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China hackers enter Navy computers, plant bug to extract sensitive data

Disagree with you there. We are not like the chinese, we respect ourselves and others. Rather than fight fire with fire, we should use water and defend ourselves from the hackers.

hahaahaha everybody do that :D even India too :D
What I am saying is to intensify it. It already exists :D

BTW what do you mean by ^^^ Bolded part ??? Typo ???
hahaahaha everybody do that :D even India too :D
What I am saying is to intensify it. It already exists :D

BTW what do you mean by ^^^ Bolded part ??? Typo ???
No i mean that we should stop an attack not by counter-attacking, but by defense (Water puts out fire).
actually it is pretty much Chinese job..every country do this kind of hacking/stealing of data but rarely get caught.only chinese hackers are the exception..quality problem i guess..
This is what I call a BS write up.

Chinese sold a Usb Drive with a virus and what great luck it was bought by a Indian Navy officer who had access to sensitive information.
Well if the computers were supposed not to have the usb port or external connectivity,then why the hell they had that on them......Should we blame the Chinese for that
Lastly if the navy stores data on computers that are not connected to the Internet, how in the world......the bug sent the data through Internet.

Either the Navy is acting like a sissy or the reporter is working hard for his 50 Rupees.
Disagree with you there. We are not like the chinese, we respect ourselves and others. Rather than fight fire with fire, we should use water and defend ourselves from the hackers.
but you dont respect your roads, your streets while spitting so how will some one give you people respect I find it hard but on an international level people still think lowly of india except nationalistic indians.

If india boasts a cyber country with advanced tech, then why is it that there is a lack of security in the first place.
There are a variety of scenarios possible:

1. The data is purposely allowed to be transmitted by IN intelligence to put the chinese off track or confounded at worst. (just like US let go neutron bomb "designs" to hacking so that the "researchers" waste much effort and money trying to chase and pursue in the wrong direction).

2. Counter intelligence / counter hacking is at a higher level that no one knows if it exists. How many "achievements" of RAW do we get to know ... and what we get to know, they are actually a bad showing that RAW failed to keep it a secret.

It is not an that ISI activities or in this case chinese govt hacking become publicly known. Both point to a significant lower level of capabilities, that they can prevent detection.

3. Nothing has actually happened, such that even no attempt was made .. but what's harm in putting out public news to paint the chinese black. It makes the world cautios .. or even over cautious :-)laugh:), or perhaps for commercial reasons.

4. And lastly, if chinese are indeed involved.. they have surely fallen to so low a level that they need help from Indian nuclear submarine technology to spruce up their own. And then do we need to worry about such an opponent?

The least, if does tells us that chinese could be quite scared of IN moves into SCS in the coming decade. Helps us use their fear as a political chip .... now that their hacking attempts are out in the open.
Trace physical location of that IP and do some fire works at that place. I hope the mission is already under way or done.
There are a variety of scenarios possible:

1. The data is purposely allowed to be transmitted by IN intelligence to put the chinese off track or confounded at worst. (just like US let go neutron bomb "designs" to hacking so that the "researchers" waste much effort and money trying to chase and pursue in the wrong direction).

One works, somewhere in China teraflops of CPU is still being expended in an effort to decrypt 40 episodes of The Disney Princess off a decoy laptop that I was forced to take to China.
Certain question arises due to this incident:

1. If there was any leak indeed than it makes no sense to disclose it to media.

2. Is navy is still asleep after the naval war room leak case.

3. How can such a sensitive computers holding information about IN's pride - SSBN Arihant was vulnerable to such an attack.

4. What is the Indian planning about counter attacking w.r.t. cyber warfare, which has become a new type of asymmetric warfare.
They should develop their own networks and OS to work and bring NSA workstyle platform. All the information should be encoded into ciphers using offline supercomputers and cryptology. separate computers should be used for internet using filters. They should make their working style little more professional.
"The Navy — and the other armed forces — stores sensitive data only in standalone computers that are not connected to the Internet. These computers are not supposed to have ports or access points for pen drives or external storage devices.

The virus apparently created a hidden folder and collected specific files and documents based on certain ‘key words’ that it has been programmed to identify.

The documents remained hidden on the pen drives until they were put in computers that were connected to the Internet, after which the bug quietly sent the files to specific IP addresses."

At most The data already in the Closed network node might not have been compromised...only the data in the pen drives were collected and transmitted.

and why they be connected to internet, rather a satellite which is recently launched for navy then communication would be much better? Plus an indigenous network like JWIC should be built for overseas transfer and all this data should be encoded into ciphers. This is the way to work.

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