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5. Chilli chicken.
Deep fried chicken nuggets tossed in a thick concoction of soya sauce and spices galore. What else can we expect from Indian-Chinese food?



Chicken dishes in China rarely come dunked in sauce. Since the Chinese don't like to waste, the offal of the bird are usually used to prepare dishes like chilli chicken and they are dirt cheap.



Chicken is roasted, barbequed (char sieuw) with a sweet sauce or steamed. It is then neatly sliced and served with rice and condiments. This is a perfect example of how traditional food focuses on the main ingredient and doesn't try to over power it with other flavours.

6. Chilli paneer.
The vegetarian substitute of chilli chicken, paneer is probably unheard of in China and is available as cottage cheese at fancy grocery stores.



Tofu is popular in China and makes an appearance everywhere, even in dessert. The Sichuan province in China specialises in a dish called Mapo Tofu and it's as simple as chilli paneer. The sauce is prepared from broad bean paste known as doubanjiang and Sichuan peppercorns.



7. Sweet and sour sauce.
Another popular gravy that is used for soups and sauces for chicken and vegetables. It's made from tomato ketchup and chilli sauce.



Sweet and sour sauce in china is dark and uses soya sauce as well as citrus fruits to get a sour taste. Agar and sugar are also added to get sweetness that is in perfect harmony with the tartness. It is best enjoyed with seafood.

8. American Chopsuey.
As kids we loved it! Crispy noodles with a thick sauce similar to sweet and sour and topped off with a fried egg.



Crispy noodles are not foreign to China but make a rare appearance. To mark the lunar new year, families toss colourful and crispy noodles on a platter as a wish for prosperity. They also make an appearance in a hotpot of viscous soup that is filled with vegetables.



9. Darsaan.
Restaurants here have convinced us that traditional Chinese dessert means 'Darsaan'. Deep fried noodles of pastry that are coated in warm honey and sprinkled generously with sesame seeds. The platter is served warm with ice cream.



Chinese desserts extends a lot more, from steamed buns with a sweet filling to puddings made with agar-agar (unflavoured gelatin) and sago garnished with seasonal fruits. Almond cookies are very popular during festive seasons along with moon cake (picture below), eaten to mark the middle of autumn. Darsaan is a complete western creation.


Tong Yuan (above) is a traditional dessert of glutinous rice balls with a black sesame filling in a mildly sweet syrup.
In Indian tradition, rats are seen as the vehicle of Ganesha, and a rat's statue is always found in a temple of Ganesh. The attending priests feed milk and grain to the rats, of which the pilgrims also partake.No rat meat used as food any where in India.

9 Chinese Favourites In India That Are Unheard Of In China

Chinese food is the most popular foreign cuisine in India surpassing Continental and Mexican, which come in at second place. It seems we love their food more than we respect their country. But before this story digresses into politics, is the Chinese food we eat here, authentic? The answer is no.

Indian Chinese food was born when Chinese migrants settled in Calcutta and developed a cuisine to suit the local taste. It wasn't just limited to India though; this renaissance of traditional cuisine to suit the taste of the local people happened in the United States, Europe and South East Asia which saw a heavy migration of Chinese people from an impoverished communist era.

When you dine at a Chinese restaurant in India the most popular dishes are always stir fried noodles, fried rice, chicken or vegetable nuggets in some spicy thick sauce and vegetables that have also been stir fried to death. What do they all have in common? They are all packed with flavour and assemble several ingredients. Does this remind you a bit of Indian cuisine?

In China, the food might be the same or it could be completely unheard of. Whuttt?? Because traditional Chinese food focuses on the main ingredient of the dish to bring out its full flavour. The condiments are served on the side so the diner may season the dish according to what he fancies.

1. Vegetarian Hakka Noodles.
Stir-fried noodles with sliced vegetables, and sometimes, egg. We eat it mixed with spicy sauces just like we eat chappati with subzi.



Believe it or not, this dish is eaten as street food in the mainland, and is a quick and simple dish for mothers to get rid of leftover vegetables and noodles.


