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China does it again...

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CS my dear friend, you very well know the intent of the post (look at the title). Why even bother posting here and extending the thread's relevance. You and CD have better things to do :tup:
I feel your pain dude.

You're right buddy. :tup:

I don't want to get into a Tibetan vs. Dalit pissing contest, that is just ridiculous.

So I'm going to leave this discussion, and I hope this thread will RIP.
"China does it again"? What is the meaning of "it"?
And you could read this from a Tibetan refugee -

They were told to walk across the Friendship Bridge back into Tibet. But when they began to cross the bridge the Chinese border guards on the other side shouted at them to "Stop! Go Back!" After standing in the middle of the bridge for a while, ordered by Nepali police to go, and by Chinese police to stop, they finally did cross to Tibet. Two Chinese border guards on the bridge kicked all fourteen of them as they passed. They were registered and interrogated.

Then they took us to a pile of wood, gave us axes, and told us to chop wood. They said if we stopped working for even a few minutes that they'd tie us up. We worked for four hours. The police gave us their leftover food, some rice and vegetables, and ordered us to clean the kitchen. When we finished in the kitchen, the police stood in rows outside the door and told us to come out. There were about 20 of them and they beat us and kicked us as we came out the door, one by one. After that, they locked all 14 of us in a room too small for us to lie down, and we spent the night there.
The next day, they were taken to a military installation beyond the border town of Dram, where they were interrogated again, and taken to court with some other Tibetans.

In the evening a high official came to question each of us. He asked me, "Do you know Chinese law?" I said, "I know it ... I know the punishment for what I did." [escaping Tibet] He said, "I know you very well ... I've seen your picture many times ... I know you've been in India." I told him that I'd never been to India and that if he had pictures he should show me, because I knew he didn't have any.
The next morning, ten policemen singled out Tenzin for interrogation. They questioned and beat him for half an hour, then ordered him to sweep the interrogation room.

I thought, "Why are they doing this only to me?," as they were punching my face and stomach. Half of my answers were lies, to protect myself, and my family.

Entire episode of this "criminal" and "terrorist" can be read here -

A Tibetan Refugee's Himalayan Escape: Walking on the Sky

A piece of trash from western media now i know where you get yr info from.....lol
LOL - really? We will put ourselves on a high moral ground - if the Chinese can do something about it, let them. Isn't it astounding that it is Chinese citizens from Tibet who seek refuge in India - they'd rather live in a backward country filled with poverty, lack of sanitation and where everyone is discriminated against rather than live in lovely, utopian China. :china::devil:

This is why India has so many religious violence, as a religious brainwashing, I think you should not feel pleased that good for India.
And you could read this from a Tibetan refugee -

They were told to walk across the Friendship Bridge back into Tibet. But when they began to cross the bridge the Chinese border guards on the other side shouted at them to "Stop! Go Back!" After standing in the middle of the bridge for a while, ordered by Nepali police to go, and by Chinese police to stop, they finally did cross to Tibet. Two Chinese border guards on the bridge kicked all fourteen of them as they passed. They were registered and interrogated.

Then they took us to a pile of wood, gave us axes, and told us to chop wood. They said if we stopped working for even a few minutes that they'd tie us up. We worked for four hours. The police gave us their leftover food, some rice and vegetables, and ordered us to clean the kitchen. When we finished in the kitchen, the police stood in rows outside the door and told us to come out. There were about 20 of them and they beat us and kicked us as we came out the door, one by one. After that, they locked all 14 of us in a room too small for us to lie down, and we spent the night there.
The next day, they were taken to a military installation beyond the border town of Dram, where they were interrogated again, and taken to court with some other Tibetans.

In the evening a high official came to question each of us. He asked me, "Do you know Chinese law?" I said, "I know it ... I know the punishment for what I did." [escaping Tibet] He said, "I know you very well ... I've seen your picture many times ... I know you've been in India." I told him that I'd never been to India and that if he had pictures he should show me, because I knew he didn't have any.
The next morning, ten policemen singled out Tenzin for interrogation. They questioned and beat him for half an hour, then ordered him to sweep the interrogation room.

I thought, "Why are they doing this only to me?," as they were punching my face and stomach. Half of my answers were lies, to protect myself, and my family.

