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China declares Pakistan has a future Economic power

He's not talking about the Chinese.

well he is trying to refute the claim made by the chinese in this article or atleast that's what i took it as-- i'll step out from the debate between you two :D
I assume they did, because they were ready.

Look, why don't you stop trying to divert from this thread. You know what, I will stop replying to your off-topic posts from now.

Well perhaps now you know, why a loan offer from 2010 was rejected by Hoti..ADB won't approved till you would have received LOC from IMF.

Other than that you yourself make a claim, but are not able to stand by it?..besides aren't we still talking about Pakistan's economic future aren't we?
Pakistan a future economic power: Chinese envoy
Ref:Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan is a gifted nation that fulfils all the prerequisites to become an economic power, ambassador of China to Islamabad Liu Jian said Friday. The current bilateral trade volume is $8.7 billion, up by $2 billion from last year, which is unsatisfactory as it can be increased manifold. Speaking to FPCCI business community he said China would continue to provide unconditional support to Pakistan and expand cooperation in various fields including energy. Improved law and order coupled with continuity of enabling economic policies can attract huge investment in this great business destination, he said. staff report

But I think this news is about trade with china ..

Then what about title of this news ???????
No you're not. You're talking about the run of the mill stuff that you bring into every such thread regarding Pakistan.

As for ADB loan, it was approved. Also, like I said, there is a political side to this stuff. You should be able to see that. Anyway, that's all I will say.
Tell you what ares. You're making all these doomsday predictions for Pakistan, let me tell you what will happened. You're saying this will happen to Pakistan within one year, that will happen to Pakistan within one year, etc. What will really happen is that after one year, you'll still be making the doomsday predictions and life will go on. That's how it's always happened. Some need to make themselves feel better about themselves and/or inflate their ego. This is one way of doing it.
No you're not. You're talking about the run of the mill stuff that you bring into every such thread regarding Pakistan.

As for ADB loan, it was approved. Also, like I said, there is a political side to this stuff. You should be able to see that. Anyway, that's all I will say.

I see since you are not able to come up decent argument backed by adequate proof therefore resorting tangential attacks.

but here are the fact for you

ADB says they won't provide you any more loan, until you get IMF LOC.
IMF is not ready to provide you with LOC until you implement some economic reforms, also linked to Raymond Davis case..since US hold a near veto in IMF.
ADB loan offer from last year has been , has been rejected due to some unknown reasons.

You can read it as any way you like.
Tell you what ares. You're making all these doomsday predictions for Pakistan, let me tell you what will happened. You're saying this will happen to Pakistan within one year, that will happen to Pakistan within one year, etc. What will really happen is that after one year, you'll still be making the doomsday predictions and life will go on. That's how it's always happened. Some need to make themselves feel better about themselves and/or inflate their ego. This is one way of doing it.

I am just reflecting, what your own economist and other international economic experts have been voicing for past few months.
I am talking facts here. You do not want to read them as such.

ADB is ready to provide us loan.
IMF wants us to do do economic reform because thats what US wants us to do, and also due to RD case. It's not because we can't return the loans. It's a political move. This is international stuff. Politics plays a big role here. It's like an individual getting a loan from a bank. This is INTERNATIONAL POLITICS.

These are basic facts. You're reading them the way you want to make yourself feel better, I am reading them the way they are.

---------- Post added at 06:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:20 PM ----------

I am just reflecting, what your own economist and other international economic experts have been voicing for past few months.

How about since last 64 years, not past few months?
SMC you are spot on that economies are resilient and they will recover at some point. But there are some hard deadlines and realties that your political machine has to achieve, many of which are dependent on getting future aid and many of which it seems they are not ready to take up in Pakistan. you recently came to a govt crisis recently when these changes were proposed and the majority coalition was falling apart over it. another of which is you need the continued aid from the US on top of these others aids. I know I know you don't like a bit, but it is what it is...

ares, you made your point , let it go bro.
SMC you are spot on that economies are resilient and they will recover at some point. But there are some hard deadlines and realties that your political machine has to achieve, many of which are dependent on getting future aid and many of which it seems they are not ready to take up in Pakistan. one of which is you need the continued aid from the US on top of these others aids. I know I know you don't like a bit, but it is what it is...

ares, you made your point , let it go bro.

No actually that's not what it is. US has given us only 10% of the aid that they said they'll give. On top of that, the aid is only a partial reimbursement for WoT. Once WoT starts winding down and eventually ending, there'll be no more aid and we will be better without it. WoT is enforced on us. Aid is one reimbursement for the losses we've had due to WoT. We will be better off when they are gone.

Btw, neither you nor ares are counting the WoT into this whole equation. Because once WoT starts winding down ends, things will change VERY rapidly. In fact I believe that by mid 2012, WoT will wind down a great extent, which will help us a lot.
No actually that's not what it is. US has given us only 10% of the aid that they said they'll give. On top of that, the aid is only a partial reimbursement for WoT. Once WoT starts winding down and eventually ending, there'll be no more and we will be better without it.

okay, we shall see. aid is not given in lump sum rather in trances when you meet certain goals. over 300 billion is earmarked for local infrastructure ...but will agree to disagree on that for now:)
I am talking facts here. You do not want to read them as such.

ADB is ready to provide us loan.
IMF wants us to do do economic reform because thats what US wants us to do, and also due to RD case. It's not because we can't return the loans. It's a political move. This is international stuff. Politics plays a big role here. It's like an individual getting a loan from a bank. This is INTERNATIONAL POLITICS.

These are basic facts. You're reading them the way you want to make yourself feel better, I am reading them the way they are.

---------- Post added at 06:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:20 PM ----------

How about since last 64 years, not past few months?

WOW !! you seriously clueless aren't you!!

You think IMF demand for economic reforms are linked with Raymond Davis Case.

Guess you would like to check your fact again.

IMF stopped budgetary support to Pakistan last year itself..sighting lack of economic reforms...they put SBA on hold till september, whereas it was suppose to be finished by 31st DEC 2010.

IMF refused to issue you a LOC in beginning this yr(after your govt reversed the price hike in petroleum prices for the first time.)

Guess when did Raymond Davis incident happen?

ADB, WB, IDB loans are linked to IMF issuing a LOC.

PS: I am waiting for you to claim that "IMF demand for economic reforms is linked to Pakistan not sending its forces into North Wazirstan."
^ You're misinterpreting me. The RD part is claimed in the article itself that you posted. They want us to release RD to give LoC.

You basically dodged my main argument though by concentrating only a small bit of my post. IMF is doing this because US wants us to do economic reforms. It's political. You're obviously interpreting that as IMF thinking that we can't pay our loans. OTOH, US itself said that they want the economic reforms for Pakistan's economy itself. So guess who's clueless and who's making themself feel better.
Also, let's add WoT into the whole mix. Because once WoT starts winding down ends, things will change VERY rapidly. In fact by mid 2012, WoT is expecting to wind down a great extent, which will help us a lot.
You'll keep going on and on about this loan payment and defaulting forever, I am guessing, even though it has little to do with the topic. I am guessing the reason you're only concentrating on that is because that is the way the way you can make most pessimistic and worst possible predictions ever. Any other thing you concentrate on won't work with your world view.

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