Noodles are not always eaten as a part of a meal but if it is, it is eaten in a bowl in broth or in dry form with a thick sauce or paste to add some flavour. Mind you, the noodles are not stir fried. It's like a meal in a bowl with chunks of vegetables, tofu and meat that add as side dishes. Condiments of dried chilli paste, chillies soaked in soya sauce and sweet chillies are served on the side in case the diner would like to customize the intensity of the flavour.


2. Vegetarian Manchurian.
Ah the Manchurian, a.k.a, a ball of smashed cauliflower and sliced cabbage coated in flour and deep fried to be finally dunked in a thickened concoction of soya sauce. The far eastern cousin of the beloved kofta.


"I love Manchurian with noodles", declares Rajarshi, as he orders the dish in question at a vendor's stall. Little does he know that Manchurian are a people in China who hail from the north-eastern part of the country.

Perhaps in a parallel universe, the Chinese have developed a cuisine where Indian food is suited to their tastes. I wouldn't be surprised if they love sweet and spicy chicken skewers called 'punjabi'.

3. Dimsums.
Dimsums are served in classy Chinese restaurants here while momos are found just about anywhere. The choice is basic depending on the meat of the filling. Chicken and pork.



Dimsums in China are a tea time favourite. They come in all styles with various fillings ranging from savoury to sweet. Chicken, pork, beef (RSS people be like "hawwwwwww"), seafood, soup, red bean paste and lotus paste.



Steamed in bamboo baskets, the skill of the chef is evident from the intricate folds of the pouch and its ability to not break when lifted with chop sticks.


Enjoy with a warm cup of jasmine tea.

4. Sweet corn chicken soup.
The classic favourite that is now available in sachets. Pour in some hot water and you're good to go. This sweetened soup with corn egg and chunks of chicken is not the same in China.



In the mainland, soups remain thin and hearty as herbs and meats are braised to perfection. They are generally eaten with rice and make up a wonderful meal for those who are watching their weight.


In India, a soup must be a starter to a Chinese meal.
There is a certain caste, I've watched a documentary about their life.
The migration abroad was not after 1949, but before 1949.
There is a certain caste, I've watched a documentary about their life.
The migration abroad was not after 1949, but before 1949.

There is.

Musahar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I have tried some Chinese food outside China, in Australia and Southeast Asia. Since they are mostly run by local Chinese, the food there is generally good.
Do they serve pork, fish or chicken in Chinese restaurant in India? Chinese Vegetarian restaurant is very expensive and food there looks and tastes like meet, but no meet at all!

Most restaurants in India avoid beef and pork, to get more clientele. Hindus generally won't eat in restaurants that serve beef and Muslims won't eat in restaurants that serve pork, so there goes close to 90% of your clients. The high end chinese restaurants do serve both beef and pork though.

The normal Chinese restaurants in India serve Chicken, Fish, Lamb and other sea food items, along with vegetarian options. Not everyone in India is vegetarian, I would say roughly 50% of Hindus are vegetarians, rest not.
There is.

Musahar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Most restaurants in India avoid beef and pork, to get more clientele. Hindus generally won't eat in restaurants that serve beef and Muslims won't eat in restaurants that serve pork, so there goes close to 90% of your clients. The high end chinese restaurants do serve both beef and pork though.

The normal Chinese restaurants in India serve Chicken, Fish, Lamb and other sea food items, along with vegetarian options. Not everyone in India is vegetarian, I would say roughly 50% of Hindus are vegetarians, rest not.
Thanks for your information. My Indian friend(who claims to be from the highest caste) eats any meat other than beef. He asked me to write a bilingual note which says No Beef. But he likes pork dumplings in a dumpling restaurant chain in China. It will be much easier for an Indian technician working in China if he eats meat.
Thanks for your information. My Indian friend(who claims to be from the highest caste) eats any meat other than beef. He asked me to write a bilingual note which says No Beef. But he likes pork dumplings in a dumpling restaurant chain in China. It will be much easier for an Indian technician working in China if he eats meat.

