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China deploys fighter jets to patrol new air defence zone

HAHAHAA admitting I am wrong about what? you have no ADIZ and no claim to it!

people are laughing at you ! people are flying right through it and will not deviate from what they always did. the whole world is laughing at you and you are trying desperately to spin it: rofl:

Our fighters just intercepted US P-3 and EP-3 and Japanese E-767, P-3 and F-15.

Do you even know what an ADIZ means?

Go on tell me. Don't dodge the question poofter.
We? Since when have the average migrant Indian turn into US political/business elites? I bet the white pilots look down on you brownies-trying-their-best-to-be-white. :P

Yes we, just because the white man treats you like garbage because you contribute next to nothing to any country . don't project your white anger on me...

Our fighters just intercepted US P-3 and EP-3 and Japanese E-767, P-3 and F-15.

Do you even know what an ADIZ means?

Go on tell me. Don't dodge the question poofter.

Your fighters intercepted jack over you self made adiz. LOL
maybe your CCP lords tell you they did...but even yesterday Japan, Korea , US flew right through it.

WHO CARES what an ADIZ means ! it means jack in this case...

did the chinese not tell everyone who flies over the free zone they claimed as theirs to ask permission, to file their flight plans and give up identification codes?

tell me yes or no!
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South Korea, Japan or US sending planes near China's ADIZ is no big deal. All the fuzz for nothing and i don't see the world is laughing at us, only the trolls here are making a big fuzz of it.
Yes we, just because the white man treats you like garbage because you contribute next to nothing to any country . don't project your white anger on me...

White anger? Ohohoho.. I truly admire the white and yellow men, their pride and ambitions. You civilization-less idiots have none of it - you can only suck up to whoever gets you candies.

If I'm trying to project anything on you, at all, it's your identity. Stop cheerleading for whites in a West vs East battle. It's just ridiculous!
South Korea, Japan or US sending planes near China's ADIZ is no big deal. All the fuzz for nothing and i don't see the world is laughing at us, only the trolls here are making a big fuzz of it.

It is NOT NEAR! ... is that what CCP told you to save face? :rofl: It is right through it!

China was clear, all status quo flights in that area need their permission now first. All status quo flights, be it military ( US/Japan) or commercial have not changed plans / routes and told China to Go ___ themselves! :lol:
Yes we, just because the white man treats you like garbage because you contribute next to nothing to any country . don't project your white anger on me...

Your fighters intercepted jack over you self made adiz. LOL
maybe your CCP lords tell you they did...but even yesterday Japan, Korea , US flew right through it.

WHO CARES what an ADIZ means ! it means jack in this case...

did the chinese not tell everyone who flies over the free zone they claimed as theirs to ask permission, to file their flight plans and give up identification codes?

tell me yes or no!

So you have been ranting all along without even knowing what an ADIZ means :lol:

I'm waiting for you to explain the difference between ADIZ, no-fly-zone and territorial airspace.

I want you to explain the difference between the 3.

Go on, I dare you.
White anger? Ohohoho.. I truly admire the white and yellow men, their pride and ambitions. You civilization-less idiots have none of it, and yet suck up to whoever gives you candies.

If I'm trying to project anything on you, at all, it's your identity. Stop cherrleading for whites in a West vs East battle. It's just ridiculous!

as I said- because you and your people are treated to the same level of the contribution you give to every country , which is at the lowest bottom ... don't get mad at me for be an American. If you are so mad with the white man then why do you live in Canada?... go back to your country... but at the very least don't take your frustration out on how Canadian white or anyone treats you Bangladeshis on me

So you have been ranting all along without even knowing what an ADIZ means :lol:

I'm waiting for you to explain the difference between ADIZ, no-fly-zone and territorial airspace.

I want you to explain the difference between the 3.

Go on, I dare you.

NO rant- just immense laughter at see you spin this for mother china! :lol:

I thought you guys had a high IQ! ... a made up ADIZ is just that a made up ADIZ.

You tell me if you dare - did China tell Japan and rest of the world. If you keep flying like you have been in this " free zone" we now claimed as our "made up ADIZ" - you have to get our permission?
I think there has long been a balance in the Pacific between Japan (economic power) and China (military power) but in last years, China has also become an economic power and its GDP exceeded the Japanese GDP , so the U.S. then allow Japan to develop its military power to restore balance, which permit to see the reborn of the Imperial Japanese Navy who led the battle of Shanghai in a previous life ... and Beijing does not want to hear about it, so she declare an exclusion zone and all that followed then ...
Hence the case of islets I think it is to become a defensive glaze to prevent the Japanese destroyers heading to the South China Sea
It is also a response to the redeployment of the U.S. Army in the Pacific

I see this issue like this .
as I said- because you and your people are treated to the same level of the contribution you give to every country , which is at the lowest bottom ... don't get mad at me for be an American. If you are so mad with the white man then why do you live in Canada?... go back to your country... but at the very least don't take your frustration out on how Canadian white or anyone treats you Bangladeshis on me

NO rant- just immense laughter at see you spin this for mother china! :lol:

I thought you guys had a high IQ! ... a made up ADIZ is just that a made up ADIZ.

