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China firm to build mega dam in Pak kashmir despite India’s strong opposition

This post also proves my previous post......

That is the good part of a democracy........ Everyone can voice their opinion...... Even people like you and I can....... With out breaking the law of land everyone can voice their opinion...... If they break the law during this, then the law will take care..... Lagtha hein yeh sab aapki samajse bahar hein.... Ya aap ispar ghor karna nahin chahtha.....

hmm.... without breaking laws like Shiv Sena etc. do?
For every one burned and killed in (non-democratic) Pakistan there will be dozens burned and killed in democratic Hindustan.

Then why minorities are increasing in Hindustan and decreasing in Pakistan???
Just look at the democratic behavior of Shiv Sena, you dont need to ask details

Lol They are part of democracy...... to be honest, You and @LoveIcon seems to have little different view on democracy..... Well Democracy doesnt mean that everyone will behave as per law..... There will be hardliners, and the same democracy makes them change their views..... Some like shivsena doesnt change the view, and that is the reason they are "0" outside Mumbai or Maharashtra.... By the way India is a big country (if you do not know already) and it has several political parties...... And no one here believes that India has the best democratic system in the world.... We have our own set of problems and we do work to correct them with in the democratic system.....

Nothing, just trying to understand democracy.
India merged entire Asia into their map no body give shit about India... the reality is J&K is "DISPUTED TERRITORY" where as "AJ&K" is part of Pakistan RECOGANIZED by every country which includes UNITED NATION. So India chaand seetaray ko bhi apnay map may daal lay no body care about what India and tatoo Indians think!
When did you become the principal secretary of UN? And which country declared AJK as divided part of whole Kashmir valley and 'not disputed'?
Why should that be a surprise?? India stand is that entire kashmir is our boundary so it's obvious we can do anything within our territory however not others, no?? China by engaging in P-O-K is only making India's current and future engagement in South China sea and other areas of her dispute easy...because when they are going to object(which they do) India will show them their own engagement in our areas of dispute...no??
Do crying we dont care when u send water to flood pak u dont say a thing time has come to deal with u aggressively u listen this language

Kashmir dam will be made do what u can
Yes the protect was dully noted and ignored.. We can build anything we want in our held Kashmir bcz we hold it. You can protest but nobody will give two hoots about it. The Chinese will complete this dam of that I have no doubt unless of course our own political parties make it a kala bagh dam on which case the blame will lie solely on us and not china...

Anyway on topic. The dam is very much a necessity considering how we need to meet our energy demands and our future rising demands.
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