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China firm to build mega dam in Pak kashmir despite India’s strong opposition

Are you not part of world's largest democracy? If majority of Indians don't care about it than why not ask your govt. and media to stop going against wishes of majority?
nice thought but only thing indian media cares about is TRP and profit and till sensationalism sells indian media will keep doing it as for democracy even owr ministers have adresed our media traders as presstitutes did media change its style ?
Pakistan re-affirm it's position on dispute.
But aren't you fellow were saying its disputed so why reaffirming :rofl:
Indians don't care about it than why not ask your govt. and media to stop going against wishes of majority?
who said we are against it...............i said we don't care

Secondly its between india and china ..........china will not move because its disputed .........these are just for show
Why should that be a surprise?? India stand is that entire kashmir is our boundary so it's obvious we can do anything within our territory however not others, no?? China by engaging in P-O-K is only making India's current and future engagement in South China sea and other areas of her dispute easy...because when they are going to object(which they do) India will show them their own engagement in our areas of dispute...no??

India merged entire Asia into their map no body give shit about India... the reality is J&K is "DISPUTED TERRITORY" where as "AJ&K" is part of Pakistan RECOGANIZED by every country which includes UNITED NATION. So India chaand seetaray ko bhi apnay map may daal lay no body care about what India and tatoo Indians think!
Are you not part of world's largest democracy? If majority of Indians don't care about it than why not ask your govt. and media to stop going against wishes of majority?

Your question proves that you have no clue how a democracy works....... If you had any clue then you would not have posted this.....
India merged entire Asia into their map no body give shit about India... the reality is J&K is "DISPUTED TERRITORY" where as "AJ&K" is part of Pakistan RECOGANIZED by every country which includes UNITED NATION. So India chaand seetaray ko bhi apnay map may daal lay no body care about what India and tatoo Indians think!

The Whole J&k including P0k is not a disputed territory according to UN from 2010
Kashmir issue left unmentioned in United Nations - The Express Tribune
This proves you don't know $hit about J&K
Your question proves that you have no clue how a democracy works....... If you had any clue then you would not have posted this.....

I guess i have Idea, norm of democracy is to either black the face with ink or ask to leave the country for raising different voice.
India merged entire Asia into their map no body give shit about India... the reality is J&K is "DISPUTED TERRITORY" where as "AJ&K" is part of Pakistan RECOGANIZED by every country which includes UNITED NATION. So India chaand seetaray ko bhi apnay map may daal lay no body care about what India and tatoo Indians think!
Um? Who tells you these things? Further proof that Pakistanis rarely let facts and law enter their minds.

The entire J&K - including p.o.k is either disputed or undisputed. It cannot be partially disputed and partially not.
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I guess i have Idea, norm of democracy is to either black the face with ink or ask to leave the country for raising different voice.
This post also proves my previous post......

That is the good part of a democracy........ Everyone can voice their opinion...... Even people like you and I can....... With out breaking the law of land everyone can voice their opinion...... If they break the law during this, then the law will take care..... Lagtha hein yeh sab aapki samajse bahar hein.... Ya aap ispar ghor karna nahin chahtha.....
I guess i have Idea, norm of democracy is to either black the face with ink or ask to leave the country for raising different voice.

Or kill them or burn their properties in the Name of blasphemy.
Or kill them or burn their properties in the Name of blasphemy.

For every one burned and killed in (non-democratic) Pakistan there will be dozens burned and killed in democratic Hindustan.
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