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China Did Not Ban Fasting-So indians! stop hopping on Western Propaganda.

So facebook is the place to get genuine opinions? :lol:

I would wait to see what the Organization of the Islamic Conference have to say.
oic represents Islamic nations sentiments over the issue which is already in public domain through media.

Facebook might be run by CIA agents and is
a western propaganda for you. I'm not surprised.
Did I call India an evil country?
I didn't say that. I just said that you think we're liars.
I just said don't be hypocritical about other countries, when India itself declares to be a secular country, but India donesn't allow the slaughtering and the eating of beef in some provinces.
So how is that different from china stopping Muslims (CPC officials or students or whatever) from fasting during Ramadan?

And by the way, according to you we are liars anyways. We should get the benefit of doubt but not china. :lol:
It was 100% true though. :wave:

Indian nationalists on the internet spew the worst venom in the world against Muslims, then they turn around and pretend to "care" for Muslims in Pakistan and China - solely in order to bash these countries.

I feel like giving you 40 thanks for this post of yours Chinese Dragon! I feel like coming to Hong Kong and shaking hand with you guyz. When did Indians started to care so much about the Muslims of China?

As far as my personal opinions goes... I don't give a damn about Indian Muslims, neither I care what goes on with Chinese Muslims in China. We are Pakistanis, as a nation we should care about our own self interests and our own people first, and then we should start "Caring" about every Tom Dick and Harry around the world
Depends from which angle look at it from.

Anyone can go on facebook and put fake pictures. Besides who would know more about diplomacy, politics, and social issues?

People on facebook or people on defence.pk?

I respect opinion, but I don't agree with you.

But fudging your id (considering that your posts are mostly read there by people added as friends) is much more elaborate and tough on Facebook than here.. Also, just because this is called defence.pk, it does not make members here more knowledgable about diplomacy and politics :)
Guys this is a communist propaganda thread. The truth is completely different, CCP do not even allow christmas how did they allow Ramazan in troubled province.
Elite member rant indeed ... :lol:

Ohh really..... Read the comments when the thread on this news was started.... You'll amaze how low life indians are.

Most of the above news sources also told us Iraq have WMDs.....

a western source doesn't really mean its true.... Media is used to spread propaganda and you guys buy it...
I hope these thekedars of muslims behave the same way when such news come out for India or any other western country.

Am I asking too much guys??
I don't usually like to start new threads,,, but this one had to be started ...

I posted following on the thread where China was alleged to have banned fasting,,, I am posting it again here coz it must be announced on TOP of ones voice that Western "powers" are a bunch of liars & propagandists ... Many channels like Al-Jazeera & GEO of Pakistan too often feed news to appease their financial feeders. Many others just blindly re-post the fabricated news.


Here's a refutation of allegation made:-

Chinese political advisors from Tibet, Xinjiang counterattack U.S. rights report

Chinese political advisors from Tibet, Xinjiang counterattack U.S. rights report

Chinese political advisors from Tibet and Xinjiang said Friday that cultural and religious freedom is fully respected and protected according to law in the two ethnic regions, fighting back against an annual U.S. human rights report.

"The report is utterly groundless. I strongly advise those who wrote the report visit Tibet personally before drawing a conclusion," said Lhagba Puncog, secretary-general of the Beijing-based China Tibetology Research Center.

As a scholar from the Tibetan ethnic group, Lhagba Puncog goes back to Tibet for research for two months every year.

"I witness the increasing improvement in the living standards of Tibetan people, and they fully enjoy freedom of religious beliefs," he told Xinhua on the sidelines of the annual session of the country's top political advisory body, or the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) National Committee.

Local government statistics showed that Tibet's gross domestic product (GDP) reached 43.7 billion yuan in 2009, up 170 percent from that in 2000 and posting an annual growth of 12.3 percent over the past nine years.

Currently, Tibet has more than 1,700 religious venues and 46,000 monks and nuns, whose religious beliefs are well protected by law.

Berkri Mamut, a CPPCC member and director of Shanshan County Islamic Association in Xinjiang, Muslims can practice their religion normally.

"They can freely attend religious service in mosques or practice fasting during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan," he said.

"Every year, the government will help make arrangements for about 12,000 Muslims nationwide who go to the holy city Mecca for hajj, of which almost 5,000 are form Xinjiang," he said.

"It is ridiculous to say there is 'cultural and religious repression' in Xinjiang," he added.

