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China does it again...

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^^^ we have laws preventing such incidents. The problem is implementation.

Our courts in India are just and fair, and do not take dubious decisions. If you think a lower court has been unfair, you can appeal to a higher court, and if that is still unfair you can appeal to the supreme court.

And about poverty in India. You have sailed on the same boat, so you should know better that it a long and difficult road.
You don't really expect a great human rights record in a country where err - they eat humans....
You have to be kidding right? Unfortunately this is really happening!

The Next Magazine, a weekly publication from Hong Kong, reported that infant corpses and fetuses have become the newest supplements for health and beauty in China. Not only is the placenta considered a beauty remedy, but also aborted fetuses are much sought after delicacies. In Guangdong, gourmet body parts are in high demand and can even be purchased through hospitals. The magazine's investigations into this form of cannibalism took them to Liaoning province.

According to The Next Magazine, during a banquet hosted by a Taiwanese businessman, a servant Ms Liu from Liaoning province on the mainland inadvertently revealed the habit of eating infants/fetuses in Liaoning province and her intention to return for the supplement due to health concerns. The Taiwanese women present were horrified.

The Dalits have a much better life than these poor people whose babies are eaten.
oh? Even the border areas Indians do not think so. They hate them as Indians, you can use a lie every time, I just simply say, as long as those slave owners to allow the Tibetan people to return to China, do not need too much time, a month, they never want to go to India,however, they dare not, just have to continue a religious control.

Dude, that is not even remotely coherent. What are you saying?
You're the one accusing Chinese people of eating babies, despite this urban legend having been disproved over and over again.

Do They Eat Babies in China? - Urban Legends

Nice to see an Indian launching such a massive and false accusation against Chinese people. Accusing us of eating babies? How surprising.

False accusation? A one-off may have been an urban legend or a piece of art. Here is another report -

Answers.com - Do people eat babies in China

Let's also not forget that art imitates life.
False accusation? A one-off may have been an urban legend or a piece of art. Here is another report -

Answers.com - Do people eat babies in China

Let's also not forget that art imitates life.

That's from "wikianswers" which anyone can contribute to.

Do you actually have a reliable source to show this or not?

Man you really are a sick person. I could go and post all those untouchable pictures from India but I'm not as sick as you, and even then those pictures from India are actually REAL and not artwork.
Jackdaws, you are a really sick person.

Accusing Chinese people of eating babies, despite it being an urban legend... that has been disproved OVER AND OVER again.

Do They Eat Babies in China? - Urban Legends

So all these sources which talk about Cannibalism in China are wrong?

Near the end of 1959, with China in the midst of Chairman Mao Zedong's crazily utopian Great Leap Forward, the official Communist Party newspaper issued some dietary instruction for the masses of the country's newly collectivized agricultural workers. ''The peasants must practice strict economy,'' The People's Daily intoned. ''Live with the utmost frugality and eat only two meals a day, one of which should be soft and liquid.''

Life and history are in the details, and one of the many virtues of this disturbing and important book by the British journalist Jasper Becker is its attention to the small, concrete matters that display larger, more abstract ones in the fullness of their horror and absurdity. ''Hungry Ghosts'' is Mr. Becker's powerful, sober, lucid and sometimes lurid account of what was probably the worst famine in history, the one that resulted from Mao's blindly misguided and ruthlessly enforced attempt to achieve Communism overnight.

For the party newspaper to tell people that it was good for them to eat less at a time when it was also spinning fantasies about the bounty being engendered by the Great Leap was a relatively small, if telling, irony. At the larger, horrific center of Mr. Becker's account is the widespread resort among the Chinese people to that most sickening form of desperation: cannibalism, the selling of human flesh on the market, the swapping of children so people could use them for food without committing the additional sin of eating their own.

Full text -
BOOKS OF THE TIMES - Horror of a Hidden Chinese Famine - NYTimes.com
tainted milk > Govt system >communism >Tibet >Dalai Lama >Dalits > cannibalism > ..............

Mods are going to have a tough time deleting off-topic posts.

i'm going on report mode
Oh, let's just stop this baby eating stuff. No need to bring it up on this thread here. It might be a legend, or might have truth in it, in either case, there is no need to bring it up here.

Save it to respond if some disgusting Chinese trolls come up tomorrow and start talking $hit about India. No need to inflame passions unnecessarily.
tainted milk > Govt system >communism >Tibet >Dalai Lama >Dalits > cannibalism > ..............

Mods are going to have a tough time deleting off-topic posts.

i'm going on report mode

This guy has really crossed the line here, with such a disgusting and pathetic false accusation.
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