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China Hires As many as 300,000 Internet Trolls to make the Communist Party look good

Social media sites such as Facebook is giving the US too much power. With fake/sock puppet identities, while revealing your identity such as location in Hong Kong, you are vulnerable from US propaganda. Even you don't add strangers in your facebook account, you friends might have.

Indeed. That's why Facebook and the likes will never see the daylight in China except few provinces.

Sockuppets are dangerous, by the way, as they may feign a civilian identity while, actually, they may be intelligence officials.
In my eyes, this report is writen in a loser tongue. There are always many stupidest logic is set up for reporting China to create bad image of China. Why there are so many trolls post something to make China and CCP look bad? China had made greatest achievement in last thirty years and we have large numbers of most optimistic people for the country's future in the world. It is so normal for China that have huge number patriots. In the contemporary days only loser and immoral business man will make bad image for China for blame and make money.

As for the coming trend of Chinese posters,

1. They come to a forum that is built by people from brother country - Pakistan to communicate with them.
2. They come to argue with those trolls who always make China look bad.
3. They come to express their different views about topics and you can see so many posters have so many different opinions.
4. It is apparently that some members based at PDF to carry on its anti-China business here.
5. PDF is not flooded by Chinese people. Posters from other country are flooded here, you all know this.
6. The coming posters of China who was born in 1990s will be more tough and better master of language skills.

As for the report,

1. It is normal for westerner to release the report to make bad image for China and we experienced reading even fabricated report from BBC,CNN and others, this report is a commonplace.
2. China had grown stronger with those negative/fabricated reports for decades and we are ready for develop our country even stronger for another decades.
3. This report is filled of estimates and suspicions which mean nothing to us. Why don't the reporter to do better homework to find solidated proof? Oh, I know they will never do it for thats their propaganda and thats the way to feed people.
4. Chinese posters even have no interesting to respond to the report. I tell you, they ignored it for just have no interesting. I respond to this kind of report once and next time I will also ignore it.
5. In China, we all know the 50 cents party who was paid by USA in many ways, FBI/CIA/NSA/NGO does not matter. As I know, there are many coutrymen of other country were paid by these orgnizations and they are even paid to make bad image for China.
6. I totally support China need to create stronger propaganda agencies to serve for national interests well and slap those enigmatic faces.

RIP to anti China propganda. :D
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Why there are so many trolls post something to make China and CCP look bad?

1. India: Jealousy and helplessness
2. US/Britain: Fear
3. Vietnam/The Philippines: Playing small country, cute and cuddly

If one quickly reads through the commentaries on the Western and Indian media (and heck, even the Chinese media such as The Global Times), they will realize that these media are infested with an overwhelming amount of anti-China propaganda that beats the number of pro-China posts in any day. Thus I can think of two possibilities:

1. China's 300.000 internet trolls are not working well, or they are simply imaginary, or
2. India, US and others have 3.000.000+ anti-China internet trolls.

As for the report,
1. It is normal for westerner to release the report to make bad image for China and we experienced reading even fabricated report from BBC,CNN and others, this report is a commonplace.
2. China had grown stronger with those negative/fabricated reports for decades and we are ready for develop our country even stronger for another decades.
3. This report is filled of estimates and suspicions which mean nothing to us. Why don't the reporter to do better homework to find solidated proof? Oh, I know they will never do it for thats their propaganda and thats the way to feed people.
4. Chinese posters even have no interesting to respond to the report. I tell you, they ignored it for just have no interesting. I respond to this kind of report once and next time I will also ignore it.
5. In China, we all know the 50 cents party who was paid by USA in many ways, FBI/CIA/NSA/NGO does not matter. As I know, there are many coutrymen of other country were paid by these orgnizations and they are paid even to make bad image for China.
6. I totally support China need to create stronger propaganda agencies to serve for national interets well and slap those enigmatic faces.