Yiliduosi Aihetamofu, a CPPCC member and a physician of Tatar ethnic group from the No. 1 Hospital affiliated to the Xinjiang Medical University, said what he has seen in Xinjiang is the fast economic development and improvement of people's lives.

"We Tatar people has a population of less than 5,000, but our cultural traditions have been preserved well," he said.
Editor: Amber Yao


Full text: Development and Progress in Xinjiang

I Quote:-

In Xinjiang, on the Ramadan and Kurban festivals, all Muslim communities may enjoy statutory holidays, while those of Russian background may observe their own statutory holidays such as Christmas and Easter.


Ramadhan gives boost to halal industry in China


Tuesday, July 24, 2012
MORE than 20 million Chinese Muslims from Friday onwards began observing the one-month Ramadhan fast across China.

In the 600-year-old Dongguan Mosque, located in Xining, provincial capital of northwest China's Qinghai province, tens of thousands of Muslims entered and gathered there to attend prayers.

"The month of Ramadhan is the greatest and most revered month for Muslims, and the prayer on the first day is also extremely important," said Ma Yongliang, who runs a logistics company in Xining city. Han Jing, 17, said she would get up at 3am every morning during Ramadhan to prepare food for her family.

Han said she would stay with other women at home, while the men would go to the mosque during the month. By observing the fast, she believes that's a way to get closer to Allah.

During Ramadhan, Muslims are refrained from eating, drinking, smoking and sex from sunrise to sunset. Ma insists to pray five times every day, and follows the business rules of integrity and trustworthiness according to Islam. "We have been abiding with the sermons of the Quran for centuries. Although our lives have undergone rapid changes, we still hold strong faith," Ma said.

Thanks to the support of the Chinese government, ethnic groups in the impoverished western areas have developed their dominant industries in recent years, slowly eradicating poverty.

In Ningxia Hui autonomous region, one of the main Muslim-populated regions, the predominantly Muslim Hui ethnic group developed the Halal food industry. In 2011, the Halal food industry in Ningxia generated an output value of 10.3 billion yuan (around $2 billion), up 13 per cent from a year ago. And the total output value of the Halal food industry in this region is expected to reach 20 billion yuan by 2015.

In a branch plant of Qinghai Yijia Buhala Nation Fashion China Co Ltd, located in Hui-Tu autonomous county of Datong in Qinghai province, the homegrown Muslim traditional cap and clothing have been exported around the world.

"I can not only take care of children and elderly people in my family, but also do some work at home which I get paid for," said Han Yan, a worker of the plant, adding that the work never affected her worship. "Female Muslims could hardly earn money in the past, but the work is conducive to raise the status of a female in a family," said Han Decheng, president of the company.

Moreover, in the Hui autonomous county of Hualong, more than 67,000 practitioners went out and opened over 10,000 restaurants selling traditional Hui food, such as hand-pulled noodles.

But for most Chinese Muslims, their biggest dream is to go to Mekah, Saudi Arabia, their holiest city. "Some elders in my family have been there, and I should realise my dream as well," said Ma.

In 1997, the first chartered plane for Chinese pilgrims flew from Beijing to Jeddah, an important gateway to Mekah. Direct chartered flights later linked Beijing, Lanzhou, Urumqi, Yinchuan, and Kunming to Madinah, the second holiest city, which is north of Mekah. According to statistics, more than 13,800 Chinese pilgrims went to Mekah in 2011. Xinhua


Official Government's website of China:-

Chinese Muslims pray on first day of Ramadan


Chinese Muslims celebrate Eid al-Fit


Why would a Government ban Ramazan (Fasting) & prayers while they proudly show that culture on their official website...!!!

Western media is a foul mouthed liar ,,, they make up lies ... they are well known for that ... one portal starts a lie & then the rest of media just copy-pastes it & thus such thriller ends up being all over so-called main-stream media...


China restricts Ramazan fasting

Authorities in China’s restive north-western region of Xinjiang have banned Muslim officials and students from fasting during Ramazan, prompting an exiled rights group to warn of new violence.

Guidance posted on numerous government websites called on Communist Party leaders to restrict Muslim religious activities during the holy month, including fasting and visiting mosques.

Xinjiang is home to around nine million Uighurs, a Turkic speaking, largely Muslim ethnic minority, many of whom accuse China’s leaders of religious and political persecution.

