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China does it again...

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There you go, making it sound like this has something to do with racism........

And the next standard reply.... India's poverty...and what has that got to do with free speech in China??. At least we don't try to poison all the poor with tainted baby milk. Poverty is not human rights violation, if so all the leaders of poor nations should be immediately arrested. It just means that people are too poor to live afford basic necessities .... not that I expect you to know anything about human rights.

But then again, it's your country. If you feel that parents asking for compensation for their poisoned babies should be thrown in jail, why should I bother to correct you? My country however, gives me the right to give my opinion on anything I feel like and that is what I have done. If you don't like it, go back to reading your little red books, it's not like you can throw me into jail anyway.

You want to test my understanding to India, really?
There you go, making it sound like this has something to do with racism........

And the next standard reply.... India's poverty...and what has that got to do with free speech in China??. At least we don't try to poison all the poor with tainted baby milk. Poverty is not human rights violation, if so all the leaders of poor nations should be immediately arrested. It just means that people are too poor to live afford basic necessities .... not that I expect you to know anything about human rights.

Now i know human rights is something you know nothing about

Poverty - the mother of all human rights violations

Of the many violations of human rights that can be listed, none is worse (but less spoken of in fashionable seminaries on human rights) than poverty -the mother of all human rights violations.

No doubts human rights violations manifest themselves in various forms - brutality of police, or gender injustice, pollution and environmental degradation, social ostracism of the dalits - but
ultimately the answer to all these must be found in our commitment to the elimination of poverty

go check out the rest yourself
In this case , prompt action seems to be working well to deter others from

Farmers and dealers had put melamine, an ingredient in plastics and fertiliser, in poor quality milk to show higher protein levels in tests.

such actions of blatantly playing with the health of small children for a commercial reason.Such cases even in advanced democracies like the U.K /U.S would have taken years of resolution with the big bosses ultimately getting acquitted after a lengthy trial . However To dispel impressions of injustice and

"We are appalled that the authorities have imprisoned a man the Chinese public rightly view as a protector of children, not a criminal," said Catherine Baber, Amnesty International's deputy director for the Asia-Pacific region.

as Amnesty describes , repression . The Chinese govt should publicize the trial proceedings if not to the world, then at least to the domestic public .For such half-publicized cases only add to a negative perception of China in the minds of the common people in advanced, prosperous democratic countries.
Utilitarianism is the idea that the moral worth of an action is determined solely by its usefulness in maximizing utility/minimizing negative utility as summed among all sentient beings

This is why poverty is immoral and this why human right as defined by liberal democracies is not the same as being moral.

When you have the lives of and welfare of billions of people on your hands, what is moral and what isn't must be viewed with the welfare of the greater number of people. I don't agree with the imprisonment of the father in this case but I resent this racist idiot trying to look down on the Chinese as a people.
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Now i know human rights is something you know nothing about

Poverty - the mother of all human rights violations

Of the many violations of human rights that can be listed, none is worse (but less spoken of in fashionable seminaries on human rights) than poverty -the mother of all human rights violations.

No doubts human rights violations manifest themselves in various forms - brutality of police, or gender injustice, pollution and environmental degradation, social ostracism of the dalits - but
ultimately the answer to all these must be found in our commitment to the elimination of poverty

go check out the rest yourself

this has also been discussed and questioned thousands of times ,wether poverty really is a violation of human rights or not...let alone being the mother of all HR violations. my 2 cents
In this case , prompt action seems to be working well to deter others from

such actions of blatantly playing with the health of small children for a commercial reason.Such cases even in advanced democracies like the U.K /U.S would have taken years of resolution with the big bosses ultimately getting acquitted after a lengthy trial . However To dispel impressions of injustice and

as Amnesty describes , repression . The Chinese govt should publicize the trial proceedings if not to the world, then at least to the domestic public .For such half-publicized cases only add to a negative perception of China in the minds of the common people in advanced, prosperous democratic countries.


It is open, anyway thanks for your advice,I have the same view.
Now i know human rights is something you know nothing about

Poverty - the mother of all human rights violations

Of the many violations of human rights that can be listed, none is worse (but less spoken of in fashionable seminaries on human rights) than poverty -the mother of all human rights violations.

No doubts human rights violations manifest themselves in various forms - brutality of police, or gender injustice, pollution and environmental degradation, social ostracism of the dalits - but
ultimately the answer to all these must be found in our commitment to the elimination of poverty

go check out the rest yourself

How interesting.... All you could submit as proof is a Statement by an Indian organization specifically set-up to try to highlight india's poverty as a form of human rights abuse. Thank goodness they weren't in China, or they might have all been executed.

Here is what the UNESCO and AMNESTY International, much more respectable organizations have to say about poverty and human rights abuse:


Poverty and human rights | Amnesty International

They say that Poverty can lead to human rights abuse but in itself is definitely not abuse.

Anyway brother....if you are trying to prove that Human rights is better in China than India....all i can say is...Good Luck with that.
How interesting.... All you could submit as proof is a Statement by an Indian organization specifically set-up to try to highlight india's poverty as a form of human rights abuse. Thank goodness they weren't in China, or they might have all been executed.

Here is what the UNESCO and AMNESTY International, much more respectable organizations have to say about poverty and human rights abuse:


Poverty and human rights | Amnesty International

They say that Poverty can lead to human rights abuse but in itself is definitely not abuse.

Anyway brother....if you are trying to prove that Human rights is better in China than India....all i can say is...Good Luck with that.

