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China deploys fighter jets to patrol new air defence zone

Chinese paid propagandist?

I am guessing you must be an "Indian paid one" then. Doing your best to smear China and hiding behind the American flag. You get more hurt about posters talking about bad about India than they do America. That explains a lot to me already :lol:

Now tell me, will this change the fact that it is still China's ADIZ? I don't think so.
Don't let one instant cloud your judgment. This is politics and posturing, it is not a game that gets decided in a day. It is a long game my friend.

Stop jumping up and down with stories regarding China, 1962 was a long time ago, get over it. :cheers:

I give it to indians when they get anti american as much as I give it you. distracting from the fact by attacking me won't get your short or long play. It is not your ADIZ- american, japanese and koreans have shown you as such.

I can call China an 'american vassal state'.. but mere words don't mean jack. at the end of the day your long play is just words. US won't let your words matter as seen daily.
Stop jumping up and down with stories regarding China, 1962 was a long time ago, get over it. :cheers:
50 years not too long and we should not forget to take back south Tibet and only focus on little islands such as Senkaku and those in South China Sea.
Don't associate Jayatl with America at all. He is an Indian who try to pretend to be a white supremacist by going to Storm Front and sign up as a member by claiming to be an Aryan. The only thing he get from them is to go "f**k off"

you forgot to mention that I then put on a cape and flew into chinatown USA and declared it my own ADIZ:rofl:
50 years not too long and we should not forget to take back south Tibet and only focus on little islands such as Senkaku and those in South China Sea.

I never created the statement from your post.
50 years not too long and we should not forget to take back south Tibet and only focus on little islands such as Senkaku and those in South China Sea.

take back taiwan and have full control of HK will ya first :lol:
you forgot to mention that I then put on a cape and flew into chinatown USA and declared it my own ADIZ:rofl:

Now you are trying to deflect others from your racist views. As an Indian who tried to be a white because of your high caste. But the white racist still tell you to bug off when you wanted to join them. Maybe you should try again by telling them that you are not Indian, you are Italian. As the leader of your country is a Italian.
I give it to indians when they get anti american as much as I give it you. distracting from the fact by attacking me won't get your short or long play.

You shouldn't have called me a paid propagandist in the first place.
It has nothing to do with the post, so who attacked who eh? Don't try deflect the fact that you are one attacking me and is now playing the "victims" card.

It is not your ADIZ- american, japanese and koreans have shown you as such.

I guess you have conveniently forgotten the Japanese ADIZ or is trying to cover up the fact that China has now officially overlapped into Japan's ADIZ and will now be operating in those overlapped regions.


Have to say, for such a small country, their ADIZ seemed somewhat "too big"? :lol:

I can call China an 'american vassal state'.. but mere words don't mean jack. at the end of the day your long play is just words. US won't let your words matter as seen daily.

Try harder next time. Americans live on Walmarts, we don't.
We lend Americans money, not the other way around. Because we have a sustainable economy and a rapidly expanding one too.

Whilst America is busy writing stories, we are busy expanding our presence and growing our economy. Words from you means little and has no real significance at all except for on this forum.

Last but not least, what gives Indians the right to laugh at us when you are nowhere near China in term of achievements? :omghaha:
Now you are trying to deflect others from your racist views. As an Indian who tried to be a white because of your high caste. But the white racist still tell you to bug off when you wanted to join them. Maybe you should try again by telling them that you are not Indian, you are Italian. As the leader of your country is a Italian.

I am your daddy! did you forget to add that too :lol:

Try harder next time. Americans live on Walmarts, we don't.
We lend Americans money, not the other way around. Because we have a sustainable economy and a rapidly expanding one too.

Whilst America is busy writing stories, we are busy expanding our presence and growing our economy. Words from you means little and has no real significance at all except for on this forum.

Last but not least, what gives Indians the right to laugh at us when you are nowhere near China in term of achievements? :omghaha:

Oh hush, you are a 3rd world country, still underdeveloped and a mini regional power.

a freaking part timer at wal mart makes more money in month than 90% of your factory workers.

You buy our treasuries and that too at a loss. You park your money with us fully knowing that you will be at a negative on your investment- at the time of maturity. yet you park your money with us . I bet you did not know that :rofl:
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Is that what they told you posters to sell to the world :rofl: is that how they shifted the goal post now?

Act 1 Scene 1

" this our zone, if you fly through it you must get our permission, tell us your flight plan and identity codes"

Rest of world " Go to ___, we will keep flying through it without getting any permission"

Act 2 Final Scene

China to paid propagandist " Go on messageboards and distract everyone from the original bluster statement we made that made us look like clowns now "

Obambam on PDF " actually this means we can invade Japan"By making this a protected airspace we can use this as an excuse to intrude into say Japans should they continue to violate ours"

End scene...


they did not? :lol:

Uhh, providing their data is not the same as asking for permission to fly through. Please do a bit more thinking before replying.
Oh hush, you are a 3rd world country, still underdeveloped and a mini regional power.

a freaking part timer at wal mart makes more money in month than 90% of your factory workers.

