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China deploys fighter jets to patrol new air defence zone


Aug 27, 2013
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China on Thursday sent several fighter jets and an early warning aircraft to its newly declared air defence zone in the East China Sea as a “defensive measure” after Japan and South Korea said their military planes flew through the area in defiance of Beijing’s unilateral move.

Colonel Shen Jinke said several fighter jets and an early warning aircraft had been deployed to carry out routine patrols as “a defensive measure and in line with international common practices,” state-run Xinhua news agency reported.

Shen said the country’s air force would remain on high alert and would take measures to deal with all air threats to protect national security.

The Air Defence Identification Zone (ADIZ) zone, announced by China last week, covers territory claimed by China, Japan, Taiwan and South Korea.

China has said all planes transiting the zone must file flight plans and identify themselves, or face “defensive emergency measures”.

But Japan, South Korea and the US have all since flown military aircraft through the area.

Japanese aircraft had conducted routine “surveillance activity” over the ADIZ, a Japanese government spokesman said in Tokyo.

South Korea had also conducted a flight, the South Korean defence ministry said in Seoul.

A day earlier two giant US Stratofortress bombers flew through the AIDZ that China unilaterally declared.

The controversial zone includes disputed islands claimed by China, which calls them as the Diaoyus, but controlled by Japan, which terms them as the Senkakus.

Japanese officials did not specify when the flights happened, but confirmed the surveillance activity.

“Even since China has created this airspace defence zone, we have continued our surveillance activities as before in the East China Sea, including in the zone,” Japan’s government spokesman, Yoshihide Suga, said.

“We are not going to change this (activity) out of consideration to China,” he said.

Under fire from the US and other countries over the ADIZ, Chinese Defence Ministry said it will consider to revoke the zone if Japan which has a similar defence zone withdraws it.

“Should the decision be retracted, we ask the Japanese side to revoke its Air Defence Identification Zone first, we will then consider their demand 44 years later,” Defence Ministry spokesman Yang Yujun told reporters.

His comments came in response to Japanese Prime minister Shinzo Abe’s call for China to withdraw the zone.
I think quite a few people have the wrong idea about air defense zone. An air defense zone is not the same thing as air space. The air space is part of a nation's sovereign territory. Violation of air space are serious incidences and can lead to war. Also a nation is well within their rights to shoot down anything that violates their air space.
An air defense zone, on the other hand, is more of a buffer zone. It is still international air space, hence, aerial vehicles from all nations can still travel through it. However, the nation that setup the air defense zone will monitor all air traffic through the zone and if they consider the object to be a potential threat, it will scramble fighters to intercept it and request identification. If it is armed and heading to the nation itself, then the fighters can choose to shoot it.
To make an analogy, an air space is equivalent of your home and you are perfectly within your rights to defend it against any one that trespasses. An air defense zone is equivalent of the street in front of your house. If some stranger is loitering suspiciously and peeking into your home, then you may do something about it (call the police, shoo them away etc), but if they are just passing by, then there is no cause for any action.
This is why when B-52 "flying through" there isn't any response. It is flying a tangent course to the zone and no where near the direction of mainland China and more than 200km from Diaoyu islands.
The reason China created this zone is in response to the conflict around Diaoyu islands. It is considered Chinese territory, so if any Japanese/American planes approaches it, it will be considered military vehicles approaching Chinese territory, giving the Chinese air force the cause to scramble.
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It'd be interesting to see what would happen if China shoot down an American or Japanese fighter jet or the other way around :rolleyes:
Understand what an ADIZ is first before trolling.

I know being an 82 it's hard, but do try gumby

:lol: Understand that you chinese stated everyone needs china's permission, have to tell china before they fly in that zone- and nobody is asking or telling!

I don't what an 82 is , but I do a laughing stock of the world is...;) a 0 hero
:lol: Understand that you chinese stated everyone needs china's permission, have to tell china before they fly in that zone- and nobody is asking or telling!

I don't what an 82 is , but I do a laughing stock of the world is...;) a 0 hero

Go understand what an ADIZ is before talking about ADIZ.
Go understand what an ADIZ is before talking about ADIZ.

Who cares about ADIZ! :rofl: there is none even if you made one up!

Go understand that your CCP ordered all who flew offer the " free zone" had to check with them first, get permission and report to them flight plans- and now is the laughing stock because nobody is doing so!

the chinese demanded and others said :rofl:

China to Japan and US and rest " must tell us before you fly over this sky"
Rest of the world " :rofl:" , go ___ yourself!
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Who cares about ADIZ! :rofl: there is none even if you made one up!

Go understand that your CCP ordered all who flew offer the " free zone" had to check with them first, get permission and report to them flight plans- and now is the laughing stock because nobody is doing so!

the chinese demanded and others said :rofl:

China to Japan and US and rest " must tell us before you fly over this sky"
Rest of the world " :rofl:" , go ___ yourself!

What is the Chinese ADIZ?

An Air Defence Identification Zone is like an EARLY WARNING ZONE, not a no-fly-zone or an extension of Chinese airspace. An ADIZ is still international airspace.

Around 20 countries have their own ADIZ but not every ADIZ has the same rules.

An ADIZ acts as a THREAT ASSESSMENT to the Chinese mainland.

If an aircraft enters the ADIZ and identifies itself, then China knows what it's doing and that it poses no direct threat to the Chinese mainland.

