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China HSR News And Information: Original Translation

Lanzhou-Xinjiang(Urumuqi) PDL




This is one pretty HSR.
Yichang-Wanzhou railroad winds through mountainous areas

Aerial photo taken on Aug. 14, 2015 shows a high-speed train running out of a mountain tunnel as it runs on the Yichang-Wanzhou High-speed Railroad, which is built on a viaduct, in Enshi, central China's Hubei Province. The 377-kilometer-long Yichang-Wanzhou Railroad, which is regarded as the most difficult railroad ever built in China, winds through mountainous areas from its eastern station Yichang in Hubei Province to western station Wanzhou in southwest China's Chongqing. (Xinhua)

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Nice photos, I'm back!
@TaiShang @cirr

@ahojunk I have taken Yichang-Wanzhou railway 3 times. It's a marvel indeed.

Now the real 350km/h along-Yangtze HSR is under final discussion. The pevious 200-250km/h line(including Yichang-Wanzhou railway) was located at a low layer, which means the railway suffers from floods more. In July, a flood from underground river broke the tunnel of Yichang-Wanzhou railway and the subsequent effects lasted for nearly one week before re-operation. At the same time, the parallel higher expressway was 100% OK. The lesson from this railway is, the railway in mountainous region should be constructed at a higher altitude with higher bridges.

As the case of Guiyang-Kunming section of Shanghai-Kunming HSR due to open in 2016.
See how high the railway bridge is!

Lanzhou-Xinjiang(Urumuqi) PDL




He is really a great railway photographer.:tup:
I envy his job!:(
Do HSR operate like airlines meaning during holiday seasons the ticket prices go up?
No. The ticket fare is stable, based on speed, mileage and class.
It hasn't changed since bullet train started to run in China.
Same with traditional train, ticket fare unchanged for 2 decades.
No. The ticket fare is stable, based on speed, mileage and class.
It hasn't changed since bullet train started to run in China.
Same with traditional train, ticket fare unchanged for 2 decades.
maybe during peak times they should increase the price. Makes sense don't you think?
I don't really think so.
It doesn't matter Chinese railway earns money or not.
Railway including high-speed railway is for lower and middle class, you can regard it as welfare.
I'm not talking about earning money as I believe infrastructure projects are not meant to earn money. I'm just thinking by doing so there will be some tickets available for people who may not necessarily book way ahead of time.
I'm not talking about earning money as I believe infrastructure projects are not meant to earn money. I'm just thinking by doing so there will be some tickets available for people who may not necessarily book way ahead of time.
During peak time like traditional holidays, railway bureau will add new trains several days before departure if all tickets are sold out. And the need is too high, no matter you raise the price or not. And there are always some super high VIP seats available, like four times of regular second class price.

A couple of years ago, the price during spring festival was raised about 10-20%.
然并卵,the problem of Chinese railway is not who gets tickets first but no enough trains.
During peak time like traditional holidays, railway bureau will add new trains several days before departure if all tickets are sold out. And the need is too high, no matter you raise the price or not. And there are always some super high VIP seats available, like four times of regular second class price.

A couple of years ago, the price during spring festival was raised about 10-20%.
然并卵,the problem of Chinese railway is not who gets tickets first but no enough trains.
Excellent. Chinese thinking is better. I'm in the west for so long I start to think like them. Where I live they just increase the price to offset passengers load instead of adding more trains!
Excellent. Chinese thinking is better. I'm in the west for so long I start to think like them. Where I live they just increase the price to offset passengers load instead of adding more trains!
In normal days, some bullet trains have only 8 cars. You may find all tickets sold out, then the next day you will find there are hundreds of seats available cause a 8-car train becomes a 16-car train. During spring festival or mid-autumn day, there will be red-eye bullet trains. In CRH depot, there are a lot of standby bullet trains waiting.

Market is not that omnipotent, to provide more possibility is better I think.

A normal weekday in Wuhan
屏幕快照 2015-08-20 21.41.18.png

屏幕快照 2015-08-20 21.44.24.png
In normal days, some bullet trains have only 8 cars. You may find all tickets sold out, then the next day you will find there are hundreds of seats available cause a 8-car train becomes a 16-car train. During spring festival or mid-autumn day, there will be red-eye bullet trains. In CRH depot, there are a lot of standby bullet trains waiting.

Market is not that omnipotent, to provide more possibility is better I think.

A normal weekday in Wuhan
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I envy your government. They do things to benefit and make the lives of people better. We have not build a new public highway where I live for almost 30 years! Not one damn highway. :(
I envy your government. They do things to benefit and make the lives of people better. We have not build a new public highway where I live for almost 30 years! Not one damn highway. :(
Meritocracy is long-term tradition.
Government is reckoned as the guardians of people.
We call our mayor 父母官(parent officer).
A mayor is selected from his/her previous achievements in lower government not how they speech.
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