Entire episode of this "criminal" and "terrorist" can be read here -

A Tibetan Refugee's Himalayan Escape: Walking on the Sky

I suggest you look at connections, which is a Tibetan independence movement website, it is not a neutral site.
We learn in our history courses that China invaded Tibet with force
But it seems we are all wrong
China was liberating Tibet
Seventeen Point Agreement for the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They always say here Dalai Lama is a religious figure
But the truth he is the son of the devil. He should be beaten and beaten , until the devil comes out from his body. lol.

As a adirty bloody politicians, that is the devil compared ordinary people , no doubt. In innocence, I was a hundred times more than DL LAI.
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I suggest you look at connections, which is a Tibetan independence movement website, it is not a neutral site.

His idea of sourcing is everything Chinese false, everything in the free press true, nevermind the political motives and whoever the paymaster. Hardly capable of establishing connections and formulating explanations against his confirmation bias.
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1. If you had bothered reading the link - you would realize he spoke almost no English - it was a translation.

2. He has not posted it himself - he speaks to some journalist here.

Hunted and Pissed on? You have proof of that outside of your little red book? A Dalit is the Father of the Indian Constitution, a Dalit has been President, a Dalit is currently the CM of India's largest state - Uttar Pradesh. How many Tibetans are there in the Politburo? How many have been Presidents or Premiers?

Modernize Tibet? HAHAHAHAHA - kill the Tibetans, force them out of them homes - fill Tibet with Han Chinese and Tibet is modern. What a flawless mantra.

Anyways, if conditions were so bad for the poor Dalits - they would be going to China as refugees and living in that wonderful, utopian land. Fact is - it is Chinese citizens - 150,000 of them who are refugees in India. How many Indians are refugees in wonderful China?

oh? Even the border areas Indians do not think so. They hate them as Indians, you can use a lie every time, I just simply say, as long as those slave owners to allow the Tibetan people to return to China, do not need too much time, a month, they never want to go to India,however, they dare not, just have to continue a religious control.
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Hey guys, come on now....we all know that China has so many cases of Human rights abuse that detailing them all here will take a lifetime. However let's not embarrass our Chinese friends by bringing in Tibet and such stuff. Please just keep this thread about the baby killers and the poor man's fight fight for justice. I chose this particular case because even for China's poor human rights record, this was a bit too much.

As for the ever so enthusiastic Chinese posters who go head over heals to make their communist pals look like angels.... I had asked a few pages ago for the proof about so called "criminal action" that the man had taken which made him guilty. Other than rhetoric and pathetic attempts to deflect the discussion towards the dalits, i have not seen any real proof.

As far as the rest of the world is concerned, the entire tainted milk scandal, the initial attempt to cover it up and now this incident as typical of the Chinese government's regard for Human rights and freedom of speech. If you think otherwise, justify it, rather than trying every trick in the book to avoid the actual topic. If you can't do that, do what some people have done, accept that some change is needed and keep quite or go and pick on your government instead of the rest of the world. You know as well as we do that human rights and freedom of speech are just hollow words in China. The sooner you accept it, the better it is, for your own good not for ours.
Hey guys, come on now....we all know that China has so many cases of Human rights abuse that detailing them all here will take a lifetime. However let's not embarrass our Chinese friends by bringing in Tibet and such stuff. Please just keep this thread about the baby killers and the poor man's fight fight for justice. I chose this particular case because even for China's poor human rights record, this was a bit too much.

As for the ever so enthusiastic Chinese posters who go head over heals to make their communist pals look like angels.... I had asked a few pages ago for the proof about so called "criminal action" that the man had taken which made him guilty. Other than rhetoric and pathetic attempts to deflect the discussion towards the dalits, i have not seen any real proof.

As far as the rest of the world is concerned, the entire tainted milk scandal, the initial attempt to cover it up and now this incident as typical of the Chinese government's regard for Human rights and freedom of speech. If you think otherwise, justify it, rather than trying every trick in the book to avoid the actual topic. If you can't do that, do what some people have done, accept that some change is needed and keep quite or go and pick on your government instead of the rest of the world. You know as well as we do that human rights and freedom of speech are just hollow words in China. The sooner you accept it, the better it is, for your own good not for ours.