If an aircraft enters the ADIZ and don't identify itself, then there are few scenarios that determines whether China should deploy its fighters to intercept the aircraft.

If an aircraft don't identify itself but merely skirt around the outer edge of the ADIZ like what the B-52 bombers did, China has no reason to deploy its fighters as those B-52 bombers poses no direct threat to the Chinese mainland.

But, if the B-52 bombers don't identify itself AND keeps COMING TOWARDS the Chinese mainland, then China will do a threat assessment of the aircraft and deploy its fighters to intercept the B-52 bombers.

Understand that China will only deploy its fighters based on the threat an aircraft poses to the Chinese mainland. If the aircraft identifies itself, China knows what the aircraft is doing and that it poses no direct threat. It is only when an aircraft don't identify itself AND keeps coming towards the Chinese mainland, then China has to assess the level of threat the aircraft poses to the Chinese mainland, if the threat is determined to be high, then China will deploy its fighters to intercept the unidentified aircraft as it poses a direct threat to the Chinese mainland.

This is essentially what the Chinese ADIZ is all about.
What is the Chinese ADIZ?

An Air Defence Identification Zone is like an EARLY WARNING ZONE, not a no-fly-zone or an extension of Chinese airspace. An ADIZ is still international airspace.

Around 20 countries have their own ADIZ but not every ADIZ has the same rules.

An ADIZ acts as a THREAT ASSESSMENT to the Chinese mainland.

If an aircraft enters the ADIZ and identifies itself, then China knows what it's doing and that it poses no direct threat to the Chinese mainland.

If an aircraft enters the ADIZ and don't identify itself, then there are few scenarios that determines whether China should deploy its fighters to intercept the aircraft.

If an aircraft don't identify itself but merely skirt around the outer edge of the ADIZ like what the B-52 bombers did, China has no reason to deploy its fighters as those B-52 bombers poses no direct threat to the Chinese mainland.

But, if the B-52 bombers don't identify itself AND keeps COMING TOWARDS the Chinese mainland, then China will do a threat assessment of the aircraft and deploy its fighters to intercept the B-52 bombers.

Understand that China will only deploy its fighters based on the threat an aircraft poses to the Chinese mainland. If the aircraft identifies itself, China knows what the aircraft is doing and that it poses no direct threat. It is only when an aircraft don't identify itself AND keeps coming towards the Chinese mainland, then China has to assess the level of threat the aircraft poses to the Chinese mainland, if the threat is determined to be high, then China will deploy its fighters to intercept the unidentified aircraft as it poses a direct threat to the Chinese mainland.

This is essentially what the Chinese ADIZ is all about.

:rofl: it is hilarious to see you fall over yourself and make excuses. they did not skirt, they flew right into the heart of it as always. You are a laughing stock of the world!

There is NO ADIZ is what everyone said...it is a figment of your imagination we won't follow it. China said if you fly the way you have been in the past, you must ask our permission, tell us flight plans, get our permission--- The rest of the world flew and keep flying the same path they have been ...and said to the chinese " we dare you you" and china cowered down.

There is NO ADIZ! the rest of the world said " ___ your ADIZ claim", we will keep flying in the same zone we always have been"!

Chine bite more that it could chew...:lol:
:rofl: it is hilarious to see you fall over yourself and make excuses. they did not skirt, they flew right into the heart of it as always. You are a laughing stock of the world!

There is NO ADIZ is what everyone said...it is a figment of your imagination we won't follow it. China said if you fly the way you have been in the past you must ask our permission, tell us flight paths, get our permission--- The rest of the world flew and keep flying the path they have been ...and said to the chinese " we dare you you" and china cowered down.

There is NO ADIZ! the rest of the world said " ___ your ADIZ claim", we will keep flying in the same zone we always have been"!

Chine bite more that it could chew...:lol:

We? Since when have the average migrant Indian turn into US political/business elites? I bet the white pilots look down on you brownies-trying-their-best-to-be-white. :P
:rofl: it is hilarious to see you fall over yourself and make excuses. they did not skirt, they flew right into the heart of it as always. You are a laughing stock of the world!

There is NO ADIZ is what everyone said...it is a figment of your imagination we won't follow it. China said if you fly the way you have been in the past, you must ask our permission, tell us flight plans, get our permission--- The rest of the world flew and keep flying the same path they have been ...and said to the chinese " we dare you you" and china cowered down.

There is NO ADIZ! the rest of the world said " ___ your ADIZ claim", we will keep flying in the same zone we always have been"!

Chine bite more that it could chew...:lol:

So instead of admitting you were wrong.

You go on a rant :lol:

Before talking about ADIZ, first understand what an ADIZ is and then decide to engage in trolling.

If you cannot even understand what an ADIZ means, then trolling becomes less effective :coffee:
So instead of admitting you were wrong.

You go on a rant :lol:

Before talking about ADIZ, first understand what an ADIZ is and then decide to engage in trolling.

If you cannot even understand what an ADIZ means, then trolling becomes less effective :coffee:

HAHAHAA admitting I am wrong about what? you have no ADIZ and no claim to it! It is made in China ADIZ that your govt made up and nobody in the world is listening or adhering.

You desperately trying to prove an ADIZ that nobody care or will respect!

Don't you get it- people are laughing at you ! people are flying right through it and will not deviate from what they always did. the whole world is laughing at you and you are trying desperately to spin it: rofl:
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