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China does it again...

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Lack of freedom of speech versus the caste system, with a year old article as support....is that the best you could come up with? My dear friend, the caste system is something that is a vestige of India's past. And it is not as bad as you people make it out to be. It just meant that certain social stratification existed that were difficult to cross. The practice has been abandoned in all urban areas and is rapidly diminishing in rural areas. It is just a traditional practice. Even the Chinese had silly practices like foot binding which would be considered to be abuse today. Do you ever hear us asking about such things. We don't even talk much about the Issue of forced slavery in China, because we know that even though it is happening, the Government is trying to stop it.

The main reason why Indians and everybody else point out Human rights and lack of freedom of speech in China is because it is happening with Government approval and encouragement. Moreover, as we were discussing, even many Chinese people are hesitant to oppose these blatant human rights denials. On the other hand, everything bad you could highlight about India is something India acknowledges as a problem and the Government and people are actively working to tackle these problems.

No one likes to criticize another country, but when the Government follows an unjust practice and the people don't have the will to speak out, others highlight it. India is a country with many weaknesses, which our Government and people acknowledge and work hard to remove. Your country's greatest problem however is blatant human rights abuse, which your Government insists on hiding and actively encourages. That my friend gives us and everybody else the Moral high ground to criticize you as much as we want and there is nothing you could ever say to deter us.

Keep denying is not going to help, your intention of China bashing is crystal clear, a yr old news? so? whats change in a yr time, no more 160 million "Untouchables" anymore? do you got the nerve to say you don't know your "Caste" eh?

Where are the basic human rights of 650 million of your countrymen lack the access to proper sanitation other then open defecate everywhere?
Once again your so-called human right concern is just pure shameless "hypocrisy" at full display period.
GovernanceNow.com | Open defecation ? India?s shame
Alpha, let the Chinese members handle their issues. India has enough domestic problems, it would be better if we focus on getting our own house in order.

Abhi, If you had read through the entire thread, you will realize that no one was being critical here, we were just discussing the issue and curious about other people's opinion. I have also mentioned why outsiders discussing human rights abuse is very important. Let me also say this, even Indians did not think that things like the caste system or poor sanitation were too bad until we started receiving external criticism.

We did not simple wake up one day and decide to tackle these problems. If I feel that something is not fair or needs to be looked into, I point it out, regardless of whether it is in India, China, Pakistan or anywhere else. That's the entire point of having international forums to discuss world issues. Some people may not like us pointing out their faults and we may not like ours being highlighted as well. But we have to deal with it, that's one of the responsibilities that comes with free speech.
i disagree with the verdict but its laughable how certain people from a certain country are trying to use this as an opportunity to bash us.

This characteristic is not exclusive to members of one nationality. I have seen others doing that too.
Abhi, If you had read through the entire thread, you will realize that no one was being critical here, we were just discussing the issue and curious about other people's opinion. I have also mentioned why outsiders discussing human rights abuse is very important. Let me also say this, even Indians did not think that things like the caste system or poor sanitation were too bad until we started receiving external criticism.

We did not simple wake up one day and decide to tackle these problems. If I feel that something is not fair or needs to be looked into, I point it out, regardless of whether it is in India, China, Pakistan or anywhere else. That's the entire point of having international forums to discuss world issues. Some people may not like us pointing out their faults and we may not like ours being highlighted as well. But we have to deal with it, that's one of the responsibilities that comes with free speech.

Except for some meaningless nonsense, what you can do? Keep your performance, we clearly know your intentions.

1, this is not freedom of speech, but action, zhao was sentenced because of actions that are not legitimate protest, I personally oppose the decision, which is a public message in China, we bring debate, most people oppose the decision.

You do not even know what happened, just with a simple mouth, because you really do not care what happens, all you want to do is take a cheap mouth.

2, I will tell you about India's freedom of speech. Human Rights in India, you want to know more, I also can give.

Rahul Krishnakumar Vaid - Boy held for slandering Sonia on Orkut

Boy Held For Slandering Sonia On Orkut

Rahul Krishnakumar Vaid, a twenty-two year old boy from Gurgaon in Haryana was arrested last Friday by the cyber crime cell of Pune for posting some inappropriate content on the social networking website Orkut about the Congress President Sonia Gandhi. Under the IT act, posting vulgar and inappropriate content is punishable. This boy had posted on Orkut under a community titled "I hate Sonia Gandhi".

