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China 'has deployed missiles in South China Sea' - Taiwan

Placing missile batteries on Xisha islands will ensure China's ability to monitor potential hostile air targets in the vicinity. It's a step in the right direction after American warships repeatedly sail close to the islands in threatening manner. It is the US that is militarizing the situation, and China is only acting in response.
Placing missile batteries on Xisha islands will ensure China's ability to monitor potential hostile air targets in the vicinity. It's a step in the right direction after American warships repeatedly sail close to the islands in threatening manner. It is the US that is militarizing the situation, and China is only acting in response.

Could you estimate the consequence ?
Following the deployment of the HQ-9 SAM system,China has also stationed JH-7As on Yongxing Island,with the fighter- bombers‘ YJ-12 supersonic anti-ship missiles trained for stand-off strike on naval assets。
Distance here is irrelevant, shall i remind you of Falkland, Hawai & Guam etc........ Besides you might wanna look up, Woody Island is around 350-400 Kms away from Hainan.
Indeed distance is irrelevant. We have overseas territories spanning the Pacific. If you look in the past many countries and empires have territories far from their actual shores. So just cause South China Sea is closer doesn't mean it's automatically yours.
You are making all the irrelevant points and here is why.
The topic is about China deploying weapons on islands and China has deployed them on Woody Island, which isn't man made and is Chinese territory.

The last part is obviously disputed and (still) in international court.

Woody Island is the largest of the Paracel Islands in the South China Sea. It is part of the Amphitrite Island Group in the eastern Paracels. As part of the Paracel Islands, Woody Island is also claimed by the Republic of China (Taiwan) and by Vietnam. In January 1974, the PLA Navy captured the archipelago during the Battle of the Paracel Islands.
Woody Island (South China Sea) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As for the 'not man made', well that's only partially true.

Woody island over time



On the 17th of February 2016, it was reported that the HQ-9 Surface to Air Missile system had been deployed on the island.
Woody Island (South China Sea) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

China Starts Building Artificial Islands in Vietnam’s Paracel Islands
16 Feb 2016

Satellite images published in The Diplomat indicate that China has begun an extensive construction operation in the South China Sea’s Paracel Islands, following years of work building artificial islands in the Spratly Archipelago.

The Diplomat is showcasing images of specific islands in the Paracels, which lie in disputed territory in the body of water. China claims both the Spratly and Paracel Islands for itself, a claim disputed by the Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan, and Malaysia. Vietnam claims most of the Paracel region China has begun working on.

According to the magazine, Chinese construction crews are working on a helicopter base on Duncan Island, which has required land dredging that has “increase[d] by 50 percent the area of Duncan Island.” In addition to the base, The Diplomat finds evidence for the beginnings of a number of new, potentially military facilities in the region. Construction appears to have begun in earnest in early December 2015. The magazine suggests these facilities may resmeble the “water capture reservoirs and fuel bunkers” constructed illegally on the Spratly Islands.

The new construction occurs just 15 kilometers from Woody Island, where China already boasts a military base, Bloomberg reports. It is not the first time evidence has surfaced of Chinese construction in the Paracel Islands, however. In April 2015, The Diplomat published images showing that the Woody Island military base “is undergoing a major expansion of its runway and airport facilities,” including the installation of a “new concrete runway measuring 2,920 meters in length, accompanied by a new taxiway, expanded runway aprons and adjacent large buildings under construction.”