Yes Hindus usually will eat pork if served, but as I said, in order to cater to their Muslim clienteles and their sensitivities, most restaurants in India will avoid serving pork altogether. I guess due to the Muslim rule in North India in the recent past, pork based dish are not found in modern North Indian cuisine at all. However pork is staple for people in North East India and is also popular in some Southern Indian states.

At the end of the day its a personal preference.
Revisiting PDF near lunch and found this thread, nice. :enjoy:

If you like broth food or soups, try these Indonesian soups :

Coto Makassar (pron: Cho-to Makassar)


Coto Makassar with Ketupat


Coto Makassar with Burasa

The beef is boiled in rice broth until it's fully cooked and tender. The broth then mixed with ground fried peanuts and other ingredients.

I heard Garuda Airways serves this on its international flights.

Coto Makassar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Pallu Basa (Pron: Pal-loo Basa)


Its appearance may look not so special but the taste is heaven. :tup:

The cooking method is similar to Coto but difference is Pallubasa use coconut milk and egg with large amount of dried coconut. Optionally, when served, raw egg is put into the the hot broth, the egg will be half cooked, adding a more delicious flavor to the broth. Yummmy.

Pallubasa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Sop Saudara


Like Coto, it doesn't use coconut milk. Other than beef, Sop Saudara has fried cow lung, rice noodle, and Perkedel, fried mashed Potato (Indonesian frikadeller) added in the broth.

Sop Saudara is commonlly served with grilled Bandeng (milkfish) and rice.


Sop Konro



This is a "bone soup". The main ingredients are bones with little meat still attached to it. Ribs and legs are favorite. The soup is using keluak which gives blackish color to the broth.

Konro - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Those are my tribe's native cuisine. They are mainly beef broths but chicken, buffalo, and horse meat version are available.

While the main ingredient is meat, you can order to add (boiled) offal like intestine, liver, lungs, heart. Mix them all or just meat is up to you. Just order your preference.

Traditionally, the soups are served with Burasa, a Makassarean rice dumpling cooked with coconut milk packed inside a banana leaf pouch. But nowadays seller choose Ketupat or rice for practical reason because its waaaay easier and faster than cooking Burasa.

Indonesian chinese here love them too, I often sit shoulder to shoulder with them in the crowded restaurant eating those together. :D
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Revisiting PDF near lunch and found this thread, nice. :enjoy:

If you like broth food or soups, try these Indonesian soups :

Coto Makassar (pron: Cho-to Makassar)


Coto Makassar with Ketupat


Coto Makassar with Burasa

The beef is boiled in rice broth until it's fully cooked and tender. The broth then mixed with dried coconut and other ingredients.

I've heard Garuda Airways served this on its international flights.

Coto Makassar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Pallu Basa (Pron: Pal-loo Basa)


Its appearance may look not so special but the taste is heaven. :tup:

The cooking method is similar to Coto but difference is Pallubasa use coconut milk and egg with large amount of dried coconut. Optionally, when served, raw egg is put into the the hot broth, the egg will be half cooked, adding a more delicious flavor to the broth. Yummmy.

Pallubasa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Sop Saudara


Like Coto, it doesn't use coconut milk. Other than beef, Sop Saudara has fried cow lung, rice noodle, and Perkedel, fried mashed Potato (Indonesian frikadeller) added in the broth.

Sop Saudara is commonlly served with grilled Bandeng (milkfish) and rice.


Sop Konro



This is a "bone soup". The main ingredients are bones with little meat still attached to it. Ribs and legs are favorite. The soup is using keluak which gives blackish color to the broth.

Konro - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Those are my tribe's native cuisine. They are mainly beef broths but chicken, buffalo, and horse meat version are available.

While the main ingredient is meat, you can order to add (boiled) offal like intestine, liver, lungs, heart. Mix them all or just meat is up to you. Just order your preference.

Traditionally, the soups are served with Burasa, a Makassarean rice dumpling cooked with coconut milk packed inside a banana leaf pouch. But nowadays seller choose Ketupat or rice for practical reason because its waaaay easier and faster than cooking Burasa.

