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China demands India not to attend the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony

Exactly.China is no US.China is a four trillion dollar economy compared too the 15 trillion dollar economy that US has.

on that aspect even US should not demand any nation......requests are ok.....just because you are financially and militarily strong does not give one nation the right to dictate or decide another nations foreign policy.....
As CardSharp said, this is only a symbolic meaning, some Indian members are also right, it is big, because we need to melt our ice.
The countries like Norway are racist to the core they believe in white men's world.

But china is illegally occupying our vast land area, don't recognize Kashmir, do everything to harm India politically-economically-military, at war with India through proxy.

A independent county like India should have its own independent policy and china have no right to poke its nose in it.

For me both Norway and china go to hell.
best option....send a team to Norway and make them wait at the doorway of the event with one leg inside and one leg outside----diplomacy:azn::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
read the wiki article on this guy which portrays a positive picture of him. Why Chinese dont like him?

In addition to other reasons, he wants China to subect to western colonial rule for 300 or more years.

Do you like you to be subject to colonial rules for 300 years? :taz:

But I think Chinese government is silly: 1) there is no need to make a big fuss of it; 2) it is foolish to tell other government what to do what not to do.
In addition to other reasons, he wants China to subect to western colonial rule for 300 or more years.

Do you like you to be subject to colonial rules for 300 years? :taz:

But I think Chinese government is silly: 1) there is no need to make a big fuss of it; 2) it is foolish to tell other government what to do what not to do.

ignore the hawks gpit. most indian members want GOI to abstain.
Relax buddy
You people do realize that the title " China demands India not to attend the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony" was made up by the thread starter right? and in the original title, the word demand is sensationalist editorializing by the people who wrote the article.

Read carefully.

Chinese Foreign Ministry officials recently told Indian Ambassador to China S. Jaishankar that China wanted India to boycott the ceremony. Chinese officials have met with diplomats from almost every country in recent weeks, conveying the same message. Among those who have said they will stay away are Russia and Pakistan.

This was a blanket appeal to all countries of the world not to attend the ceremony. China didn't threaten India not to go and neither did China seek out India specifically because it thinks India is particular important in this issue.

@those who think India's input here is crucial and can be used as some kind of bargaining chip for settling other disputes. Get over yourselves.
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^^^^^ i think india should not attend this meeting. visit of chineese premier wen jiabao is likely to herald a new era of peace and partnership between two countries. i am sure our chineese friends would much appreciate this gesture from our side. after all diplomacy is a policy of give and take.

I disagree on general principles.

China's anger at the Nobel prize being awarded to a dissident may or may not be justified, however; what I cannot agree with is its insistence that other nations should also boycott this event due to this reason. It comes off as quite heavy handed; and if I may dare say, arrogant.

This is almost akin to the problems one has with the religious right here in the US. Not only are they content with sticking to some stuff which they find are "better" , but they also try to impose it on the rest of the Americans via the tea-party/republican party apparatus. Do I support their wish for no abortions or their right to worship?? sure...ONLY for them, not for the rest of the nation. Democratic principles require that the fundamental human rights and values be upheld even in the event of heavy opposition. As the old adage goes...."your freedom stops where my nose begins".

If China wants to boycotts the Nobel, sure I can totally understand; but for it to demand/expect other nations to boycott it ...and in the case of certain nations..even threaten indirectly in the form of economic backlash is definitely crossing the line. I respect the Chinese people and also accept that their form of government is maybe better for them (after all, we cannot dictate what they want to do) however , applying the principle of whats good for the goose is also good for the gander; China should refrain from making such outrageous demands. Failure to do so would only result in animosity and increased suspicion about China.

Furthermore, If China Really wants downplay this Nobel award, it could have simply not made an issue about it (I meant the indirect threats and coercions) and kept a low profile. However, due to its heavy handed(imho) actions...it comes off as a bully who is threatened by the Nobel prize. If China simply ignores the award, and makes no mention of it....this entire thing would have blown off within a couple of weeks. Media loves conflict and "exciting" news...and China seems to be playing right into the hands of the media outlets who; now would blow this Nobel event to epic proportions...something China should/would like to avoid. Better yet, it could even allow the dissenters wife to receive the award. Continuing this line of reaction would result in China being compared to....and already is(in some news reports)with similar fracas surrounding the Nobel winners like Carl von Ossietzky(under Nazi Germany), Andrei Sakharov ,Lech Walesa (Under USSR) and Aung San Suu Kyi(Under Myanmarr junta).

In conclusion, India should attend the function and China should not make a huge issue out of it cos it would definitely be a PR as well as political disaster. There's more than one way to skin a cat and China should keep that in mind rather than resort to these rather crude measured which would definitely backfire.
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Furthermore, If China Really wants downplay this Nobel award, it could have simply not made an issue about it (I meant the indirect threats and coercions) and kept a low profile. However, due to its heavy handed(imho) actions...it comes off as a bully who is threatened by the Nobel prize. If China simply ignores the award, and makes no mention of it....this entire thing would have blown off within a couple of weeks. Media loves conflict and "exciting" news...and China seems to be playing right into the hands of the media outlets who; now would blow this Nobel event to epic proportions...something China should/would like to avoid. Better yet, it could even allow the dissenters wife to receive the award. Continuing this line of reaction would result in China being compared to....and already is(in some news reports)with similar fracas surrounding the Nobel winners like Carl von Ossietzky(under Nazi Germany), Andrei Sakharov ,Lech Walesa (Under USSR) and Aung San Suu Kyi(Under Myanmarr junta).

Thank for the advice but no thanks. You make the mistake of thinking China does what it does here for international approval. It doesn't, it's acting out the play for domestic perception. All the finger wagging abroad is not going to be a danger to China but a lack of domestic stability is.
In conclusion, India should attend the function and China should not make a huge issue out of it cos it would definitely be a PR as well as political disaster. There's more than one way to skin a cat and China should keep that in mind rather than resort to these rather crude measured which would definitely backfire.

It's not really your decision whether China deems the matter important or not and to presume it is up to you smacks of, if I may dare say, arrogance.
Thank for the advice but no thanks. You make the mistake of thinking China does what it does here for international approval. It doesn't, it's acting out the play for domestic perception. All the finger wagging abroad is not going to be a danger to China but a lack of domestic stability is.

Ah I see. I agree that I assumed that this protest by China was actually based on real and/or perceived insult to the nation rather than to the Party and its form of government. In light of your revelation I realize that this is (as you aptly put) play is for domestic consumption. I guess anything less than what the Chinese government is doing right now would have detracted from the perception of power the government has. If I assume correctly, benefits the party would gain from such a stance to its stature as something that brooks no dissent would be twofold...it would impress upon the populous the strength of its will and would also serve as a warning to future dissenters.

However, do you not think that such a policy geared towards internal policies would have a seriously detrimental effect to the world's perception of China in the global arena? Or does the Government not care about the rest of the world's perception of China? I'm curious.
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