Rahul has been arrested under Section 292 of the Indian Penal Code which deals with content which is vulgar and obscene in nature. He has also been charged under Section 67 which relates to posting this kind of content in electronic form. If he is found guilty of his crime, he will have to serve upto five years in prison and will be paying a fine of upto Rs.1 lakh.

This arrest was made because of complaint made by a Congress worker in Pune who had noticed these messages on Orkut recently. The police are now on a lookout for everybody who had posted some obscene content about Sonia Gandhi. However, the person who created the community has not been charged for hating a famous personality or having opinion which is illegal in India.

The law enforcement agency had asked Google, who is the owner of Orkut to provide the details of Vaid and it obliged. Google said that the police authorities had asked for the details of the boy and they gave them the IP address information. Till the time India has some strict laws regarding cyber crimes like the US, it is always better to avoid joining such communities or to join them after paying proper attention to it.

Wrong man in jail for 50 days on cyber charge - The Times of India

Wrong man in jail for 50 days on cyber charge

Lakshmana Kailash K was kept in jail for 50 days (TOI Photo)
MUMBAI: In the early hours of August 31, Lakshmana Kailash K was asleep at his home in Bangalore.

He was woken up by eight policemen from Pune who came knocking on his door and waved the Information Technology Act, 2000, in his sleepy, terrified face.

Get dressed, he was told, we are taking you to Pune for having defamed Shivaji. Lakshmana protested that he didn't know anyone called Shivaji.

The policemen said that they were talking about Chhatrapati Shivaji and that an insulting picture of him had been uploaded on the Internet networking site, Orkut. The trail had led them to his computer in Bangalore.

Turning a deaf ear to his protests, the cops took him to Pune and put him behind bars. Along the way, the 26-year-old Lakshmana, who works with HCL, learned that what he was being arrested for was a case that had triggered riots in Pune in November 2006.

Political parties had forcibly closed cybercafes and gone on a rampage over the posting of the illustration which had poked fun at Shivaji.

Lakshmana was released after spending 50 days in jail, three weeks after the cops claimed to have nabbed the "real culprits".
this is not freedom of speech, but action, zhao was sentenced because of actions that are not legitimate protest, I personally oppose the decision, which is a public message in China, we bring debate, most people oppose the decision.

You do not even know what happened, just with a simple mouth, because you really do not care what happens, all you want to do is take a cheap mouth.

You know what?...maybe I don't know what happened as much as you do. You said it wasn't a question of freedom of speech but some kind of action...As far as we heard, it was only about setting up a website and coordinating peaceful group protests. But he engaged in any sort of harmful "action"....please educate us about it with proof and we will definitely take back our comments, if you were right about it.

As for the freedom of speech violations in India, good work taking the time to dig up the story of a guy posting obscenities about a lady online and a case of mistaken identity leading to 50 days of jail time. Those Indians are really brutal and oppressive....;)

Buddy, Even your Chinese friends here admit that the decision was wrong and unjust. I find it amusing how you keep on saying that you personally oppose the decision and then say the judgment was appropriate in the same sentence. Can either you make up your mind or stop wasting our time.
the term is, understandable but not correct.

let's say a criminal with a gun was going to pull his gun out to rob you. you grab his arm, both of you struggle for the gun, you gain control for one second and shoot the criminal.

when the police come, they charge you with illegal possession of firearms and disturbing the public peace. the criminal, however, has the much stricter sentence of armed robbery and attempted murder.
You know what?...maybe I don't know what happened as much as you do. You said it wasn't a question of freedom of speech but some kind of action...As far as we heard, it was only about setting up a website and coordinating peaceful group protests. But he engaged in any sort of harmful "action"....please educate us about it with proof and we will definitely take back our comments, if you were right about it.

As for the freedom of speech violations in India, good work taking the time to dig up the story of a guy posting obscenities about a lady online and a case of mistaken identity leading to 50 days of jail time. Those Indians are really brutal and oppressive....;)

Buddy, Even your Chinese friends here admit that the decision was wrong and unjust. I find it amusing how you keep on saying that you personally oppose the decision and then say the judgment was appropriate in the same sentence. Can either you make up your mind or stop wasting our time.

You know what freedom of speech? even after you read those two news?