Indonesian chinese here love them too, I often sit shoulder to shoulder with them in the crowded restaurant eating those together. :D

Where is the best restaurant to eat those food in Jakarta...? :bounce:

Particularly South Jakarta ( near my home )
Revisiting PDF near lunch and found this thread, nice. :enjoy:

If you like broth food or soups, try these Indonesian soups :

Coto Makassar (pron: Cho-to Makassar)


Coto Makassar with Ketupat


Coto Makassar with Burasa

The beef is boiled in rice broth until it's fully cooked and tender. The broth then mixed with dried coconut and other ingredients.

I've heard Garuda Airways served this on its international flights.

Coto Makassar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Pallu Basa (Pron: Pal-loo Basa)


Its appearance may look not so special but the taste is heaven. :tup:

The cooking method is similar to Coto but difference is Pallubasa use coconut milk and egg with large amount of dried coconut. Optionally, when served, raw egg is put into the the hot broth, the egg will be half cooked, adding a more delicious flavor to the broth. Yummmy.

Pallubasa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Sop Saudara


Like Coto, it doesn't use coconut milk. Other than beef, Sop Saudara has fried cow lung, rice noodle, and Perkedel, fried mashed Potato (Indonesian frikadeller) added in the broth.

Sop Saudara is commonlly served with grilled Bandeng (milkfish) and rice.


Sop Konro



This is a "bone soup". The main ingredients are bones with little meat still attached to it. Ribs and legs are favorite. The soup is using keluak which gives blackish color to the broth.

Konro - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Those are my tribe's native cuisine. They are mainly beef broths but chicken, buffalo, and horse meat version are available.

While the main ingredient is meat, you can order to add (boiled) offal like intestine, liver, lungs, heart. Mix them all or just meat is up to you. Just order your preference.

Traditionally, the soups are served with Burasa, a Makassarean rice dumpling cooked with coconut milk packed inside a banana leaf pouch. But nowadays seller choose Ketupat or rice for practical reason because its waaaay easier and faster than cooking Burasa.

Indonesian chinese here love them too, I often sit shoulder to shoulder with them in the crowded restaurant eating those together. :D
Love them! I'd love to try all of them if I travel there. For me, eating local cuisines is an indispensable part of traveling.
Where is the best restaurant to eat those food in Jakarta...? :bounce:

Particularly South Jakarta ( near my home )

OOooh brother I'm not even live in Jakarta so I can't recommend places :( .. but my family there usually eat those in Kelapa Gading whenever they feel homesick. I only ate there once, it's a boulevard with many food shop/stall along the road. 8-)
OOooh brother I'm not even live in Jakarta so I can't recommend places :( .. but my family there usually eat those in Kelapa Gading whenever they feel homesick. I only ate there once, it's a boulevard with many food shop/stall along the road. 8-)

OK, brother thats fine......Kelapa Gading is too far away though, actually there are many restaurant of this in South Jakarta like somewhere near Block M area, but I dont know where is the best......


Where is the best Coto Makassar restaurant in South Jakarta...........?

Do you have any idea.........? Maybe we can eat together there .......... :D
OK, brother thats fine......Kelapa Gading is too far away though, actually there are many restaurant of this in South Jakarta like somewhere near Block M area, but I dont know where is the best......


Where is the best Coto Makassar restaurant in South Jakarta...........?

Do you have any idea.........? Maybe we can eat together there .......... :D

at my mother house
OK, brother thats fine......Kelapa Gading is too far away though, actually there are many restaurant of this in South Jakarta like somewhere near Block M area, but I dont know where is the best......


Where is the best Coto Makassar restaurant in South Jakarta...........?

Do you have any idea.........? Maybe we can eat together there .......... :D

According to my family who lived there for decades and have tried other places, KG is where they sell the best Coto Makassar in whole Jakarta.

They might be wrong though, who know perhaps @madokafc 's mother's house is the best place. :D
According to my family who lived there for decades and have tried other places, KG is where they sell the best Coto Makassar in whole Jakarta.

They might be wrong though, who know perhaps @madokafc 's mother's house is the best place. :D

Thanks bro for the suggestion,

In this case, I prefer @madokafc mother house............. :p:
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