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China counters India's $2 billion with whopping $24 billion for Bangladesh

And why are u hyped up? We two Asian superpower will sort our power struggle. U first defend yourself from Afghanistan.

Lol superpower with 40% of children malnourished, having 1/3rd of world's poorest, having more poverty than 28 nations of sub saharan africa and with 61% population defecating in public having no access to toilets, superpower of slums !!!
Too much joy at first may give you shocks later. This 24 billion is just a pledge , and how much of the amount is really going to be invested is another story. Bangladeshis are counting their chicken before the hatching of eggs.
I do not understand the Bangladeshis hate for India, do they feel inferior to india and insecure that they can never be able to match india. Why this inferiority complexes. This iz the only reason I can understand for their hate.
This 24 billion is just a pledge , and how much of the amount is really going to be invested is another story.
When there is a cloud overhead, you can expect a rainfall. You are forecasting an extreme possibility.
Still too much

Point is the improvement over a span of just 2 years.

Too much joy at first may give you shocks later. This 24 billion is just a pledge , and how much of the amount is really going to be invested is another story. Bangladeshis are counting their chicken before the hatching of eggs.
I do not understand the Bangladeshis hate for India, do they feel inferior to india and insecure that they can never be able to match india. Why this inferiority complexes. This iz the only reason I can understand for their hate.

MOUs are so fun!
When there is a cloud overhead, you can expect a rainfall. You are forecasting an extreme possibility.
I have already said it, no one knows how much will materialize out of 24 billion. May be 5 billion, 10 or 24 billion, only time will say.
I have already said it, no one knows how much will materialize out of 24 billion. May be 5 billion, 10 or 24 billion, only time will say.
It all depends on how correctly BD administrators and engineers assess the feasibility of the projects and how wisely the GoB revises its foreign policy that will align it more in line with China. Nothing comes free.
Much of how it will be implemented are unknown. The disbursement of funds are mostly subject to pre-fact approval basis.

Though, I believe that Bangladesh should focus on creating more know-how through networking, this commitment and collaboration from Mr. Jinping is appreciable.
Much of how it will be implemented are unknown. The disbursement of funds are mostly subject to pre-fact approval basis.

Though, I believe that Bangladesh should focus on creating more know-how through networking, this commitment and collaboration from Mr. Jinping is appreciable.

Does the same "MOU" style status apply to the Private company sector loans (13 bn or something?) or are they higher up the implementation chain?

Also is this amount included in the 24 billion or is it in addition?
Does the same "MOU" style status apply to the Private company sector loans (13 bn or something?) or are they higher up the implementation chain?

Also is this amount included in the 24 billion or is it in addition?

These deals are usually under PPP (Public-Private Partnership).
I have already said it, no one knows how much will materialize out of 24 billion. May be 5 billion, 10 or 24 billion, only time will say.

What a neighbour ..... Praying for stalled development. You guys will never be happy seeing neighbors development right?

BD business scene will collapse without Indian expats managing them. It's just one example too.

They come to destabilize a stable Bangladeshi organization. Seen so many projects got doomed after a Indian Top manager brought in. Things get recovered when the local or other non-indian managers take over. Maybe it doesn't happen globally, but happens here. Ask any executives who worked under temporary indian management. Our local experience with Indian and Pakistan expats are not really satisfactory.
That is about 40% or lower currently.
So, India ought to claim a successful "Clean India" award from many of the world bodies because a lowered 41% of its people cannot still afford a Kaccha Toilet.

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