I certainly oppose, but need to listen to the views of others, yes, there is some action in violation of the law, it is true, you're so narrow-minded do not listen to the views of others? Well, I'm not, that there is a procedural justice, I agree it, so I think need to change some laws, I repeat your mouth is more common than your head.
Of course, if you think that news is not enough, I can certainly provide more, as long as you want.
To be honest we are not in a position to cristise or make judgement just by reading one article, i here by ask the thread starter how much research u have done in this case, how much u know about the tainted milk issue , and how much do u know about this guy that you considered without indept knowledge as innocent victim.
How about we just drop the topic and stop giving him the attention he craves.
It always make me laugh when Indians pick and choose some individual cases to bash China's human right issue to score some high moral points while ignoring the "Fact" they are abusing the human rights of 160 millions of their own countrymen on a daily basis="Caste-system"
UN says caste system is a human rights abuse - Telegraph

I'm not here to defend the wrong doing of jailing an individual tinted milk defender but just being sick and tired of Indian's fake concern regarding "human rights"
But please do not even try to put yourselves on a "high-moral' ground cos you don't have one, come back and criticize us by the time India had completely abolished the "Caste-system", what a joke when you people calling us 'slave" for lacking freedom while more than 160 million of your own kind lost their human right before they were born, being treated worse than "slave" for the rest of their life.

On a side note, Indians always complaining this forum being unfair but ignoring the reality that any threads regarding India's human right issues like "untouchables", "poverty", basic human right like access to proper sanitation will be deleted by management in a matter of minutes, and you were allowed open up threads to bash Chinese regarding "freedom, copying, communist, slave" etc on a daily basis.

LOL - really? We will put ourselves on a high moral ground - if the Chinese can do something about it, let them. Isn't it astounding that it is Chinese citizens from Tibet who seek refuge in India - they'd rather live in a backward country filled with poverty, lack of sanitation and where everyone is discriminated against rather than live in lovely, utopian China. :china::devil:
LOL - really? We will put ourselves on a high moral ground - if the Chinese can do something about it, let them. Isn't it astounding that it is Chinese citizens from Tibet who seek refuge in India - they'd rather live in a backward country filled with poverty, lack of sanitation and where everyone is discriminated against rather than live in lovely, utopian China. :china::devil:

Really ? you are habouring a bunch of terroists and criminals and they will go any where that provide them safety wht is so proud of giving shelter to a bunch criminals???
Really ? you are habouring a bunch of terroists and criminals and they will go any where that provide them safety wht is so proud of giving shelter to a bunch criminals???

:yahoo: Indeed, I can hardly tell the difference between these 2 -


And you could read this from a Tibetan refugee -

They were told to walk across the Friendship Bridge back into Tibet. But when they began to cross the bridge the Chinese border guards on the other side shouted at them to "Stop! Go Back!" After standing in the middle of the bridge for a while, ordered by Nepali police to go, and by Chinese police to stop, they finally did cross to Tibet. Two Chinese border guards on the bridge kicked all fourteen of them as they passed. They were registered and interrogated.

Then they took us to a pile of wood, gave us axes, and told us to chop wood. They said if we stopped working for even a few minutes that they'd tie us up. We worked for four hours. The police gave us their leftover food, some rice and vegetables, and ordered us to clean the kitchen. When we finished in the kitchen, the police stood in rows outside the door and told us to come out. There were about 20 of them and they beat us and kicked us as we came out the door, one by one. After that, they locked all 14 of us in a room too small for us to lie down, and we spent the night there.
The next day, they were taken to a military installation beyond the border town of Dram, where they were interrogated again, and taken to court with some other Tibetans.

In the evening a high official came to question each of us. He asked me, "Do you know Chinese law?" I said, "I know it ... I know the punishment for what I did." [escaping Tibet] He said, "I know you very well ... I've seen your picture many times ... I know you've been in India." I told him that I'd never been to India and that if he had pictures he should show me, because I knew he didn't have any.
The next morning, ten policemen singled out Tenzin for interrogation. They questioned and beat him for half an hour, then ordered him to sweep the interrogation room.

I thought, "Why are they doing this only to me?," as they were punching my face and stomach. Half of my answers were lies, to protect myself, and my family.

Entire episode of this "criminal" and "terrorist" can be read here -

A Tibetan Refugee's Himalayan Escape: Walking on the Sky
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