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China declares Pakistan has a future Economic power

^ You're misinterpreting me. The RD part is claimed in the article itself that you posted. They want us to release RD to give LoC.

You basically dodged my main argument though by concentrating only a small bit of my post. IMF is doing this because US wants us to do economic reforms. It's political. You're obviously interpreting that as IMF thinking that we can't pay our loans. OTOH, US itself said that they want the economic reforms for Pakistan's economy itself.

Offcouse everybody wants(IMF, ADB, US, WB) you to carry out economic reforms and stand on your own feet and not leech of them(in banks case return there loans) ..you know why because you, economic structure blows..

Hardly anybody pays, taxes in Pakistan.
You have one the lowest tax to GDP ratio in the world.
60% of your federal budget is spent on non productive expenditures like returning loans and defence.
With nuclear weapons, you are too dangerous a nation to be allowed to fail.

But pity is Pakistan still not ready to implement these economic reforms.
You'll keep going on and on about this loan payment and defaulting forever, I am guessing, even though it has little to do with the topic. I am guessing the reason you're only concentrating on that is because that is the way the way you can make most pessimistic and worst possible predictions ever. Any other thing you concentrate on won't work with your world view.

Well then its upto you to paint the picture all rosy, for rest to see..but do back it up to with adequate facts and figures to support it.
Ok, let me say it once this time. Now I'll make it bigger so you get it through this time and don't keep repeating it.

ADB is ready to give us loan.

As for IMF, WB, US, I've already said it time again and time, it's political. You're putting words in their mouth, for fucks sake. They never claimed what you said, you're putting words in their mouth because that's the world view that suits you.
Well then its upto you to paint the picture all rosy, for rest to see..but do back it up to with adequate facts and figures to support it.

Please don't put words in my mouth. I am merely claiming that it's not doomsday like you're suggesting.
^^I guess you are out arguments!!
When they give you your next loan, without IMF NOC first..then we will see!!
^^I guess you are out arguments!!
When they give you your next loan, without IMF NOC first..then we will see!!

I am not out of arguments, you are, since I answered all your claims and now your retort is I don't have arguments. It's YOU who doesn't have arguments.

And goodness me, looks like you still didn't get it.

We were offered loan by ADB, we rejected it.
You're way too predictable and monotonous. Every thread regarding Pakistan... you only talk about loans, defaulting, poverty, IMF, WB , etc. That's all you ever bring to the thread, along with extreme pessimism, to make yourself feel better. Never miss an opportunity to bring a thread on that track, even if it may be off-topic.
I guess I am too predictable, but you are out fresh arguments to make your point and harping same thing over n over again..even though you cant prove it.
I think this guy might be the most successful troll yet. Despite being shown to be wrong, he'll still repeat it and make every thread he posts in go into that direction.
I guess I am too predictable, but you are out fresh arguments to make your point and harping same thing over n over again..even though you cant prove it.

What can't I prove? Btw, it's you who is saying same thing again and again, and again and again. I've made my points and arguments, I guess you don't have anything to say and hence blame me for having no arguments when it's you who doesn't.

---------- Post added at 07:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:02 PM ----------

Future economy power ???

But How ?????

That's not for you to care about. Just wait and watch.
You will be stuck on ADB in your bid to win the debate ..

can you prove that Pakistan has gotten a LOC form IMF?
Do you know what relevance of LOC is in respect of getting a loan sanctioned?
how?????????????????? what kind of illeterate question is that HOW?????

illiterate question ....

Just look at present condition of Pakistan's growth you will find out literacy in my question
I repeat only until four years ago, Pakistan was leading India in growth rate.

Pakistan's stock market was declared best performing stock exchange of the world for the 3 consecutive years.

Four years ago Pakistan was not under the leadership of Zardari.

Pakistan just needs the right leadership and get rid of corruption. Pakistan has immense potential.

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