I wish I could give positive rating for this post. Somebody should do.
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1. India: Jealousy and helplessness
2. US/Britain: Fear
3. Vietnam/The Philippines: Playing small country, cute and cuddly

If one quickly reads through the commentaries on the Western and Indian media (and heck, even the Chinese media such as The Global Times), they will realize that they are infested with an overwhelming amount of anti-China propaganda that beats the number of pro-China posts in any day. Thus I can think of two possibilities:

1. China's 300.000 internet trolls are not working well, or,
2. India, US and others have 3.000.000 anti-China internet trolls.
I agree with you.

1. plus inconfidence.
2. plus hypocrisy.
3. ...

I think both of your 2 possibilities.
Good news is not news. Only bad news can attract readers...
Also I think Chinese Government is trying to hide the power of China..
Always claim China as developing countries, not to take up too much responsibilities...

1. India: Jealousy and helplessness
2. US/Britain: Fear
3. Vietnam/The Philippines: Playing small country, cute and cuddly

If one quickly reads through the commentaries on the Western and Indian media (and heck, even the Chinese media such as The Global Times), they will realize that they are infested with an overwhelming amount of anti-China propaganda that beats the number of pro-China posts in any day. Thus I can think of two possibilities:

1. China's 300.000 internet trolls are not working well, or,
2. India, US and others have 3.000.000 anti-China internet trolls.

I wish I could give positive rating for this post.

And, hence this is my last post on this thread.
India, US and others have 3.000.000 anti-China internet trolls.
The America has a much larger GDP than us, and most of the Americans are not engaging in manufacturing industry but virtual economy, so 3,000,000 of estimation may be an under estimation. By the way, some Indians got 1$ a day and work for free so that can poison themselves which make them living better in spirit.
Hey we deal with plenty of Chinese posters here playing up every anti-American story to the hilt. Just look at who posts those stories and the others that constantly reply to it making sure it is perpetually on the front page of the forums.

It is pretty obvious.

I know a book named The CIA in Hollywood by Jenkins Tricia,by reading it you can understand how the CIA work to make United States look good! I have to admit that American "50 Cent Party" is more clever and professional.
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I know a book named The CIA in Hollywood by Jenkins Tricia,by reading it you can understand how the CIA work to made United States look good! I have to admit that American "50 Cent Party" is more clever and professional.

The US 50 Cent Party is called the sockpuppets. And that's official. :)

We have a lot of them here on PDF.
The news is nothing new. Obviously we know who are these paid Chinese troll in this forum like the one above me. They have their superior leaders from Propaganda Department.

You can read this article: China's Paid Trolls: Meet the 50-Cent Party.

Below is the transcript of Ai’s interview with an online commentator. As requested, an iPad was given as compensation for the interview. To protect the interviewee, relevant personal information has been concealed in this script.

Question: What’s your name, age, city of residence and online username?

Answer: I cannot make my name public. I’m 26. I have too many usernames. If I want to use one, I just register it. I won’t mention them here.

What do you call the work you do now?

It doesn’t matter what you call it: online commentator, public opinion guide, or even “the 50-Cent Party” that everyone’s heard of.

What is your level of education and work experience? How did you begin the work of guiding public opinion?

I graduated from university and studied media. I once worked for a TV channel, then in online media. I’ve always been in the news media industry, for four or five years now.Over a year ago, a friend asked me if I wanted to be an online commentator, to earn some extra money. I said I’d give it a try. Later, I discovered it was very easy.

When and from where will you receive directives for work?

Almost every morning at 9am I receive an email from my superiors – the internet publicity office of the local government – telling me about the news we’re to comment on for the day. Sometimes it specifies the website to comment on, but most of the time it’s not limited to certain websites: you just find relevant news and comment on it.

Can you describe your work in detail?

The process has three steps – receive task, search for topic, post comments to guide public opinion. Receiving a task mainly involves ensuring you open your email box every day. Usually after an event has happened, or even before the news has come out, we’ll receive an email telling us what the event is, then instructions on which direction to guide the netizens’ thoughts, to blur their focus, or to fan their enthusiasm for certain ideas. After we’ve found the relevant articles or news on a website, according to the overall direction given by our superiors we start to write articles, post or reply to comments. This requires a lot of skill. You can’t write in a very official manner, you must conceal your identity, write articles in many different styles, sometimes even have a dialogue with yourself, argue, debate. In sum, you want to create illusions to attract the attention and comments of netizens.

