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China demands India not to attend the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony

west has developed many tools to interfere in other nations internal affair
during 60s or 70s there was huge race discrimination based on color in USA what if any nation would have given any international prize to any black person there supporting anti race issue in USA
would have been fun watching USA reaction
USA invaded Iraq on name of fake WMD but didnt do any thing in south africa where white ppl were killing black ppl
future is with india and china we dont want USA-USSR like situation we should ignore nobel prize completely africa will follow us
these european ppl think that thay are superior race because they are leading the world for last 300 years but they are forgetting that we (india + china) are just not leading the world for last 300 years before that it was all us
what ever issues we c in world today is created by europens only let it be kashmir , palestine ,or taiwan all created by west so that we stay involved in these problems and they continue to lead the world this is there ultimate goal
based on this goal they are trying to create problem in those countries which has potential of taking there place today its china we should not forget tomorrow it could be india also
there should be no politics included in peace prize....

between how will norway benefit by teasing china...

peace prize should be given by united nations and not by individual government of the country
^^^^^ i think india should not attend this meeting. visit of chineese premier wen jiabao is likely to herald a new era of peace and partnership between two countries. i am sure our chineese friends would much appreciate this gesture from our side. after all diplomacy is a policy of give and take.

Either you are too naive or a plain fool.

Dont forget just before 1962 chou-en-LIE visited India with message of peace and partnership.

chinese foreign policy is based on arm-twisting,threats and if all else fails then military aggression.This opportunity should be seized by the scam-tainted government to show that some remnant of a back-bone is still left in them.That would also be an unlistakeable signal to china that India can no longer be arm-twisted
such bon homie between indian and chinese members..who passed around weed in here!!!

on topic: GOI should abstain, neighbors are more important than some obscure country with a non-existent relevance.
Like I said the Indian government will do what it like, it is largely a symbolic thing.

yes i agree, but i think these symbolic genstures convey a lot of meaning. these lil symbolic gestures can be used to demonstarate unison in thinking.

for one i think if this event is purely being used to embarrass chinese, then i think GOI would do well not to send their reps to the event.
Either you are too naive or a plain fool.

Dont forget just before 1962 chou-en-LIE visited India with message of peace and partnership.

chinese foreign policy is based on arm-twisting,threats and if all else fails then military aggression.This opportunity should be seized by the scam-tainted government to show that some remnant of a back-bone is still left in them.That would also be an unlistakeable signal to china that India can no longer be arm-twisted

i think u r analysis is all wrong. supporting our chineese friends wouldnt show us as a weak country. on the contrary this lil gesture would improve chineese confidence in india. there is a lot of india-china competetion these days. much of this has been fuelled by western media with lil understanding of asian culture.

its time to move past 1962 debacle. we dont need to prove to anyone that we are strong. we jus need to believe in our ability to hit back hard if some one plays mischief with us.

for both india and china its time to move on and herald a new era of peace and economic cooperation.
No offence GnR but if u think chinese will reciprocate, well not happening in this millenium.

Yes Nobel committee's reputation is shady at best but so is chinese diplomacy vis-a-vis India.Last time we were expecting something positive was at NSG.U kno what they did! Tried all the dirty tricks in their bag to kill the deal.Development loans even from ADB are blocked by them.And here we are supporting them at every issue that creeps up. Starting from Tibet to Stockholm.

And their ultimate target is the Balkanization of India.Dont forget that.
No offence GnR but if u think chinese will reciprocate, well not happening in this millenium.

Yes Nobel committee's reputation is shady at best but so is chinese diplomacy vis-a-vis India.Last time we were expecting something positive was at NSG.U kno what they did! Tried all the dirty tricks in their bag to kill the deal.Development loans even from ADB are blocked by them.And here we are supporting them at every issue that creeps up. Starting from Tibet to Stockholm.

And their ultimate target is the Balkanization of India.Dont forget that.

i dont think any sane country would want balkanisation of either india or for that matter pak.

can u imagine chineese problems if india breaks up. there will by plenty of nuclear armed states around china. can any chineese diplomat clearly say they will not be hostile to china. imagine some state prez going crack, he will hold not even china but whole world on tender hooks.

china at best wants india to be in low state equillibrium so that it is engaged with pakistan.
norway dissapointed india over kashmir remarks so there is a chance india may skip it.

I agree that the Nobel Peace Prize is politics and BS.
Regarding Norways comments about Kashmir, pakistani media gave it a pro-pakistan spinn, while nothing Norway said was actually anything negative from a indian POV. Read what Norway said here, instead of beliving the pakistani version:
lets look it in isolation: Boycotting the ceremony will give a clear message to the world that even India is not open to such crap.
We too have a lot of problems which threatens our integrity.
Either you are too naive or a plain fool.

Dont forget just before 1962 chou-en-LIE visited India with message of peace and partnership.

chinese foreign policy is based on arm-twisting,threats and if all else fails then military aggression.This opportunity should be seized by the scam-tainted government to show that some remnant of a back-bone is still left in them.That would also be an unlistakeable signal to china that India can no longer be arm-twisted

Babu moshai, first of all you should abstein from personal attacks. It's your views against his views. You're certainly not going to shove your views down his throat by force, are you? And how by going to the bloody drama of the function will show our prowess. Its like because you had hit me, I'll clap when the other guy hits you. Which is more naive?

And haven't you read all the posts in the threat and realized how foolish this nobel peace prize has become. I mean Obama, Al Gore.. c'mon.

Even if you consider China as your enemy, one can still give respect to enemies when its required. I mean what is so peacefull about a peace prize if it actually destroys peace of 1.5 Billion people? It's nothing about peace. It's about some bully trying to score browny points with his nearest rival. That's it. The fact that Gandhiji didn't get it wants me to encourage India to boycot it forever.
India has her free will but her government should do the right thing and give this event a skip.
India has her free will but her government should do the right thing and give this event a skip.

See Paladin, nothing is right or Wrong... You cannot always Close in your Diplomacy... If Its In Indias wish to make a Move it should make it in such a way that it does not hurt the sentiments of Any.... Even though this is not going to cause any diplomatic Nightmare for India, but Since Both the Neighbors are In an attempt to Strengthen There relationship, We Must consider each others needs no matter how silly it is...
A singer traveling to the Asian games was the first to receive a stamped visa. The thread is here somewhere.

We hope, that is the first step and both of us can accomodate the concerns of each other.
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