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China could soon sink US in South China Sea

  • PUBLISHED: April 22, 2020
USS America, 31st MEU with F-35B fighter aircraft operate in South China Sea
The 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron (VMM) 265 (Reinforced), including the F-35B Lightning II fighter aircraft detachment, began conducting flight operations in the South China Sea, April 16, aboard forward deployed amphibious assault ship USS America (LHA 6).


US NAVY photo
Over the course of daily flight operations, F-35Bs typically complete qualifications and mission rehearsals, with control support from Sailors and Marines aboard the America. The Navy-Marine Corps team ensures the Air Combat Element is primarily focused on Marine Air-Ground Task Force operations in support of ground and combat landing force missions, and defense of the amphibious task force, according to Col. Robert Brodie, commanding officer of the 31st MEU.

“Our F-35B’s multi-role fighter capability is a crucial component of the 31st MEU’s ability to rapidly deploy combat power in support of our Marine Air-Ground Task Force and Naval integration throughout the Indo-Pacific region,” said Brodie. “While at sea, the Navy-Marine Corps team trains and develops a lethal force capable of accomplishing a full scope of military operations.”

With short takeoff and vertical landing capability, the F-35B fifth-generation stealth fighter aircraft deploys rapidly from amphibious shipping to support area denial, long range reconnaissance and fire support, according to Capt. Luke Frost, commanding officer of the America.

“Marine Corps aviation is second to none, and America is proud to integrate with the ‘Dragons’ of VMM-265,” said Frost. “In the 31st MEU and the America Expeditionary Strike Group, you’ve got our Navy’s newest and most capable amphibious assault carrier forward deployed and partnered with the most lethal and effective air combat element the Marine Corps has ever fielded. Together, the Navy-Marine Corps team remains ready to operate freely, as international law permits.”

“This credible capability in the South China Sea demonstrates our enduring seven-decade commitment to the prosperity and security of the Indo-Pacific,” said Frost.

Expeditionary Strike Group 7 and the 31st MEU forward-deployed in Okinawa, Japan, continuously operate together to accomplish a wide variety of training missions and real-world operations throughout the region, according to Rear Adm. Fred Kacher, commander of ESG-7.

“The USS America-31st MEU, in the truest sense, embodies what our Chief of Naval Operations describes as Integrated American Naval Power,” said Kacher. “Whether launching strikes with the F-35Bs or landing a raid force using the MV-22B Ospreys, they are all launched from the most advanced amphibious aircraft carrier in the world and no one else can field that kind of versatile combat power. Together we are a truly exceptional fighting force.”

America, flagship of the America Expeditionary Strike Group, 31st MEU team, is operating in the U.S. 7th Fleet area of operations to enhance interoperability with allies and partners and serve as a ready response force to defend peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific region. CPF.NAVY.MIL

You really think Japan is your ally?
well Indonesia and Japan doesn't have any military treaty whatsoever, so friends maybe??
? There is no ally when you can no longer exert control over them. Remember, there is no permanent friend, no permanent foe, only permanent interests. As if Japan doesn't remember who nuked them.
well I think it's better rather than having a commie retard as neighbors, Japan has long left its imperial past and the US is clearly very well received in japan
How naïve. The Europeans are saying goodbye to the US. Russia is no longer a threat to their existence, and the powers there will want to move away from US dominance as well, not just Russia. Germany, France, you think they are all happy with their US overlord?

No they don't .NATO is still there, European security still relies heavily on the US (that explains why Europe paid the expense of US bases in Europe) and both are economically closely tied.
Actually the resurgence of Russia meant that US is now increasingly more important, That's why there's an uptick of US-Europe military exercise since at least 2014. if it's not for the chinese virus. this year will witness the largest NATO military exercise since decade called DEFENDER EUROPE-20

also the resurgence of Russia explain why Germany is adding up to 90 Eurofighter and 45 Super Hornets as part of it's commitment to NATO

, pinning your hope on political instability
what's wrong with that??, revisionist power like China,Russia and Iran has used it multiple time to attack US credibilty as the sole superpower
It is the age of AI and robotics. You have been living in the past.
doesn't matter. history shows that demographics and economy goes hand in hand
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@Zsari How the hell is your English so good when I've been practicing all my life and it's still ragtag.
well Indonesia and Japan doesn't have any military treaty whatsoever, so friends maybe??