In a forum, there are three roles for you to play: the leader, the follower, the onlooker or unsuspecting member of the public. The leader is the relatively authoritative speaker, who usually appears after a controversy and speaks with powerful evidence. The public usually finds such users very convincing. There are two opposing groups of followers. The role they play is to continuously debate, argue, or even swear on the forum. This will attract attention from observers. At the end of the argument, the leader appears, brings out some powerful evidence, makes public opinion align with him and the objective is achieved. The third type is the onlookers, the netizens. They are our true target “clients”. We influence the third group mainly through role-playing between the other two kinds of identity. You could say we’re like directors, influencing the audience through our own writing, directing and acting. Sometimes I feel like I have a split personality.

Regarding the three roles that you play, is that a common tactic? Or are there other ways?

There are too many ways. It’s kind of psychological. Netizens nowadays are more thoughtful than before. We have many ways. You can make a bad thing sound even worse, make an elaborate account, and make people think it’s nonsense when they see it. In fact, it’s like two negatives make a positive. When it’s reached a certain degree of mediocrity, they’ll think it might not be all that bad.

What is the guiding principle of your work?

The principle is to understand the guiding thought of superiors, the direction of public opinion desired, then to start your own work.

Can you reveal the content of a “task” email?

For example, “Don’t spread rumours, don’t believe in rumours”, or “Influence public understanding of X event”, “Promote the correct direction of public opinion on XXXX”, “Explain and clarify XX event; avoid the appearance of untrue or illegal remarks”, “For the detrimental social effect created by the recent XX event, focus on guiding the thoughts of netizens in the correct direction of XXXX”.

What are the categories of information that you usually receive?

They are mainly local events. They cover over 60 to 70 per cent of local instructions – for example, people who are filing complaints or petitioning.

For countrywide events, such as the Jasmine Revolution [the pro-democracy protests that took place across the country in 2011], do you get involved?

For popular online events like the Jasmine Revolution, we have never received a related task. I also thought it was quite strange. Perhaps we aren’t senior enough.

Can you tell us the content of the commentary you usually write?

The netizens are used to seeing unskilled comments that simply say the government is great or so and so is a traitor. They know what is behind it at a glance. The principle I observe is: don’t directly praise the government or criticise negative news. Moreover, the tone of speech, identity and stance of speech must look as if it’s an unsuspecting member of public; only then can it resonate with netizens. To sum up, you want to guide netizens obliquely and let them change their focus without realising it.

Can you go off the topic?

Of course you can go off the topic. When transferring the attention of netizens and

blurring the public focus, going off the topic is very effective. For example, during the census, everyone will be talking about its truthfulness or necessity; then I’ll post jokes that appeared in the census. Or, in other instances, I would publish adverts to take up space on political news reports.

Can you tell us a specific, typical process of “guiding public opinion”?

For example, each time the oil price is about to go up, we’ll receive a notification to “stabilise the emotions of netizens and divert public attention”. The next day, when news of the rise comes out, netizens will definitely be condemning the state, CNPC and Sinopec. At this point, I register an ID and post a comment: “Rise, rise however you want, I don’t care. Best if it rises to 50 yuan per litre: it serves you right if you’re too poor to drive. Only those with money should be allowed to drive on the roads . . .”

This sounds like I’m inviting attacks but the aim is to anger netizens and divert the anger and attention on oil prices to me. I would then change my identity several times and start to condemn myself. This will attract more attention. After many people have seen it, they start to attack me directly. Slowly, the content of the whole page has also changed from oil price to what I’ve said. It is very effective.

What’s your area of work? Which websites do you comment on?Which netizens do you target?

