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China Expressways, Highways: News & Discussions

Public transport is really wonderful.

Besides, don't like the chaos of the road.

Young people drive carelessly nowadays.
Late this year we'll inaugurate a new cross-Han River subway in Wuhan and an airport subway, as well as an intercity HSR to airport and satellite cities (will eventually extend to Xi'an in Northwest China).



Late this year we'll inaugurate a new cross-Han River subway in Wuhan and an airport subway, as well as an intercity HSR to airport and satellite cities (will eventually extend to Xi'an in Northwest China).

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Great. Just wonderful. Step by step, China is moving towards a greener GDP. Public transport is the key.
Along with NEV initiative by the central government.

I for one would like to see electric cars than hybrids. But this is a good start. Besides public transport offers time to read and reflect. Looking out of the window...seeing things flashing by...

Just like when one was a child. Only now it is just too fast.
Great. Just wonderful. Step by step, China is moving towards a greener GDP. Public transport is the key.
Along with NEV initiative by the central government.

I for one would like to see electric cars than hybrids. But this is a good start. Besides public transport offers time to read and reflect. Looking out of the window...seeing things flashing by...

Just like when one was a child. Only now it is just too fast.
Even Urumqi will launch her first subway in 2017! (200+km lines planned)
And use made-in-Xinjiang tunnel boring machines!



Must save people from Urumqi's congested urban roads!
Any Chinese city has multiple faces!
Traditional elements and modernity harmoniously coexist

Ningbo City
15th biggest city of mainland China (economy)

(after Guangdong, Jiangsu and Shandong provinces)

Expressway Network around Ningbo
  • Hangzhou Bay ring expressway (G9211).
  • The Yongtaiwen expressway (G15)
  • The Yongjin expressway (G1512)
  • The Huyong expressway (G15)
  • The Yongzhou expressway (G9211)
  • The G1501 Ningbo Ring Expressway
  • The G15W2 Ningbo–Dongguan Expressway
Subway line 1 & 2 in operation

High-speed Railway
Hangzhou-Ningbo HSR
Ningbo-Taizhou-Wenzhou HSR
屏幕快照 2016-07-28 16.13.03.png

The modern face
Population: 8 million
Area: 9,816.23 km2
GDP: $16000 per capita
Growth: 6.8% ( H1 2016)
Government revenue: 200 billion yuan($31 billion)


Bridge to Zhoushan Island


Ningbo's HSR station

@yusheng R u from Ningbo? :cheers:
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I've been there twice, once was during my high school graduation trip and once as freshman in college with my teammates....All I remember was the old shabby railway station and beautiful lakes and rivers in the downtown...And of course amazing seafood!
AndrewJin, ningbo has too many rivers and bridges.

zhoushan (islands) city, once it is a part of ningbo, is connected to ningbo by huge bridges.


these bridges are not hangzhou bay bridges, these bridges connect ningbo mainland to zhoushan islands city:
jingtang bridge:

西堠门大桥xihoumeng bridge的通车改写了世界十大悬索桥的排序。西堠门大桥主跨径达到了1650米,仅次于日本明石海峡大桥(主跨1991米),是世界第二大悬索桥,钢箱梁长度世界第一
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ningbo lingqiao was built in 1936 by Germany, survived from bombing by Japanese, now it renewed, during the time its repairing, a temporary bridge was built nearby:


stone bridge in park, and such bridges once took the main roles all among the ningbo city which was built on a river net.

ningbo dongqian lake, where headquarter of PLAN east sea fleet locats.
AndrewJin, ningbo has too many rivers and bridges.

zhoushan (islands) city, once it is a part of ningbo, is connected to ningbo by huge bridges.
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these bridges are not hangzhou bay bridges, these bridges connect ningbo mainland to zhoushan islands city:
jingtang bridge:
View attachment 321433

西堠门大桥xihoumeng bridge的通车改写了世界十大悬索桥的排序。西堠门大桥主跨径达到了1650米,仅次于日本明石海峡大桥(主跨1991米),是世界第二大悬索桥,钢箱梁长度世界第一
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Ningbo has some of the most magnificent cross-bay/strait bridges in China.
But in terms of river bridge, no province can beat Hubei and Chongqing!

The newly opened Zhixi Bridge in Yichang City, home to 3 Gorge Dam
The purpose is to replace the old road on top of the Gezhou Dam.

Yichang City's sixth Yangtze River Bridge
Zhixi Yangtze River Bridge (18 July 2016)
3.23km long
2.8 billion yuan
6 lanes


The bridge is named after Zhixi Pavilion
built 10 centuries ago during Song Dynasty

ningbo lingqiao was built in 1936 by Germany, survived from bombing by Japanese, now it renewed, during the time its repairing, a temporary bridge was built nearby:
View attachment 321440
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stone bridge in park, and such bridges once took the main roles all among the ningbo city which was built on a river net.
View attachment 321441 View attachment 321442 View attachment 321443

ningbo dongqian lake, where headquarter of PLAN east sea fleet locats.
View attachment 321446
This is a very ideal place of PLAN!
Large equipments are seen at the construction site of a comprehensive underground pipeline project in Zhengzhou, central China's Henan Province, July 29, 2016. The city planned to construct eight comprehensive underground pipeline projects this year, with a total length of 44.1 kilometers. The comprehensive projects have enough space for pipes of power supply, telecommunication, TV broadcasting, water supply, drainage and heat supply. (Xinhua/Li An)


Ningbo has some of the most magnificent cross-bay/strait bridges in China.
But in terms of river bridge, no province can beat Hubei and Chongqing!
This is a very ideal place of PLAN!

Yes, ningbo rivers are samll compared with Yangzhi river, the bridges in NIngbo is easier to build than other place.
This video is the first detailed aerial view of Longjiang bridge
including upstream and downstream, the waterfall below the bridge and the abandoned Yunnan-Burma road

(for previous videos see #27 on page 2 & #138 on page 10)

Longjiang Bridge on S10 Baoshan-Tengchong Provincial Expressway
Bridging the distance between China and Burma


Longjiang Bridge 龙江大桥
(literally Dragon River Bridge)
Wuhexiang, Yunnan, China
958 feet high / 292 meters high
3,924 foot span / 1,196 meter span
total length 2470m

(source of photos and description_

The Longjiang River is the largest obstacle along the S10 Baoteng spur expressway that branches off from the G56 to the city of Tengchong in western Yunnan Province. To get across the 300 meter deep river gorge, the engineers have designed the longest span high bridge on earth with a tower to tower distance of 3,924 feet (1,196 meters) - nearly as long as the Golden Gate Bridge. Longjiang surpassed the distance of both Aizhai and Balinghe Bridges which previously held the long span record honors among the world's highest bridges.

The Longjiang crossing is also unique among China's big mountain suspension bridges with a thin steel box girder deck that breaks away from the traditional truss deck used on earlier bridges like Siduhe, Balinghe, Lishuihe and Aizhai. Yunnan's Puli Bridge also has a steel box deck. The tallest tower on Longjiang Bridge measures 167 meters in height.


@Kiss_of_the_Dragon @LTE-TDD @simple Brain @Śakra @PARIKRAMA @anant_s @Bussard Ramjet @PaklovesTurkiye @litefire @Götterdämmerung @Gibbs @Godman @terranMarine @Jguo @ahojunk @Gufi @waz @yusheng @hirobo2 @long_ @Three_Kingdoms @faithfulguy @TaiShang @oprih @Nadhem Of Ibelin @Stranagor @Mista @CAPRICORN-88 @Ankit Kumar 002 @itachii @Srinivas @ahojunk @Jlaw et al

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