How quickly you have forgotten WWII. You think Japan was there to liberate you from the British? Remember national interest dictates, and Japan starved of resources will always have the urge for expansion. While I don't see them turning aggressive for the next 200-300 years, the temptation is always there for them to revert back to their old way.

well I think it's better rather than having a commie retard as neighbors, Japan has long left its imperial past and the US is clearly very well received in japan

No they don't .NATO is still there, European security still relies heavily on the US (that explains why Europe paid the expense of US bases in Europe) and both are economically closely tied.
Actually the resurgence of Russia meant that US is now increasingly more important, That's why there's an uptick of US-Europe military exercise since at least 2014. if it's not for the chinese virus. this year will witness the largest NATO military exercise since decade called DEFENDER EUROPE-20

also the resurgence of Russia explain why Germany is adding up to 90 Eurofighter and 45 Super Hornets as part of it's commitment to NATO

See how ideologically indoctrinated you are. Russia is no longer a communist state, but has the fundamental relation between Washington and Kremlin changed? It's always about the national interest, not ideology.
NATO is still there, but without a common goal, significant fraction has already surfaced. It's only a matter of time before the European part their own ways. You really think Germany beefing up its military is a response to Russia? Germany has its own interests and ambition. And remember, US keeping troops in Germany and Japan is not really for the purpose of defending them. You really need to look beyond the surface, and beyond the headline.

what's wrong with that??, revisionist power like China,Russia and Iran has used it multiple time to attack US credibilty as the sole superpower

Nothing wrong with that, only its not going to work. The US is destroying its own credibility. No one else can.

doesn't matter. history shows that demographics and economy goes hand in hand

China's birth rate is at 10.5 while US is at 12. Both are below replacement level, not significant enough to make a difference between the two. And yes, it really doesn't matter as population and economy has decoupled since the age of industrialization.
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You think Japan was there to liberate you from the British?
I don't remember much about being occupied by the brits, what I do remember is my grandpa speak dutch.

Remember national interest dictates, and Japan starved of resources will always have the urge for expansion. .
no it didn't as long as there remains a free Indo-pacific, and there will be no free indo-pacific without US and it's allies doing freedom of navigations.

See how ideologically indoctrinated you are. Russia is no longer a communist state, but has the fundamental relation between Washington and Kremlin changed? It's always about the national interest, not ideology.
NATO is still there, but without a common goal, significant fraction has already surfaced. It's only a matter of time before the European part their own ways. You really think Germany beefing up its military is a response to Russia? Germany has its own interest and ambition. You are again only looking at the present.
They're not a commie state, sure. now their transforming into a revisionist mafia state with ambitions to conquer free Europe and destroy the US led liberal world order by annexing their smaller and much weaker neighbor. same energy with it's once commie brethren in the Indo-pacific.

NATO is still there, but without a common goal, significant fraction has already surfaced. It's only a matter of time before the European part their own ways. You really think Germany beefing up its military is a response to Russia? Germany has its own interest and ambition. You are again only looking at the present.

NATO is still there almost losing it's goal of existence until these men suddenly appear in Crimea,Ukraine and send alarms all across Europe about Russian ambitions.

You really think Germany beefing up its military is a response to Russia? Germany has its own interest and ambition. You are again only looking at the present.
actually its the other way around, a free and open Europe like the current status quo benefit germany industry to access across vast euorpean markets. If Russia would have to do something about it then be assured germany and many leading european states will not just sit and watch.
Nothing wrong with that, only its not going to work.


well what can I say, it works. It will.once Xi is dead and every CCP rival clan race towards a power struggle for replacement
well Indonesia and Japan doesn't have any military treaty whatsoever, so friends maybe??

well I think it's better rather than having a commie retard as neighbors, Japan has long left its imperial past and the US is clearly very well received in japan

No they don't .NATO is still there, European security still relies heavily on the US (that explains why Europe paid the expense of US bases in Europe) and both are economically closely tied.
Actually the resurgence of Russia meant that US is now increasingly more important, That's why there's an uptick of US-Europe military exercise since at least 2014. if it's not for the chinese virus. this year will witness the largest NATO military exercise since decade called DEFENDER EUROPE-20

also the resurgence of Russia explain why Germany is adding up to 90 Eurofighter and 45 Super Hornets as part of it's commitment to NATO

what's wrong with that??, revisionist power like China,Russia and Iran has used it multiple time to attack US credibilty as the sole superpower

doesn't matter. history shows that demographics and economy goes hand in hand
Germany chooses F18 super hornet because the bird can carry B61 nuclear gravity bomb.

Now the bombs are carried by deep dive Tornado bombers. Germany seeks a temporary platform until the new Franco-German aircraft arrival. F18 seems suitable. Also understandable Germany wants to retain nuclear capacity. The world is overpopulated by hooligans.
Germany chooses F18 super hornet because the bird can carry B61 nuclear gravity bomb.

Now the bombs are carried by deep dive Tornado bombers. Germany seeks a temporary platform until the new Franco-German aircraft arrival. F18 seems suitable. Also understandable Germany wants to retain nuclear capacity. The world is overpopulated by hooligans.
The point is,Germany still views NATO as vital to it's national military and security interest.
The point is,Germany still views NATO as vital to it's national military and security interest.
Of course. NATO is the backbone of Germany’s defense. What’s else?
You really think Japan is your ally? There is no ally when you can no longer exert control over them. Remember, there is no permanent friend, no permanent foe, only permanent interests. As if Japan doesn't remember who nuked them.

