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China HSR News And Information: Original Translation

Yes, still wait for that. lol
I'm editing photos of Dunhuang. That thread is in Members Club now.:(

I prefer an independent Ministry of Railway, being a part of the Ministry of Transportation is a failure of Chinese railway to airlines/Boeing/Airbus.
I'm editing photos of Dunhuang. That thread is in Members Club now.:(

I prefer an independent Ministry of Railway, being a part of the Ministry of Transportation is a failure of Chinese railway to airlines/Boeing/Airbus.

Can we view the member club?
Can we view the member club?
Why not? Update done.

Hey andrew . I am already in Kunshan. Is there any way to use gmail , Facebook and google services.?
VPN or some sort of browsers, but I personally never use them since I don't need any of Gmail/FB/Google. I think some members here might know how to use them.
Why not? Update done.

VPN or some sort of browsers, but I personally never use them since I don't need any of Gmail/FB/Google. I think some members here might know how to use them.

Thing is calls from goodle and viber are cheap. But both are blocked giving me tough times.
Thing is calls from goodle and viber are cheap. But both are blocked giving me tough times.
Viber? An internet telephone APP?
I remember my Indian friend has managed downloading an APP called Viber with help from his colleagues.
U should first ask one of Chinese about the VPN.
I never use them so I can not help.
Youku.com has all free English soapies you may like.
I'm editing photos of Dunhuang. That thread is in Members Club now.:(

I prefer an independent Ministry of Railway, being a part of the Ministry of Transportation is a failure of Chinese railway to airlines/Boeing/Airbus.
没有铁道部了。。。被私有资本/航空业游说打趴了,LKQ就是这个私有化集团的代言人,他推销HSR是不真诚的,就是他那一党前几年利用媒体和政治打压了中国铁路。他这一派现在突然推销HSR是因为要拉抬经济增长,幸好有习大大牵制他,否则中国的资本逐渐会被外国资本以及其国内代理人淘空。political balance.
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