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China could soon sink US in South China Sea

Presence does not equal control.

Read it again.

Civil war is continuation from PRC side. They should make peace and accept Taiwan changing its official name from "Republic of China" to "Republic of Taiwan" instead of making military threats at it. Taiwan doesn't threaten PRC and hasn't done so in a long time.

Presence means little without control, as the justification for upkeeping such a presence without the actual ability in influence the outcome of events in the said region will no longer be there. When facing with fiscal difficulty, guess where the cut will come from?

There is no such thing as a war with a single side. Unless the other side capitulates, there will be no end to the civil war. Asking any nation to abandon its sovereign territory is beyond ridiculous.

Germany buying fuel from Russia does mean little in terms of territorial defense.

Germany defense pillars rest on US led NATO and French led EuroCORPS

When you talk on european military defense, that is a thing, that exists since decades.

Germany wants good relationship with Russia, but people here are not naive.

Yes, it has nothing to do with territorial defense as Russia is not really a threat to Germany. That's the whole point. As the French president already said, NATO is an organization without a common enemy. People are not naive, and that's why the war drums from Washington have not and will not elicit any reaction from the Europeans.
Dont forget that You had kneed before you daddy in Washington 1979, big boy but idiot...
Like this?

Presence means little without control, as the justification for upkeeping such a presence without the actual ability in influence the outcome of events in the said region will no longer be there. When facing with fiscal difficulty, guess where the cut will come from?

There is no such thing as a war with a single side. Unless the other side capitulates, there will be no end to the civil war. Asking any nation to abandon its sovereign territory is beyond ridiculous.

Yes, it has nothing to do with territorial defense as Russia is not really a threat to Germany. That's the whole point. As the French president already said, NATO is an organization without a common enemy. People are not naive, and that's why the war drums from Washington have not and will not elicit any reaction from the Europeans.
France is not part of the NATO. What do you expect from Macron?

He uses every opportunity to badmouth the NATO. His intention is like other French leaders before him: convince Germany to leave NATO and build a military alliance with France.
France is not part of the NATO. What do you expect from Macron?

He uses every opportunity to badmouth the NATO. His intention is like other French leaders before him: convince Germany to leave NATO and build a military alliance with France.

At present, NATO has 30 members. In 1949, there were 12 founding members of the Alliance: Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, the United Kingdom and the United States. The other member countries are: Greece and Turkey (1952), Germany (1955), Spain (1982), the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland (1999), Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia (2004), Albania and Croatia (2009), Montenegro (2017) and North Macedonia (2020).

Staging a coupe to overthrow elected leader and installing military junta by a foreign power is what you call liberalism and freedom? You are so overtaken by ideological dogmatism that you can't even think for your own country. What is the difference between that and a colony.
no ordinary Indonesia elected soekarno,He's the first president as a result of the Central Indonesian Independence Comitee (KNIP) . over the years his ambitions grow as well as his arrogance. he declared himself president for life with extravagant titles like "supreme commanders of Indonesia, Paduka mulia (your highness), panglima besar revolusi (the great commander of the revolution) while pursuing costly wars against the british against the state of malaysia (thereby ensuring enmity between the two state for years to come), meanwhile his people, ordinary Indonesian people grew hungry and impoverished as a result of economic mismanagement, corruption and hyperinflation. not to mention he had this communist tendency , that's why he forgive the Indonesia Communist Party and let it return to Indonesian politics after years before betraying his leadership during the struggle against the dutch.

If Soekarno is not put down immediately by the army, then rest assured this motherfucker (Aidit, a maoist)will be next in line in the presidency.

his pursuit of hollow fake grandeur let him to construct huge numbers of useless monumental architecture project in the name of glory and national pride while most Indonesian go broke, imagine in the 1960's where ordinary Indonesian struggle to meet basic daily necessities while him (sukarno) goes on a building spree like this



Soekarno has this ideology called marhaenism which btw if you look closely is not much of a difference with the Juche ideology of Kim's North Korea.


At present, NATO has 30 members. In 1949, there were 12 founding members of the Alliance: Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, the United Kingdom and the United States. The other member countries are: Greece and Turkey (1952), Germany (1955), Spain (1982), the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland (1999), Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia (2004), Albania and Croatia (2009), Montenegro (2017) and North Macedonia (2020).

France left the NATO in 1964 after building own nuclear arsenal: Force de frappe.
France left the NATO in 1964 after building own nuclear arsenal: Force de frappe.

France left the NATO military structure in 1966, but still participates in the organization's political decision making. And 2009 France has announced its fully participation in the NATO organization. No, France is very much a NATO member.
When the Germans rather retain its energy dependence on Russia under the threat from the US, you still believe they see Russia as a threat? And when Germany is no longer the front line, what does the French think? Isn't the Russian threat even more remote? Like I've said, either NATO will be transitioned into a European organization or the Europeans will build their own military alliance away from the US control. That is an eventuality.
rhetoric by Macron doesn't mean Europe is leaving NATO, it's actually the opposite NATO had been expanded considerably since the end of the cold war.
rhetoric by Macron doesn't mean Europe is leaving NATO, it's actually the opposite NATO had been expanded considerably since the end of the cold war.

As I've already stated, it is not in European's interest to antagonize Russia with its eastward expansion, thus NATO expansion is not seen as an achievement there. And no, they are not leaving NATO, but they either wanted more control over the organization or the Europeans will be building a parallel military alliance that is for Europeans themselves. Such idea has already been float around, and as US fumbles its cross Atlantic relationship, this will eventually become a reality.
As I've already stated, it is not in European's interest to antagonize Russia with its eastward expansion, thus NATO expansion is not seen as an achievement there. And no, they are not leaving NATO, but they either wanted more control over the organization or the Europeans will be building a parallel military alliance that is for Europeans themselves. Such idea has already been float around, and as US fumbles its cross Atlantic relationship, this will eventually become a reality.
whatever Europe to do with NATO, rest assured Russian small navy will not be a harm towards US navy in the Atlantic, thereby if needed the US could shift more ships and equipment towards the Pacific against China.
Your photo is fake.

Here is the true relation of Chinese and your daddy in 1979 with full trusted data.. :enjoy:

View attachment 627797
Deng love to bow down to White master and willing to do whatever White master told him to do, such as importing GM soybean,corn,pig from US. We all know GM food is much more toxic than pesticide, insect may not die bcs of pesticide but die bcs of eating GM food .

Thats why thousand Cnese die in Covid pademic just bcs Deng wannt make White master happy wt GM food :cry:

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