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China HSR News And Information: Original Translation

High-speed railway to link Chinese border city to Vladivostok:enjoy:

(Xinhua)Updated: 2015-02-09 19:08

CHANGCHUN -- Plans for a high-speed rail link between Hunchun in Jilin Province and Vladivostok in Russia are taking shape, local authorities said on Monday.

According to Jiang Chaoliang, governor of Jilin Province, the new railway will boost trade between Jilin and Russia, and cooperation between the province and northwest Asia.

Hunchun, on the border with Russia, is only about 180 kilometers from Vladivostok, but it takes more than five hours to travel one-way by car. More than 1,000 Russians pass through Hunchun every day



The tiny border town of Hunchun


Hunchun, border between China and Russia/NK.
We are just so closed to the sea, history is still affecting China.

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100 Days of Qinghai HSR
Road & railway transportation “feel their own coldness and warmness”
青海高铁运营百日 公路铁路运输“冷暖自知”

Soothed by the warm spring sunlight on the Qinghai Plateau, Qinghai’s first HSR line welcomes the one hundredth operational day. Whilst “CRH stewardess” Wang Qian was busy serving passengers tea in train D9981, Lanzhou-born coach driver Ma Jingbo had been waiting for his first passenger for hours in the long-distance bus terminal outside Xining Railway Station.


For Xining citizen Mr. Ma Wenqing, the distance to his relatives from the other side of Mount Daban is no longer that more than two-hour “囧” journey, which was constantly blocked by heavy snow on the mountain pass. He said, he had taken HSR more than 30 times ever since HSR started operation in Qinghai. “It is more time-saving, cheaper and safer than buses. Next, I’d like to learn how to purchase tickets online.”
(from at least 3.5 hours to 40 minutes, from 40 yuan by bus to 30 yuan by HSR)

"Menyuan County steps into the HSR era from a small county without railway. The number of buses from Menyuan County to the provincial capital Xining City decrease from 11 to only 2 services per day", said Feng Liquan, director of the Transportation Bureau of Menyuan County.

“We bus drivers have lost our confidence facing this situation, and we will have to change lines or drive tourist buses in the future”, said coach driver Ma Jingbo.

The total passengers volume from Xining City to Lanzhou, Zhangye, Jiuquan and Menyuan has decreased by 70% on average.

P.S. Xining has 31 CRH services per day from/to Lanzhou(1h20min), Urumqi(10h20min), Jiayuguan(3h20min) and cities within Qinghai Province(Menyuan County30-40min).

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Xining Railway Station(rebuilt), Xining City, capital of Qinghai Province


The inauguration day
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Menyuan Railway Station, Menyuan Hui Autonomous County, Qinghai Province
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Lanzhou-Xinjiang HSR in Menyuan County
Menyuan County is famous for rape flower fields at the foot of Qilian Mountains

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Cutting through a sea of flowers :)
This is Great Wall DMU(diesel), from Beijing North - Badaling Great Wall - Yanqing County, frequent services daily(slow, but a decent choice to the Great Wall)

Beijing North (mostly trains to Inner Mongolia and northern part of Hebei Province)

One hour to Badaling Great Wall Station(60km, 1h10min, 6 yuan=$1)
Non-reserved, Beijing metro card compatible (1st/2nd class the same)

A midway stop

Qinglongqiao Station
I think most Chinese have read an article in our Chinese textbook about this station and this one century old railway line(the first line all designed by Chinese) and the technical details.


Zhan Tianyou and his tomb
The father of Chinese railway, the designer of this miraculous railway in one of the most geologically complicated regions in Northern China.
I think it is the most appropriate comfort for him to watch Great Wall DMU everyday.
6 yuan(less than 1 USD)for a 60km picaresque ride is bloody cheap。
Exactly, but bus No.877 (directly from Deshengmen in Beijing to Badaling Great Wall) is fast too, all expressway, 12 yuan( Metro card 6 yuan), more frequently.
At least a seat, it's quite often too crowed in DMU.

DMU vs Badaling Expressway (part of the G6 Beijing-Tibet expressway)

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