So, my last assessment is correct . Do you think we can not tell just a discussion or malicious? Your propaganda is too monotonous, too much exposure to you.

By the way, any country has trouble in some food, US also, the U.S. peanut butter is a famous event. We bring a heavy penalty on those prisoners, however, both China and the US defense at least good for the people's interests. India? You did more pain to your people.

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You know as well as we do that human rights and freedom of speech are just hollow words in China. The sooner you accept it, the better it is, for your own good not for ours.

So you're just trying to do us a favour? You have our best interests at heart maybe?

Because to be honest, telling people that their government is bad... when the vast majority support them, is not going to work particularly well.

Also I would never claim that my government is "perfect", but it is a simple fact that they are doing a good job overall. The modern CCP has lifted hundreds of millions of Chinese people out of poverty, and given us an average GDP growth rate that is unparalleled in history.

So even if your intentions are good, I'm afraid that it's not going to have any real effect at the end of the day.
Yeah, we evil communist human right violators,
But what is this? India style incredible "human right" protector ?:lol:

BBC News - Today - Scavenging for survival 10 November 2010

India's forgotten people


A manual scavenger carries a tin of human waste from a dry latrine

By Mike Thomson
Bihar, India

A 40 year-old mother-of-seven balances a large tin full of human waste on her head.

As she walks between homes emptying dry latrines, the foul contents she is carrying drip down onto her vibrant purple sari. The smell is atrocious and I am several metres away.

Lakshmi Devi, who lives in rural Bihar, is one of 350,000 people in India known as manual scavengers. Their job is so degrading, ****** and full of health hazards that the Indian government banned it many years ago.

, despite this and the contempt those doing this work experience, it's the only way for some of the country's poorest people to earn money to survive.


In pictures: India's scavengers

Lakshmi shows me inside her small dingy home. Its outside walls are covered in what looks like soot and the inside is empty, apart from a few meagre possessions lining a far wall.

Yet it is not so much the poverty itself that she struggles to cope with. It is the work she feels compelled to do to feed her family.

"It is so disgusting, such a dirty horrible job. I soon learnt that the only way to do it is to hold my breath for as long as possible.

"The first time I thought I was going to be sick. My mother never forced me to do this job but she told me that there was no other work and if we didn't do it the family would starve."

Lakshmi tell me that how ever hard she washes when she gets home she is always unclean in the minds of local people.

"When people see me in the streets they cover their noses and say, there goes a manual scavenger. It makes me feel so embarrassed and ashamed," she says.

Once people realise that it is slavery, they want it to stop.

"Sometimes I get so desperate I ask God why I was born into this community, destined for a job like this."

Born into India's lowest caste, Dalits, Lakshmi tells me that she and how children are treated as literally untouchable. "The parents of other children are told that if they touch mine they should wash the place that made contact to purify themselves. My children come home telling me how much this affects them. They often cry and feel very unhappy."

Fighting back tears she goes on to describe the nightmare of going shopping for manual scavengers like herself: "Traders don't let me near the food they sell. I am not even allowed to touch the vegetables.

"They say that people like me will pollute their vegetables and nobody else will buy them if we are seen handling anything. I have to point to what I want and then they put it on the ground and leave me to pick it up from there."

As we talk, the sound of a election campaign megaphone can be heard, screeching over the din of people gathered in the street outside.

"Whenever there are elections the politicians come and make big promises," she tells me. "They say, we'll give you this and we'll give you that. But as soon as the elections are over they do not do anything.

They forget all about us. Next time they will be back and it will be just the same all over again."

But there are some signs of change. More government money has been made available to help people like Lakshmi find other work.

Earlier this month a thousand former manual scavengers held a rally in New Delhi to demand the total eradication of manual scavenging by the end of the year.

The organisers, known as SKA (Safai Karamchari Andolan) declared: "Once people realise that it is slavery, they want it to stop. If the government does not accept our demands within sixty days we will come back to Delhi and stay put here until our demands are met."

Meanwhile, Lakshmi and many other manual scavengers have little option but to carry on.

No wonder lots of "Untouchables" turn into insurgents to fight against "Human rights abuses, oppression, and discrimination"
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