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China demands India not to attend the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony

there are 3 types of dissent. one is constructive; this is encouraged. one is destructive, hateful, but they don't try to organize. this is actually tolerated. go to tianya.cn (the most popular social forum in china) or even bbs1.people.cn (the forum of people's daily!) and open up google translate to see plenty of that. then there is destructive dissent that tries to organize more people to overthrow the government. that gets cracked down, as Liu found out when he crossed the line from just being an anti-china self hating racist nut to trying to organize more racists.

My post was not about dissenters in China, but about the way China went about trying to garner support for its boycott of the Nobel's.

Having said that, my view on "Dissent" is actually very liberal. I couldn't care less who dissents as long as they do something they truly believe in. For starters, if someone is a dissenter regarding the issue of prayers in public schools. I will have to disagree with him. I believe public schools to be secular places and to allow certain public schools to have prayer time impinges on the rights of the rest of the students...even thought there might be only one atheist student in the entire school. Its all about the separation of Church and state.

my definition of dissent it one that is about personal rights. For example, I deserve the right to say whatever I want. That is my freedom of speech. Ill definitely not give that up even if the entire nation I live in is opposed to it. Its a fundamental right which defines me and to lose it would portend the end of living and the beginning of survival, for me.

I'm not familiar with Liu's case so ill refrain from talking about it. However, I did read about the fate of a person(The father of a child who was affected by the tainted children's food scandal) who advocated for better food safety

BEIJING – A father who organized a support group for other parents whose children were sickened in one of China's worst food safety scandals was convicted and sentenced Wednesday to 2 1/2 years in prison for inciting social disorder, his lawyer said.

Zhao Lianhai had pushed for greater official accountability and compensation for victims and their families after the 2008 scandal that shocked China. His sentence appeared particularly severe because the case related to a public safety incident that the embarrassed leadership had pledged to tackle in a bid to restore consumer confidence.

Chinese father punished for food safety activism - Yahoo! News

not to criticize China....but the above seems to be a genuine travesty of justice. That person was neither a stooge of the west nor trying to gain anything for himself; yet he faces years in jail. What is your take on this case?

^^ I would definitely stick up for people like him, regardless of the country I live in. I come from a country (lanka) where even voicing dissent would result in people being made "disappear". It is probably one of the worst offenders of human rights and the sorry state it is in now can be directly attributed to its relentless crushing of any dissent. So I know the value of dissent and the problems that arise when dissent is not welcomed.Btw I'm not talking about some "western" notion of human rights , but stuff I've seen myself.
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We had a thread on that topic in the China defence section.

Pretty much everybody disagreed with the decision.

Thank you for the info. As don't frequent this forum , I probably missed that thread.

Yeah..it was a really bad move. I hope people petition the government to have him released.
I think many Chinese people find these dissents and protesters distasteful, not least because many of them saw the incredible stupidity and cruelty that resulted from such unbridled populism in the cultural revolution.

Not to mention Liu Xiaobo is one of those of the "lost generation", no schooling, no parents.

I think Liu Xiaobo strong identifies with those people, those times and those methods for bring about change. This is why, he should never be given a role in China's transition.

we have to keep our government in check with public opinion, of course, and speak out when things are wrong. i am wary of criticisms of populism, as that can entrench a certain class at the top of chinese society instead of keeping things mobile like they are now (though i'm starting to see the entrenching interests). i just wish people can keep internal and external affairs separate. i'm just as outraged as hard rightwings on things like 暴力拆迁, 富二代, 李刚案, 邓玉娇案, 毒奶粉, etc. but when the hard rightwings cross the line into self hate and self racism along with the "long live USA" and "let's bring back Japanese management" slogans I get really angry.
Thank you for the info. As don't frequent this forum , I probably missed that thread.

Yeah..it was a really bad move. I hope people petition the government to have him released.

no one agrees with it. petitions have worked before though. Deng Yujiao, a waitress who killed a high ranking official who tried to rape her, was sentenced as not guilty by self defense, due to public pressure. China has alot of achievements but there are also many places of injustice, it is the job of citizens to reveal them, internal matters are fine for discussion.

what i hate are Liu Xiaobo types. he is not addressing any issue that is useful. he didn't do anything. in fact he is doing worse than nothing because he calls for British to come back and "manage" us for 300 years. He also supports the Iraq war, and takes money from the US. If an Indian calls for China to come "manage" india and cries that it couldn't do so in 1962, supports the Maoists, takes money from Pakistan and then was given a Nobel Prize, what would you think?
China shouldn't be doing to India what the US is doing to China.

Although China doesn't use its military to do these things, it should still refrain from interfering with others' affairs.
China shouldn't be doing to India what the US is doing to China.

Although China doesn't use its military to do these things, it should still refrain from interfering with others' affairs.

request is not interference
In recent times China has started to get little accomodative of India's concern. If China is coporating with us then I will follow what China says. I care more about relations with China.
In recent times China has started to get little accomodative of India's concern. If China is coporating with us then I will follow what China says. I care more about relations with China.

I'm sure that China wants to develop friendlier relations with India. It also means no harm whatsoever to India. It's just that sometimes China gets a little overreactive over sensitive issues.

It's no harm, really. Just ignore it.
If india wishes,we will surely attend,if we don't want,then we don't attend..
We are not afghanistan,iraq,and another US close ally to take orders..
We do as our wish..
As simple as that!!
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