while inquiring ..:smokin: so you didnt make any point and your post stays irrelevent for Taimi khan , 'cause you were just tryng to help him get out of the ridiculous situation that he got himself in :rofl:
The question here for the Indians and their western friends is not Pakistan acquiring nuclear electric generation which it already has anyway. Its about china eroding potential markets of nuclear energy by snatching the share of indians and west. indians have long contemplated to sell cheap reactors to African and middle eastern nations developed in co-operation with western countries. The Chinese being ahead and able to build trust may erode this market share permanently for the indians and resulting billion of dollar royalty fees for their western friends. Hence Pakistan acquiring nuclear reactor issue becomes irrelevant. The bigger picture is China grabbing the market share of one of the world most prized technologies and the resulting influence it would flaunt. Operating a nuclear reactor in a middle east or African country would earn China enough trust and friendship to base a small PLAAF or PLAN contingent in foreign land making western energy security a real headache since petroleum derived fuels for automotive, aviation and heavy transport isn't going anywhere off sight for next 50-100 years.
MuZammiL Dr. s[1]n;1182561 said:
The answers is " the typical india mentality " : " hindu baniya":azn:

Hindu baniya? what does that mean?
seems to be a racist comment to me..........what doese baniya means :angry:
Pakistan needs this more than any other nation on earth.

Thank you China for coming to Pakistan's aid again.

We have a shrink here, who does psychoanalysis of whole nation with two words.. Bravo!!!

As far as Nuclear Liability is concerned, who will pick the tab if "Chernobyl Duex" takes place. If it is a government to government transfer than GoP. Since, I assume there is no private sector players in terms of supply and generation here.

Good boy,

Lend us some pointers on how India did it,
when it was getting N-Reactors from USSR which was the source of Chernobyl ?

What do you know about Chernobyl ? and caused the accident ?

Answer those questions , and then try to justify your concerns about safety @ Pakistan.

you will see what Pagan mentality means.
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