The region has been rocked by repeated outbreaks of ethnic violence, but China denies claims of repression and relies on tens of thousands of Uighur officials to help it govern Xinjiang.

A statement from Zonglang Township in Xinjiang’s Kashgar district said that “the county committee has issued comprehensive policies on maintaining social stability during the Ramadan period.

“It is forbidden for Communist Party cadres, civil officials (including those who have retired) and students to participate in Ramadan religious activities.” The statement, posted on the Xinjiang government website, urged party leaders to bring “gifts” of food to local village leaders to ensure that they were eating during Ramadan.

Similar orders on curbing Ramazan activities were posted on other local government websites, with the educational bureau of Wensu county urging schools to ensure that students do not enter mosques during Ramazan.

China restricts Ramazan fasting

China restricts Ramazan fasting

Authorities in China’s restive north-western region of Xinjiang have banned Muslim officials and students from fasting during Ramazan, prompting an exiled rights group to warn of new violence.

Guidance posted on numerous government websites called on Communist Party leaders to restrict Muslim religious activities during the holy month, including fasting and visiting mosques.

Xinjiang is home to around nine million Uighurs, a Turkic speaking, largely Muslim ethnic minority, many of whom accuse China’s leaders of religious and political persecution.

The region has been rocked by repeated outbreaks of ethnic violence, but China denies claims of repression and relies on tens of thousands of Uighur officials to help it govern Xinjiang.

A statement from Zonglang Township in Xinjiang’s Kashgar district said that “the county committee has issued comprehensive policies on maintaining social stability during the Ramadan period.

“It is forbidden for Communist Party cadres, civil officials (including those who have retired) and students to participate in Ramadan religious activities.” The statement, posted on the Xinjiang government website, urged party leaders to bring “gifts” of food to local village leaders to ensure that they were eating during Ramadan.

Similar orders on curbing Ramazan activities were posted on other local government websites, with the educational bureau of Wensu county urging schools to ensure that students do not enter mosques during Ramazan.

China restricts Ramazan fasting

Mate- this news paper is soon going to be called RAW agent or western propaganda machine. You bet?
I hope these thekedars of muslims behave the same way when such news come out for India or any other western country.

Am I asking too much guys??

No Muslim here is accepting Chinese policy of banning fasting, they are just exposing the false news sources and the fact that Chinese are now coming out and claiming that there is no such thing.
I sincerely wish that every individual should be given the right to practice and believe in any religion. Its not only 4 Chinese Muslims or Indian Muslims or Pakistani Hindu, Its for everyone on this planet. Though I do not that religion is necessary for human survival/life but it is like any other thing which a human wishes to follow. And he/she must be allowed to choose and follow any.
No Muslim here is accepting Chinese policy of banning fasting, they are just exposing the false news sources and the fact that Chinese are now coming out and claiming that there is no such thing.
Just like any sane person - I wanna believe the international media over chinese keyboard warriors working for CPC.

Thanks for your reply though.
Can you show me a case where France has allowed Fasting for Christians or Jews in similar jobs but have prevented Muslims doing that.?

How can I prove a negative? That no one in France was fired for fasting on Lent?

What I can show, and we have debated this before, are other examples of French discrimination on the basis of religion. I already mentioned all the Christian holy days which are official holidays. Also the weasel clause in the headscarf law has been exposed which creates a convenient loophole allowing Christian cross-pendants.

and deciding who has the moral ground to hold the advertising countries accountable.. Their citizens, YES... Pakistanis, who themselves do not support secularism most of the time, NO

Back to secularism again? As I said, this is not a debate on whether secularism is good or bad; simply whether countries abide by their stated claims.
How can I prove a negative? That no one in France was fired for fasting on Lent?

What I can show, and we have debated this before, are other examples of French discrimination on the basis of religion. I already mentioned all the Christian holy days which are official holidays.

Its pretty simple buddy.. There are 4 million muslims in France and 60 millions christians.. Take a guess which side the official holidays be skewed..Get out of victim mentality of the whole world being out to get Muslims ... :disagree:

Back to secularism again?
Not really.. Back to existance of moral grounds really

As I said, this is not a debate on whether secularism is good or bad; simply whether countries abide by their stated claims.
and if the ones questioning those claims really have the moral high ground to do that questioning.. Like a convited fraud not having the moral high grounds for questioning the financial ethics of another..
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