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China Hires As many as 300,000 Internet Trolls to make the Communist Party look good

To be honest, I found that when the outside negative voice louder I will be more happy and it proved that China is doing the damn right things. :D

So when I join PDF and see many negative posts of foreighners everyday I just enjoyed it and know that China do good so I could find many clues in domestic reports. I hope our fellow countrymen could all have this mood. :D

As a member of silent majority that was born in 1970s, having many experiences that communicate with American, German, Italian, Canadian, French, Indian, Japanese in China. I can tell you one thing, just do hard work. Don't keep talking and that's not the way deserve respect.

Acctually, I really found some Germans, French, Italian really enjoy living in China.:D

This is my last post in this thread. But please keep me happy by posting more, ppl. :D
In my eyes, this report is writen in a loser tongue. There are always many stupidest logic is set up for reporting China to create bad image of China. Why there are so many trolls post something to make China and CCP look bad? China had mad greatest achievement in last thirty years and we have large numbers of most optimistic people for the country's future in the world. It is so normal for China that have huge number patriots. In the contemporary days only loser and immoral business man will make bad image for China for blame and make money.

As for the coming trend of Chinese posters,

1. They come to a forum that is built by people from brother country - Pakistan to communicate with them.
2. They come to argue with those trolls who always make China look bad.
3. They come to express their different views about topics and you can see so many posters have so many different opinions.
4. It is apparently that some members based at PDF to carry on its anti-China business here.
5. PDF is not flooded by Chinese people. Posters from other country are flooded here, you all know this.
6. The coming posters of China who was born in 1990s will be more tough and better master of language skills.

As for the report,

1. It is normal for westerner to release the report to make bad image for China and we experienced reading even fabricated report from BBC,CNN and others, this report is a commonplace.
2. China had grown stronger with those negative/fabricated reports for decades and we are ready for develop our country even stronger for another decades.
3. This report is filled of estimates and suspicions which mean nothing to us. Why don't the reporter to do better homework to find solidated proof? Oh, I know they will never do it for thats their propaganda and thats the way to feed people.
4. Chinese posters even have no interesting to respond to the report. I tell you, they ignored it for just have no interesting. I respond to this kind of report once and next time I will also ignore it.
5. In China, we all know the 50 cents party who was paid by USA in many ways, FBI/CIA/NSA/NGO does not matter. As I know, there are many coutrymen of other country were paid by these orgnizations and they are even paid to make bad image for China.
6. I totally support China need to create stronger propaganda agencies to serve for national interests well and slap those enigmatic faces.

RIP to anti China propganda. :D
This article references China Digital Times, what do you think they do????

Xiao Qiang - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Xiao Qiang (Chinese: 萧强; pinyin: Xiāo Qiáng) is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of China Digital Times, a bi-lingual China news website. He is an adjunct professor at the School of Information (2012–present) and the Graduate School of Journalism (2003 - 2011), at the University of California, Berkeley. He is also the Principal Investigator of the Counter-Power Lab, an interdisciplinary faculty-student research group focusing on technology and free flow of information in cyberspace, based in the School of Information, UC Berkeley.
A theoretical physicist by training, Xiao Qiang studied at the University of Science and Technology of China and entered the PhD program (1986–1989) in Astrophysics at the University of Notre Dame. He became a full-time human rights activist after the Tiananmen Massacre in 1989. Xiao was the Executive Director of the New York-based NGO Human Rights in China from 1991 to 2002 and vice-chairman of the steering committee of the World Movement for Democracy.
The more China-haters post, the more I am convinced China is on the right track, doing the right thing.

Who would like to be applauded by the US government, inefficient and filthy-dirt Indians, and cute&cuddly Pinoys and Viets, after all?
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The more China-haters post, the more I am convinced China is on the right track, doing the right thing.

Who would like to be applauded by the US government, inefficient and filthy-dirt Indians, and cute&cuddly Pinoys and Viets, after all?

Rule of thumb:

If the US likes you, you are on the wrong path.
If the US hates you, you are on the right path.

Follow that rule and you will never go wrong.
They can use the UK 's electoral system ,the poor can choose what the rich to manage them.Certificate issued.Medals are made of mud.
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From some reports,I have enough evidence to believe,I've read an confidential information.These 3 words probably tell me:here is the buii shlt ~LOL~
It seems BBS is the same.Many people are keyboard mans.
And now,I get 50cent~
LOL`actually you can see many REAL vietnamese paid-posters here I think,cause the most hilarious or slander news about china on this forum are posted by them,I think those vietmanese paid-posters must have spent a lot of time and hard-work on digging funny things like that.but due to their poor education and IQ,they just can't tell what's ‘news' at all,and things they posted are really hilarious,like I remember they even digged news from the "the onion" before,though they are trying to hide their nationality recently,but you still can sense the funny genes from their words:lol:
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LOL`actually you can see many REAL vietnamese paid-posters here I think,cause the most hilarious or slander news about china on this forum are posted by them,I think those vietmanese paid-posters must have spent a lot of time and hard-work on digging funny things like that.but due to their poor education and IQ,they just can't tell what's ‘news' at all,and things they posted are really hilarious,like I remember they even digged news from the "the onion" before,though they are trying to hide their nationality recently,but you still can sense the funny genes from their words:lol:
I suspect you are actually one from the 50 cent army. Because suddenly you shift the topic to VNese, even though as far as I can see in the last two pages, no VNese mems came and made fun of Chinese mems.

Also among Viet mems there are those who adapts new nationalities, so what's wrong with them flying their nation flags, while supporting VN?
Rule of thumb:

If the US likes you, you are on the wrong path.
If the US hates you, you are on the right path.

Follow that rule and you will never go wrong.

Sounds so 50 cent to me!!!

Make sure you add a pro-China achievement to it...like "we have figured out how to divide by zero" or "we have figured out how to hear sign language"
Sounds so 50 cent to me!!!

Make sure you add a pro-China achievement to it...like "we have figured out how to divide by zero" or "we have figured out how to hear sign language"

Or better yet, "All is equal under heaven...."

I want to be hired , I need money !!:yahoo:

Rub Buddha's belly. Money will come. :lol:

Rub Buddha's belly. Money will come. :lol:


Rubbing Buddha's tummy for money is as absurd as inventing an inflatable chopping board, which is as absurd as trying to divide a number by zero, which is as absurd as trying to buy face for your country by posting a thread about a copycat car.

Yet alot of PRC peasants can't comprehend these absurdities. If you point this out to them, they will get butthurt and automatically accuse you as being a indian-vietnamese-american 50cent agent.
Rubbing Buddha's tummy for money is as absurd as inventing an inflatable chopping board, which is as absurd as trying to divide a number by zero, which is as absurd as trying to buy face for your country by posting a thread about a copycat car.

Yet alot of PRC peasants can't comprehend these absurdities. If you point this out to them, they will get butthurt and automatically accuse you as being a indian-vietnamese-american 50cent agent.

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