There’s no limit on which websites I visit. I mainly deal with local websites, or work on Tencent. There are too many commentators on Sohu, Sina, etc. As far as I know, these websites have dedicated internal departments for commenting.

Can you tell which online comments are by online commentators?

Because I do this, I can tell at a glance that about 10 to 20 per cent out of the tens of thousands of comments posted on a forum are made by online commentators.

Will you debate with other people online? What sorts of conflicts do you have? How do you control and disperse emotion?

Most of the time we’re debating with ourselves. I usually never debate with netizens and I’ll never say I’ve been angered by a netizen or an event. You could say that usually when I’m working, I stay rational.

When the government says, “Don’t believe in rumours, don’t spread rumours,” it achieves the opposite effect. For example, when Sars and the melamine in milk case broke out, people tended to choose not to trust the government when faced with the choices of “Don’t trust rumours” and “Don’t trust the government”.

I think this country and government have got into a rather embarrassing situation. No matter what happens – for example, if a person commits a crime, or there’s a traffic accident – as long as it’s a bad event and it’s publicised online, there will be people who condemn the government. I think this is very strange.

This is inevitable, because the government encompasses all. When all honour is attributed to you, all mistakes are also attributed to you. Apart from targeted events, are individuals targeted? Would there be this kind of directive?

There should be. I think for the Dalai Lama, there must be guidance throughout the country. All people in China hate the Dalai Lama and Falun Gong somewhat. According to my understanding, the government has truly gone a bit over the top. Before I got involved in this circle, I didn’t know anything. So I believe that wherever public opinion has been controlled relatively well, there will always have been commentators involved.

How do your superiors inspect and assess your work?

The superiors will arrange dedicated auditors who do random checks according to the links we provide. Auditors usually don’t assess, because they always make work requirements very clear. We just have to do as they say and there won’t be any mistakes.

How is your compensation decided?

It’s calculated on a monthly basis, according to quantity and quality. It’s basically calculated at 50 yuan per 100 comments. When there’s an unexpected event, the compensation might be higher. If you work together to guide public opinion on a hot topic and several dozen people are posting, the compensation for those days counts for more. Basically, the compensation is very low. I work part-time. On average, the monthly pay is about 500-600 yuan. There are people who work full-time on this. It’s possible they could earn thousands of yuan a month.

Do you like your work?

I wouldn’t say I like it or hate it. It’s just a bit more to do each day. A bit more pocket money each month, that’s all.

What’s the biggest difficulty in the work?

Perhaps it’s that you have to guess the psychology of netizens. You have to learn a lot of writing skills. You have to know how to imitate another person’s writing style. You need to understand how to gain the trust of the public and influence their thoughts.

Why can’t you reveal your identity? Why do you think it’s sensitive?

Do you want me to lose my job? Whatever form or name we use to post on any forums or blogs is absolutely confidential. We can’t reveal our identity, and I definitely wouldn’t reveal that I’m a professional online commentator.

If we do, what would be the purpose of our existence? Exposure would affect not just me, it would create an even greater negative effect on our “superiors”.

What do you mean by “superiors”?

Our superior leaders – above that should be the propaganda department.

Is your identity known to your family? Your friends?

No. I haven’t revealed it to my family or friends. If people knew I was doing this, it might have a negative effect on my reputation.

You say: “If I reveal inside information, without exaggeration this could lead to fatality.” Do you think that the consequence would be so serious?

With my identity, I’m involved in the media and also the internet. If I really reveal my identity or let something slip, it could have an incalculable effect on me.

If you say you want to quit, will there be resistance? Are there any strings attached?

Not at all. This industry is already very transparent. For me, it’s just a part-time job. It’s like any other job. It’s not as dark as you think.

How many hours do you go online each day and on which sites? Do you rest at the weekend?

I go online for six to eight hours nearly every day. I’m mainly active on our local BBS and some large mainstream internet media and microblogs. I don’t work over weekends, but I’ll sign in to my email account and see if there’s any important instruction.

In daily life, will you still be thinking about your online work?

