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China could soon sink US in South China Sea

no it didn't as long as there remains a free Indo-pacific, and there will be no free indo-pacific without US and it's allies doing freedom of navigations.

Free Indo-Pacific, or rather the illusion of being free? As an Indonesian, you never heard of Sukarno, and what happened to him?

They are not a commie state, sure. now their transforming into a revisionist mafia state with ambitions to conquer free Europe and destroy the US led liberal world order by annexing their smaller and much weaker neighbor. same energy with it's once commie brethren in the Indo-pacific.
NATO is still there almost losing it's goal of existence until these men suddenly appear in Crimea,Ukraine and send alarms all across Europe about Russian ambitions.

US led liberal order? Going around instigating revolt, coupe, and assassination in overthrowing elected government is what you call liberal order? It is the US led NATO expansion into the Russian republics which US had promised to not do, that has prompted Russian response. NATO expansion and the resulting instability is contrary to European interests. Why do you think NATO has taken little action in helping the Ukrainians? Because that's the last thing Europeans want to see. Russia neither has the capability nor the will to conquer the rest of Europe, not even Germany, and Germans knows that well. That's why despite US pressure, Germany's relation with Russia are improving. Again, you need to go beyond the headline rather than stuck in pointless labeling.

well what can I say, it works. It will.once Xi is dead and every CCP rival clan race towards a power struggle for replacement

China has already been through 3 generation of powerful leaders and 5 transition of leadership, and you are still hoping for instability? Well good luck to you.
Mxm from China had licked @ of Uncle Sam in 1972 and 1979, and now your master will punish you like idiot traitor. :suicide:

Just see how desperate your Viet now too seek hope from the raper whom raped your Mxm.:yahoo:
Chinese is the dirty terrorist in East Sea of Vietnam.


What is the problem with this picture?
Why Vietnamese Navy did nothing after the Chinese sank a Vietnamese warship? Maybe Vietnam has little penis?

When our ship is there, Chinese pirate ran away as fast as possible.

Vietnamese little penis can do only that? Why not an eye for an eye? They sink your ship you sink theirs, if no courage just say so

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