It's true that nothing last forever. So in that sense, it is true that China will not hold claim on Taiwan forever and the 9 dash-line. The US-Japan defense relations will be a natural fit as long as the PRC claim on Taiwan is kept as constant. When the claim on Taiwan and 9 dash-line end, then the US and Japan will have to find new mutual interest for keeping the US-Japan alliance going strong. But for now, it's relatively easy.

Naturally the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki is remembered, with a very large memorial in Hiroshima in which school trips around the country visit at some point. But the memory is not used for educating hate. It was part of a full history and times have changed.

President Obama visited Hiroshima in May 2016. Naturally the atomic bombings would come into focus. Here are some surveys about views about it. They show low level of resentment about it.

The first one was conducted by Asahi.

"How do you feel about the dropping of the Atomic Bomb"
31% Inhumane and cannot be forgiven
33% Inhumane but not deeply rooted in it
22% For the US, it was necessary course of action
8% It was war so was natural

Out of the 31% that said "Inhumane and cannot be forgiven", 89% appreciated Obama's visit.

Second survey was conducted by Sankei and FNN.

"Do you appraise Obama's visit to Hiroshima"
97.5% yes

Should Obama have made an apology during the visit?
68.2% No, I don't think so

The third one is Nikkei:


well Indonesia and Japan doesn't have any military treaty whatsoever, so friends maybe??

well I think it's better rather than having a commie retard as neighbors, Japan has long left its imperial past and the US is clearly very well received in japan

While I do agree with the end point of the US and Japan on good terms and a strong alliance for many points. But the video is sounds like the classic victor's glory narrative which is entirely unfounded.

There were many reasons for the cause of war but the emperor was a lesser factor and he was more of a figurehead than actual ruler. So that point in the video at 0:34 is incorrect. The silver lining and protracted sea battle indefinitely point around 0:55 makes no sense and contradicts the previous point about the emperor ordering the suicide of its citizens. The order happened on Saipan because the US was able to invade. If the US could not invade because of that "silver lining" an order for civilian suicide wouldn't have happened. Another false point is at 1:37 where it says the US introduced democracy in Japan because democracy had already existed in Japan and grew in strength during the 1920s getting the term "Taisho Democracy". Democracy lasted through the 1930s, ending in 1940 with the merging of political parties into a single party system. So it was far from "the first time". Another incorrect point is at 2:12 where it says the US and Japan signed a mutual defense pact in which they will defend each other. That is incorrect because the terms was that the US would defend Japan. Japan had no obligation to defend the US. Japan was to only defend itself. That one sided agreement was the result of reality that Japan defending itself was at the same time defending US forces based in Japan. And the US defending Japan was in the same way defending its own forces in Japan. It was not until 2015 with the new defense laws that Japan inabled "collective self-defense" that Japan could come to the aid of a military partner beyond Japan's borders.

So, within the overall good US-Japan relationship, there is a thorn of US exceptionalism which narrates that Imperial Japan was a big bad evil nation and that the US turned it into a proper good boy nation.
Yes the perfect moment for Xi to start the war.
The US is weakened by the virus. Thanks to China.
Vietnam is weakened by the virus. Thanks to China.
Some people would think that is a all planed in Beijing.
Once again, inserting an irrelavent nation on the third line under US does make you shine a bit?

Once I saw the topic, I can already guess strive viet suki and still waiting for the last guy viva viet.:cheesy:
Edit:He is already here as expected.
The four cheerleaders are all present.
Once again, inserting an irrelavent nation on the third line under US does make you shine a bit?

Once I saw the topic, I can already guess strive viet suki and still waiting for the last guy viva viet.:cheesy:
Edit:He is already here as expected.
The four cheerleaders are all present.
You are irrelevant.
The thread is about SCS. If not talking about Vietnam which country should be talked according your worthless opinion? Columbia? Marroko?

You believe a war between the US and China wouldn’t affect any country in the SCS?

Ok no problem do what you like, but

pls stay away 200 nautical miles from Vietnam beaches.
You are irrelevant.
The thread is about SCS. If not talking about Vietnam which country should be talked according your worthless opinion? Columbia? Marroko?

You believe a war between the US and China wouldn’t affect any country in the SCS?
Unlinke you, I never believed there is going to be an innmient war in the first place, thus I am only here for the infamous Chinese obessions cheerleaders, nothing to do with these crap articles written by west medias.

Since you are always talking about war from Germany, we can have a bet,there will be no armed conflicts in the next five years let alone war.
Unlinke you, I never believed there is going to be an innmient war in the first place, thus I am only here for the infamous Chinese obessions cheerleaders, nothing to do with these crap articles written by west medias.
Unlike you I never believe to peaceful rise shit. Better be prepared. If you don’t like western media go back to weibo or globaltimes or chinatoday or xinhua. Nobody will miss you.

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