You tell me if you dare - did China tell Japan and rest of the world. If you keep flying like you have been in this " free zone" we now claimed as our "made up ADIZ" - you have to get our permission?

Don't dodge the question mate. The question you just asked can easily be answered if you knew the difference between an ADIZ, no-fly-zone and territorial airspace.

If you know the difference between the 3, then you wouldn't be asking the question you did.

Go on mate, have another go.
a si said because you and your people are treated like the contribution you give to every country , which is at lowest bottom ... don't get mad at me for be American. If you are so mad with the w hite man then why do you live in Canada... go back to your country... but at the very least don't take your frustration out on how Canadian white or anyone treats you Bangladeshis on me

Chill! Are you just typing fast or did English classes fail you? :lol:

All I'm asking of you is: don't pretend to be an American. You didn't set your country flags yet. At least let the Chinese gentlemen know who you are before you start an argument.

Me being Bangladeshi or Canadian has nothing to do with our discussion.
Chill! Are you just typing fast or did English classes fail you? :lol:

All I'm asking of you is: don't pretend to be an American. You didn't set your country flags yet. At least let the Chinese gentlemen know who you are before you start an argument.

Me being Bangladeshi or Canadian has nothing to do with our discussion.

I don't need anyone to know anything but the truth. I don't pretend to be one- I am american.

I don't harbor ill and frustrations like you towards any skin tone let alone whites. I'm judged by the quality of the contribution I make and the content of my character. unlike you, I don't have the white man deranged syndrome. No man of any color every bothered me, stopped me from being successful. I am only beholden to the constitution of these United states. Not god, but country, family and myself.

What the color of my skin is does not make my country America as being foreign. Just because you are frustrated- because you bangladeshis are probably treated similar to the low contributions you make to the society in western countries. don't take it on me!

I would never live in a country where I felt like salve ,a s you obviously do... go back to bangla-who-desh" bundooo - chole ja banglai babu! chole ja..

Don't dodge the question mate. The question you just asked can easily be answered if you knew the difference between an ADIZ, no-fly-zone and territorial airspace.

If you know the difference between the 3, then you wouldn't be asking the question you did.

Go on mate, have another go.

what part of China asked that everyone who flies over the zone , made up ADIZ , needs their permission and everyone said " Go ___ yourself" and kept flying the same paths- do you not get?
I don't need anyone to know anything but the truth. I don't pretend to be one- I am american.

I don't harbor ill and frustrations like you towards any skin tone let alone whites. I'm judged by the quality of the contribution I make and the content of my character. unlike you, I don't have the white man deranged syndrome. No man of any color every bothered me, stopped me from being successful. I am only beholden to the constitution of these United states. Not god, but country, family and myself.

What the color of my skin is does not make my country America as being foreign. Just because you are frustrated- because you bangladeshis are probably treated similar to the low contributions you make to the society in western countries. don't take it on me!

I would never live in a country where I felt like salve ,a s you obviously do... go back to bangla-who-desh" bundooo - chole ja banglai babu! chole ja..

what part of China asked that everyone who flies over the zone , made up ADIZ , needs their permission and everyone said " Go ___ yourself" and kept flying the same paths- do you not get?

So you admit you don't know the differences between the 3 :lol:

Next time, if you want to troll, know what you're talking about because it makes you look like a complete dork.
I don't need anyone to know anything but the truth. I don't pretend to be one- I am american.

Who says so?

I don't harbor ill and frustrations like you towards any skin tone let alone whites. I'm judged by the quality of the contribution I make and the content of my character. unlike you, I don't have the white man deranged syndrome. No man of any color every bothered me, stopped me from being successful. I am only beholden to the constitution of these United states. Not god, but country, family and myself.

Neither do I. You picking fights with the Chinese in a White vs Chinese battle is just ridiculous. And the rest of the emotional speech might move a fellow browniemerican a bit - it's quite useless here.

What the color of my skin is does not make my country America as being foreign. Just because you are frustrated- because you bangladeshis are probably treated similar to the low contributions you make to the society in western countries. don't take it on me!

Like the Rainmaker dude pointed out, you have no idea what you're talking about.

I would never live in a country where I felt like salve ,a s you obviously do... go back to bangla-who-desh" bundooo - chole ja banglai babu! chole ja..

What you feel might often be different from what you are. ;)
Who says so?

my country says so, I say so- LOL. You think you the bangla-who-desh guy is the arbiter of my being, my citizenry, my allegiance to my country? :rofl:

"You picking fights with the Chinese in a White vs Chinese battle is just ridiculous"

LOL. Just because you get treated like crap does not make this a " white" vs chinese.. it is america, my country vs chinese.

You make a lot of proclamations because of your low self esteem as a canadian. why are you picking a fight me and asking me to be a racist like you because of your low self esteem?

The day I feel that my country is not mine rather a white man/ skin -- I would leave it. what are you doing in the " white man country" as call it then? go back to bangla-who-desh...

What you feel might often be different from what you are. ;)

don't project your anti white feelings on me - babu mooschi
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