Now and then. For example, when I see a piece of news, I’ll think about which direction the superiors will request it to be guided in and how I would go about it. It’s a bit of an occupational hazard.

Do you watch CCTV News and read the People’s Daily?

I usually follow all the news, particularly the local news. But I generally don’t watch CCTV News, because it’s too much about harmony.

Do you go on Twitter? Who do you follow?

Yes. I follow a few interesting people, including Ai Weiwei. But I don’t speak on Twitter, just read and learn.

How big a role do you think this industry plays in guiding public opinion in China?

Truthfully speaking, I think the role is quite big. The majority of netizens in China are actually very stupid. Sometimes, if you don’t guide them, they really will believe in rumours.

Because their information is limited to begin with. So, with limited information, it’s very difficult for them to express a political view.

I think they can be incited very easily. I can control them very easily. Depending on how I want them to be, I use a little bit of thought and that’s enough. It’s very easy. So I think the effect should be quite significant.

Do you think the government has the right to guide public opinion?

Personally, I think absolutely not. But in China, the government absolutely must interfere and guide public opinion. The majority of Chinese netizens are incited too easily, don’t think for themselves and are deceived and incited too easily by false news.

Do you have to believe in the viewpoints you express? Are you concerned about politics and the future?

I don’t have to believe in them. Sometimes you know well that what you say is false or untrue. But you still have to say it, because it’s your job. I’m not too concerned about Chinese politics. There’s nothing to be concerned about in Chinese politics

New Statesman | China’s Paid Trolls: Meet the 50-Cent Party
The US 50 Cent Party is called the sockpuppets. And that's official. :)

We have a lot of them here on PDF.

It is obvious.

Their pattern is keeping posting negative news/reports/articles about China, never respond positive news/reports/articles or post 'constructive' negative views related to positive things about China. So simple, so low.

50-cent party is a typical western name, we called it 美分党 or 带路党. Most of 五毛党 be called by GZJY are always patriots. Anyway, if there is 五毛党, they will be always morrally higher than those 50-cent party member because 五毛党 don't do evil but defend our interests and recover fabrecated/manipulated propagendas of westerners.

We saw too much, experieced too much. To be hated by China-haters is always a good thing.


I always praise rational patriots no matter where the person come from.

I personally appreciate 五毛党 especially 自干五 and discriminiate those 50-cent party(美分党,带路党).
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I should be 500 dong squad. 4 more posts today and I can have instant noodle for lunch. :laugh:

When I need to meet my future wife's parent, I will hire you for my 10 dong squad.

CCP tasks according to the OP:


Your 6 tasks will be this, inspired by the CCP version:

1. To the extent possible, talk trash about every other males on earth. Play down the existence of Tom Cruise.

2. Do not directly confront the idea of other males being better than me; rather, frame the argument in terms of "What kind of prosperous future I can offer their daughter."

3. To the extent possible, choose various examples of violent outburst and perverted behaviours of every other males to explain how they are not well-suited for their daughter.

4. Use America and other countries of various males to show how they sponsor international terrorism and explain how they could kidnap their daughter and send her to Syria to assist the ISIS.

5. Use the bloody and sweat-stain patches on my T-shirt to stir up buddhist compassion and Christian mercy in the hearts of my future mother-in-law.

6. Increase the exposure of my internal character development; such as when I was about to steal my friend's fancy Iphone 6, but then remembered my ancient Confucian morality. I then decided to just bend it instead.
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"50 Cent Party" doesn't embrace all the people who say "I love China" .They are just a few part,and many Chinese people don't like them because they always like clueless servants without thinking of gov.
In this web,most Chinese love our motherland like all of you who are proud of yours.
So,don't envy,don't laugh at,don't claim for war,and don't fool yourself.Everything in this world is based on management and technology.Peace and development to make people live better are the most important thing.:cheers:
From some reports,I have enough evidence to believe,I've read an confidential information.These 3 words probably tell me:here is the buii shlt ~LOL~
It seems BBS is the same.Many people are keyboard mans.
And now,I get 50cent~
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