The construction at the Paracels appears to be similar to that in the Spratly Islands, where China has made islands out of major parts of the Fiery Cross Reef. Environmentalists have suggested that China has destroyed at least 17 reefs in the Spratly region, in international waters also claimed by the Philippines. Construction there has continued despite international outrage and a claim by the Chinese government in June 2015 that construction in the region would be “complete” soon.
China Starts Building Artificial Islands in Vietnam's Paracel Islands - Breitbart




Satellite Images: China Manufactures Land at New Sites in the Paracel Islands
February 13, 2016
Satellite images show dredging and land filling by China at two new sites in the South China Sea, both in the Amphitrite group of the Paracel Islands, approximately 15 kilometers north-northwest of China’s military base at Woody (Yongxing) Island.
Satellite Images: China Manufactures Land at New Sites in the Paracel Islands | The Diplomat

The flight distance from woody island, paracels to duncan island, paracels is:
42.29 miles / 68.06 km

Flight Distance Between Cities - Mileage Calculator
The Hong Qi 9 or HQ-9 is a Chinese air defense missile system. It is broadly equivalent to the Russian S-300. The HQ-9 uses two-stage missiles with thrust vector control. Missiles have a range of 125 km against aircraft and 15-25 km against cruise and ballistic missiles. Missiles can reach aircraft at an altitude of 27 km and cruise and ballistic missiles at an altitude of 15-25 km.
HQ-9 Long-Range Air Defense Missile System | Military-Today.com
HQ-9 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

'Nough said.


Territorial disputes for Paracel Islands in South China Sea put shipping on danger | Maritime News
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LOL Someone is desperately catching at the straws, Woody Island may be disputed but has been under Chinese control for decades and that is all what matters. The same way Senkaku are controlled by Japan and US's security cover to Japan covers them, China has every right to secure it's islands. Period

Indeed distance is irrelevant. We have overseas territories spanning the Pacific. If you look in the past many countries and empires have territories far from their actual shores. So just cause South China Sea is closer doesn't mean it's automatically yours.
Yes exactly, and what was once taken by you as a consequence of imperialism, doesn't mean will forever belong to the imperialists or their cronies as balance of power is a dynamic phenomenon.
Indeed distance is irrelevant. We have overseas territories spanning the Pacific. If you look in the past many countries and empires have territories far from their actual shores. So just cause South China Sea is closer doesn't mean it's automatically yours.

That is right, I believe China is thinking exactly the same way. That is why they have to protect what they have already controlled. So that is the big fuss about SAM deployment on the islands they are controlling?
LOL Someone is desperately catching at the straws, Woody Island may be disputed but has been under Chinese control for decades and that is all what matters. The same way Senkaku are controlled by Japan and US's security cover to Japan covers them, China has every right to secure it's islands. Period
There is no clutching at straws on my part. But, for the sake of argument, let's follow your line of reasoning: it not being fully artificial, and under de facto Chinese control, China has every right to defend Woody Island. Just not any of those new artificials islands now being made in the Paracels. So, it could have just as well sent MANPADS (which of course it didn't, which is of course telling of intent)

Yes exactly, and what was once taken by you as a consequence of imperialism, doesn't mean will forever belong to the imperialists or their cronies as balance of power is a dynamic phenomenon.
This is so silly, he (nor anybody else here) took anything. I seriously doubt an posters here are from the colonial period. Dynamic power balance and what not, best keep the treaties 'you signed'.
China should and will respond to any US provocations with more land reclamation activities in the SCS and further "militarization" of the reclaimed islands.

Our neighbours need to realize that the US is the sole and root cause of instability in the SCS.

Indeed the whole world need to realize that the US is the sole and root cause of instability the world over.
China should and will respond to any US provocations with more land reclamation activities in the SCS and further "militarization" of the reclaimed islands.

Our neighbours need to realize that the US is the sole and root cause of instability in the SCS.

Indeed the whole world need to realize that the US is the sole and root cause of instability the world over.

They think it's China who caused...

Asean must tackle China | Bangkok Post: opinion
That is right, I believe China is thinking exactly the same way. That is why they have to protect what they have already controlled. So that is the big fuss about SAM deployment on the islands they are controlling?

So what is the big fuss about U.S. warships patrolling in those waters for years? We are also protecting our interests in free navigation.:-)

Yes exactly, and what was once taken by you as a consequence of imperialism, doesn't mean will forever belong to the imperialists or their cronies as balance of power is a dynamic phenomenon.

Indeed, Vietnam resisting Chinese occupation would be a good example.:-)
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