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China firm to build mega dam in Pak kashmir despite India’s strong opposition

When we see some disputes,warfare and regional contradiction in the whole world,we always see that country here or there...we could consider.
They always say it is nothing to do with us,we dont choose side..But this country has been interfering and messing...we should consider.
Who create those problems of boundary around us?It is really between Part A and Part B or it is from PART C...we should consider.
If we choose peace,who will be happy...If we choose war,who will be happy...we should consider.
Really hope China,Japan,Pakistan,India,Vietnam,Cambodia,South Korea,Malaysia,Indonesia.....and so on..those countries which have territorial dispute could sit down and find out a compromised solution..we should see clearly who create those dispute,if we escalating those disputes,who will benefit.....we should conside..
If we don't consider,we will be left behind still..Asia will be a mess still...Asia already has a big step forward...if we feel arrogant,we are not united,the promising future will be deprived of..
Honestly hope our Asian members could think about this point..Don't be used and please be united..though we still face those dispute,hope we could be compatible well...
If you think my words is bullshit and nonsense,please leave it..
Why should that be a surprise?? India stand is that entire kashmir is our boundary so it's obvious we can do anything within our territory however not others, no?? China by engaging in P-O-K is only making India's current and future engagement in South China sea and other areas of her dispute easy...because when they are going to object(which they do) India will show them their own engagement in our areas of dispute...no??
china should not have any problem when India cooperates with others in SCS.
Don't take it seriously ...........it will not get finished ....if it even started knowing by pak dam projects:lol:
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It really sounds hilarious when indians say we will meddle in SCS, cant clear out their own Airforce base in 4 days from just 4 low level thugs and thinking of countering china

But the same guys have been running around in your country for over 3 decades. Yet you dream of countering India.
Everything that you might do in the SCS will be paid back by Chinese activities in waters surrounding the subcontinent。

The Indian Ocean is NOT your backyard。The Americans have been there for decades。Now the Chinese are following suit
Keep telling that to yourself ................:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Ok, Dear India, if you have any problem than let's sit and talk about your tota howa ang.
Everything that you might do in the SCS will be paid back by Chinese activities in waters surrounding the subcontinent。

The Indian Ocean is NOT your backyard。The Americans have been there for decades。Now the Chinese are following suit

SCS is not your backyard too. You can do nothing about it if India decides to venture more than we already do. Its a Payback to your policy on Indian ocean. Live with it!!

who is india ???


Your worst nightmare !!
Everything that you might do in the SCS will be paid back by Chinese activities in waters surrounding the subcontinent。

The Indian Ocean is NOT your backyard。The Americans have been there for decades。Now the Chinese are following suit
And India is joining in the SCS party now.
Everything the Chinese have done by arming Pakistan will be paid back by India in East Asian Countries.

We will make sure that SCS does not become China's backyard :)

Don't worry mate, its just power games. We do it as well.
Ask your media and govt. to stop whining about it.
How daft are you?

India has to officially lodge protests, so that our claims are not compromised. The same way Chinese lodge their protests where we are investing along with Vietnam in their disputed region.

Only the Pakistanis have such a simplistic paindu mind where everything is a street shouting match...that they take it seriously and call it 'whining'. Its par for the course for everyone else.
When India is drilling oil in South china sea with vietnam (disputed territory )of china and there are plans to invite Japanese infrastructure investment in Arunanchal Pradesh (South Tibet) as well .... We can't expect Chinese to remain idle in P OK.
How daft are you?

India has to officially lodge protests, so that our claims are not compromised. The same way Chinese lodge their protests where we are investing along with Vietnam in their disputed region.

Only the Pakistanis have such a simplistic paindu mind where everything is a street shouting match...that they take it seriously and call it 'whining'. Its par for the course for everyone else.

Abay dhakan, why Indian pea size brain can't follow same logic when Pakistan re-affirm it's position on dispute.
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