Awww... we are still labeled third world for reasons right? but for a third world country to have such heavy footing into the American economy is something India can only live to dream of.

wait, how much does India factory workers make? Since they are underaged workers, kids, I am guessing they probably don't get paid a lot :rofl:

You buy our treasuries and that too at a loss. You park your money with us fully knowing that you will be at a negative on your investment- at the time of maturity. yet you park your money with us . I bet you did not know that :rofl:

Buy your treasures? The only treasure you had is now safely in hands of Queen Elizabeth :lol:
Uhh, providing their data is not the same as asking for permission to fly through. Please do a bit more thinking before replying.

err.. must have flight flight plans approved before you fly through - is asking permission when it was a free zone. please have some knowledge before posting.
U.S. 'advising' airlines to 'comply' with China on disputed zone - CNN.com

U.S. 'advising' airlines to 'comply' with China request on disputed zone
By Jim Acosta. Jason Hanna and Tom Watkins, CNN
updated 9:52 PM EST, Fri November 29, 2013

China sends fighter jets to disputed zone
  • NEW: U.S. official: The U.S. is "advising" air carriers to "comply" with China's request
  • NEW: It's "for safety," even if the U.S. doesn't recognize China's new air defense zone
  • China says two U.S. military planes, 10 Japanese military planes entered disputed zone
  • The zone is part of a rapidly escalating dispute over East China Sea territory

(CNN) -- China, Japan and the United States are continuing their tense standoff in Beijing's disputed new air defense zone Friday -- a treacherous situation that both sides warn could lead to violence, intended or not.

To this point, a senior official in U.S. President Barack Obama's administration said Friday that commercial airlines are being told to abide by Beijing's call to notify it of plans to traverse the newly declared zone over the East China Sea, even if the U.S. government doesn't recognize it.

"We ... are advising for safety reasons that they comply with notices to airmen, which FAA always advises," the official said.

This advice reflects fears that the back-and-forth between the two sides could have unintended consequences involving not just opposing troops, but innocent civilians as well. It's a subtle change from two days earlier, when the State Department said "the U.S. government generally expects that U.S. carriers operating internationally" comply with other countries' mandates, rather than directing them to.

Whatever U.S. carriers do, two major Japanese airlines have refused to comply with China's declaration.
Awww... we are still labeled third world for reasons right? but for a third world country to have such heavy footing into the American economy is something India can only live to dream of.

wait, how much does India factory workers make? Since they are underaged workers, kids, I am guessing they probably don't get paid a lot :rofl:

Buy your treasures? The only treasure you had is now safely in hands of Queen Elizabeth :lol:

So you have now agreed to compare yourself with india. Good... :yahoo:

Not treasures :haha:

treasuries as in bonds ...:rofl: lol THE FAMOUS CHINESE IQ:omghaha:

Now you are trying to deflect others from your racist views. As an Indian who tried to be a white because of your high caste. But the white racist still tell you to bug off when you wanted to join them. Maybe you should try again by telling them that you are not Indian, you are Italian. As the leader of your country is a Italian.

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Awww... we are still labeled third world for reasons right? but for a third world country to have such heavy footing into the American economy is something India can only live to dream of.

wait, how much does India factory workers make? Since they are underaged workers, kids, I am guessing they probably don't get paid a lot :rofl:

Buy your treasures? The only treasure you had is now safely in hands of Queen Elizabeth :lol:

China is third world country, India is fifth world country.
So you have now agreed to compare yourself with india. Good... :yahoo:

Since you are speaking about third world countries, then sure, why not? Where does India stand? economy wise, politic wise, welfare wise, military wise? How do they fare? I have no shame comparing a third world country with another third world country. It just makes us even more proud to say the least as we are already richer than majority of the so called first world countries :rofl:

Not treasures :haha:

treasuries as in bonds ...:rofl: lol THE FAMOUS CHINESE IQ:omghaha:

It was the closest thing India had that can be linked to the word "treasuries". I meant treasuries as in the crown jewel. You don't have to bring up IQ, I know you and your inferiority complexes.

If hiding behind the American flag gives you more confidence and helps you bounce off your attacks then so be it, I just hope you can truly feel proud.

America's achievement belongs to America and India's belongs to India, if you are comparing America with China fair enough, they are indeed ahead in many aspects and I have no shame admitting to that. If, on the other hand, you compare India with China, then the situation quickly flips over with China triumphing all over. I have no shame or problems with that either. Just choose whatever suits you buddy :cheers:

China is third world country, India is fifth world country.

Not at all, they are third world also. It just so happens that we are doing much better yesterday, today, tomorrow and probably next month and next year too.
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