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China does it again...

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Nazis were not patriotic - they were jingoistic. There is a big difference. But yes, you have a point. Mao and some of his policies killed more than Hitler's policies did. I have a feeling the Chinese CP has an internal mechanism which prevents psychos from taking over. Can some Chinese shed some light on how the President of China is selected?

There is a thin line that separates patriotism and jingoism, and the worst thing is you won't realize when you personally cross it. But I was not referring to the Nazis, I was talking about the ordinary German public who were not too excited about the war, but did it for the sake of their country. Come to think of it, the recent Island crisis kinda suggests that the Chinese are very much jingoistic when it comes to Japan. But of course, they have a very understandable reason for that and it can be excused.

As for the "internal mechanism", I agree that there seems to be something that prevent psychos, I have personally never seen an overtly aggressive Chinese leader. But the best fail safe is one that is in the hands of the general public rather than bureaucrats. Like I said it only takes a good leader....and if you are charismatic enough, you can influence all the important people in power...and probably intimidate the rest.
I'll say it for the third time:

Not one single Chinese poster in this thread is defending the decision.

What is with all the lectures on morality? :rolleyes:

Relax buddy, no one here is lecturing anyone on morality, we are just having a healthy discussion on this topic. I understand that no one completely agrees with the jailing of the guy and that does count a lot. But ultimately the man will still be in jail whether the people on this board defend it or not.

However I personally feel that if it wasn't for people like us discussing such issues all over the world, he might not even have been jailed, he would have simply disappeared. Harsh, but true, the only reason why dissidents are jailed and not simply killed nowadays is because of intense international scrutiny. There was a time when people who spoke against the governments across the world had a lot more to fear than jail time. If it wasn't for those watching from across the borders, people like Nelson Mandela and Aung San Suu Kyi and the whole lot would have been long dead.
Why do we have to take critisms from people like you or what have we got to learn from a backward country like india? just because you like to bark does nt mean we have to folow.

This is why you have to take criticism from me -

Because I am not in China and this is a free forum, you don't have a choice. If your Politburo has the balls, or if the Chinese Govt., Army, Air Force and Navy has the balls to stop me - then let them try. If they can't then let them brew some nice Chinese tea, dip their balls in it and then drink it.

What do you have to learn from a backward country like India? Lots. Dietary habits for one.

Was the last line a direct transliteration of a Chinese phrase because I didn't realize you understood what a bark meant.
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This is why you have to take criticism from me -

Because I am not in China and this is a free forum, you don't have a choice. If your Politburo has the balls, or if the Chinese Govt., Army, Air Force and Navy has the balls to stop me - then let them try. If they can't then let them brew some nice Chinese tea, dip their balls in it and then drink it.

Is this some indian swear word or phrase? like burning rectum? Is tea-bagging popular in India?
Is this some indian swear word or phrase? like burning rectum? Is tea-bagging popular in India?

No - it is a line I picked from an American TV show called Californication. Found it insulting enough to add to my lexicon.

Why the sexual connection? Do the Chinese look for sexual innuendo like tea-bagging in all phrases? Is it a cultural trait?
I'll say it for the third time:

Not one single Chinese poster in this thread is defending the decision.

What is with all the lectures on morality? :rolleyes:

If you want an answer to this question, you have to look at Chinese society and Chinese culture.

Chinese people historically value "stability", and to that end, the rights of the individual are less important than overall national stability. As Cardsharp said.... this is essentially Utilitarianism, i.e. "the greatest good for the greatest number".

Also, Confucian society has a strict "chain of authority", where for example, older family members command more respect than younger ones. In the original "Tian Xia" world order, the top authority is the emperor, although in modern days this has been replaced with the government and the law.

Also you should bear in mind this fact... the Chinese government has the highest level of support from their own population in the entire world. No one else comes close. Not only because of the above two reasons, but because they truly are improving the lives of the ordinary people

Because that to me looks like some one defending the decisison.

It was not a lecture but a statment of opinion, which rather than comment on the content of you question my right to express it.

Fortunatley i do not have to worry about five years correctional education for expressing it.
No - it is a line I picked from an American TV show called Californication. Found it insulting enough to add to my lexicon.

It has to be one of the oddest phrases, I have come across in a long time.
Because that to me looks like some one defending the decisison.

It was not a lecture but a statment of opinion, which rather than comment on the content of you question my right to express it.

Fortunatley i do not have to worry about five years correctional education for expressing it.

Seriously if you look at the Chinese BBS bulletins about the news, you'll find enough swear words to fill a dictionary. No one here is unaware of the the unfairness of the decision either, but this doesn't mean we're going to abide some racist idiot that casts the bastard profiteering company that sold the melamine, the government, and us all under the title the "chinese" and uses that word like a slur.
No - it is a line I picked from an American TV show called Californication. Found it insulting enough to add to my lexicon.

Why the sexual connection? Do the Chinese look for sexual innuendo like tea-bagging in all phrases? Is it a cultural trait?

Here in Canada, most people associate it with being a prank.

the insertion of one man's sack into another person's mouth. Used a practical joke or prank, when performed on someone who is asleep, or as a sexual act.
Because that to me looks like some one defending the decisison.

I've stated three times, that I disagree with the decision.

The post you quoted was in response to Alphatech asking why Chinese people don't go into "uproars" to the extent that other countries might.

Go back and look at what exactly I was responding to, and the post right above it as well.
Fortunatley i do not have to worry about five years correctional education for expressing it.

So by that logic I should be in prison too, because I think the decision was wrong? :rolleyes:

You know absolutely nothing about China, except stereotypes.

I disagree with the CCP a lot. By your logic I should have been arrested a long time ago.
So how do they select their Premier and President in China? Politburo unanimously chooses 1 candidate or does the out-going President or Premier choose him? Is there an internal election?
This is normal in a non-democracy nation.

Lets hope China listens to David Cameron comments.
Also here in England, people who beat people up badly, dont even go to jail.

Talk about difference.
So how do they select their Premier and President in China? Politburo unanimously chooses 1 candidate or does the out-going President or Premier choose him? Is there an internal election?

My guess.

It's a combination of rising up in a meritocracy, garnering support from various factions and having personal patrons whose ideologically aligned.

Hu doesn't get to pick his own sucessor, Xi wasn't Hu's choice to replace him and now it is looking as if Xi is the definite candidate.
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