With or without your concerned. So far china is doing very well ,infact we are doing alot better than india thank you very much.
This is laughable, you recoil at being called a racist but then you automatically assume that anyone ethnically Chinese (even if they are citizens of liberal democratic countries) is racially inherently unable to understand HR and freespeech.

You are a hypocrite without enough self-awareness to even realize it.

Anyone with a shred of common sense would realize that my replies were solely directed at the brainwashed Person who justified this indisputable case of complete disregard for freedom of speech.

The real hypocrite is someone who calls him self a citizen of liberal democratic country and yet blindly supports the ruling of a nation that has a blatant disregard for human rights. If you are so liberal, why don't you tolerate any criticism of Chinese policies. You my friend, are a hypocrite who thinks that living in a foreign country makes it ok for him to support his motherland's systematic and widespread human rights abuse.
My feeling is that since this is a China-internal thing, we just ought to let it be. We are not the US or the 'West' to question 'human rights' in countries worldwide. If they are happy with their form of government, let them be, we aren't out to 'bring democracy to all corners of the planet'. but one point I would certainly want to make:

To the persons who are "countering" this with immediate references to India's poverty - such talk only shows your intellectual poverty. There are poor people in India, certainly, but no one has kept them poor intentionally, to 'punish' them. Call it incompetence of the earlier governments, call it bad planning - anything - but stop this bullshit of equating it with some kind of "human rights violation". There are scores of poor countries worldwide, and as someone above said, what you are asking for is to prosecute the leaders of all those countries for "human rights violations"!

Edit: From now on, I don't want to hear any members on this forum make statements like: "Oh, Indians cannot take criticism, see how well Chinese receive criticism, this is a fault of Indians" :blah: :blah: I have heard this being said enough times, but frankly, Chinese, Pakistanis and Indians seem to be equally nationalistic and thin-skinned when it comes to criticism.
My feeling is that since this is a China-internal thing, we just ought to let it be. We are not the US or the 'West' to question 'human rights' in countries worldwide. but one point I would certainly want to make:

To the persons who are "countering" this with immediate references to India's poverty - such talk only shows your intellectual poverty. There are poor people in India, certainly, but no one has kept them poor intentionally, to 'punish' them. Call it incompetence of the earlier governments, call it bad planning - anything - but stop this bullshit of equating it with some kind of "human rights violation". There are scores of poor countries worldwide, and as someone above said, what you are asking for is to prosecute the leaders of all those countries for "human rights violations"!

Edit: From now on, I don't want to hear any members on this forum make statements like: "Oh, Indians cannot take criticism, see how well Chinese receive criticism, this is a fault of Indians" :blah: :blah: I have heard this being said enough times, but frankly, Chinese, Pakistanis and Indians seem to be equally nationalistic and thin-skinned when it comes to criticism.

Doesnt corruptions make ordinary citizen of that country suffer?
This is laughable, you recoil at being called a racist but then you automatically assume that anyone ethnically Chinese (even if they are citizens of liberal democratic countries) is racially inherently unable to understand HR and freespeech.

You are a hypocrite without enough self-awareness to even realize it.

Exactly right. :tup:

Alphatech, why do you assume that Chinese people know nothing about human rights? :rolleyes:
Anyone with a shred of common sense would realize that my replies were solely directed at the brainwashed Person who justified this indisputable case of complete disregard for freedom of speech.

The real hypocrite is someone who calls him self a citizen of liberal democratic country and yet blindly supports the ruling of a nation that has a blatant disregard for human rights. If you are so liberal, why don't you tolerate any criticism of Chinese policies. You my friend, are a hypocrite who thinks that living in a foreign country makes it ok for him to support his motherland's systematic and widespread human rights abuse.

Brainwashing? But you, who else? Even though I explained, you completely ignore that you have been brainwashed by western create the impression of China.

I repeat, you want to test my understanding to India, really?
Doesnt corruptions make ordinary citizen of that country suffer?

Sure, corruption is one of the worst problems, and it does make ordinary citizens suffer. And while India is making progress in poverty alleviation, corruption is one aspect where we don't seem to be making much progress. But how is this related to your original contention, on the lines of "Hey, don't talk about human rights, you have poverty"? If you start calling poverty a 'human rights violation', you will have to prosecute more than 60% of the world's leaders for crimes against humanity. Not to mention the fact that China also does have poverty, only to a lesser extent than India. But I wouldn't say that 'China is a human rights violator because it has poverty'!!
Exactly right. :tup:

Alphatech, why do you assume that Chinese people know nothing about human rights? :rolleyes:

My friend, I am not assuming anything of that sort. As i mentioned in my reply three posts above, my comments were only directed towards the poster who claimed that the ruling was perfectly legal and alright, did not warrant any discussion and told me to shut up about it.

However, I have to say I am curious as to why so many people think such cases are not against human rights and why the general population do not even try to stop this man from being jailed. If such a judgment were to happen in any other country, it would cause a uproar and the Government would be forced to reconsider it's case. But if the people keep quite, the there is nothing to stop anyone who fights for a just cause from being jailed under for "causing unrest". I am quite sure that a large portion of the Chinese public understand HR and Freedom of Speech, but that doesn't do any good unless it is made obvious.

I just started this thread to judge the reaction of the Chinese members and I have to say I am a bit concerned that very few people think that the man didn't deserve it. Everyone here assumes that I am attacking the Chinese people and Government just by posting a news article, and are quick to justify their Government or divert attention. I would have expected at least a few people to sympathize with the jailed father and his fight for justice.
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