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China counters India's $2 billion with whopping $24 billion for Bangladesh

Talk to any Chinese guy and they will trash PPP data for chinese economy. Because they know the real deal not the artificial Indian deal. ;)

Lol, so you're so incapable that you have to bring in your Chinese daddies in to the discussion.

Now the lathe.. the great indian lathe.. what to you do with them? clean up piles?

Are lathes in Bong-la-desh used to clean piles ? Given the state of your industrial development I think made in Bangladesh lathes are only good enough for that.
Talk to any Chinese guy and they will trash PPP data for chinese economy. Because they know the real deal not the artificial Indian deal.

Last time I replied to them on the matter, they did not feel like persisting with their line given none of them looked at the ICP program in depth.

Read from post 14 to 59 (and lack of reply from 59 onwards):


But of course someone like you probably couldn't keep up. At least many Chinese posters have the required intelligence compared to this pitiful BD representation on this forum....that given internet access makes you wonder what the non-elite are like *shudder*.
Now Indians in these forums are comparing their intelligence with the Chinese.:lol:
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