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China confirms to build 4 Aircraft Carriers

Generous aid is what you get from the United States... India paid Billions to get this Aircraft Carrier. Besides India has an indigenous one under construction... Go one, now you may start the troll party.

Just like one of my fellow countrymen stated. Can you disprove the fact that India has more experience operating Aircraft Carriers than China?

How much experienced India gain from operating 30,000 tons aircraft carrier, India never fully operate an aircraft carrier larger than a 40,000 tonnages aircraft carrier, India never lunched over 1000 sorties per day with India past carrier operation.
How much experienced India gain from operating 30,000 tons aircraft carrier, India never fully operate an aircraft carrier larger than a 40,000 tonnages aircraft carrier, India never lunched over 1000 sorties per day with India past carrier operation.

1000 Sorties per day is impossible, you would ruin your economy if you do that.. India has used ACC's in both Peace and War and am Damn sure Indian Navy Pilots undergo regular sorties from the flight deck.

Tonnage is not a matter of concern. Its the culture, the tradition and the strategy which comes with the experience plays a pivotal role and India can be proud of its possession.
I didn't stated India license to build Su fighter jet on their own, you stated Su30 MKI were total ToT with India license to produce the Su30 MKI's. I said India purchase over 10 billions dollars fighter jet from Russia but couldn't produced 1 single fighter jet on their own.

China confirms to build 4 Aircraft Carriers | Page 3

Unless there's another guy named sincity on this forum, i'm pretty sure that's you.
Generous aid is what you get from the United States... India paid Billions to get this Aircraft Carrier. Besides India has an indigenous one under construction... Go one, now you may start the troll party.

Just like one of my fellow countrymen stated. Can you disprove the fact that India has more experience operating Aircraft Carriers than China?

No they cannot.

Thus they will engage on other points, hurl isnults twoards us, call harriers outdated etc.

What it will not change is bombing of Cox bazar and the way IN used its air wing; the fact that PLAN has no experience of handling AC in war, which we did more than 40 years back. :lol:

No they cannot.

Thus they will engage on other points, hurl isnults twoards us, call harriers outdated etc.

What it will not change is bombing of Cox bazar and the way IN used its air wing; the fact that PLAN has no experience of handling AC in war, which we did more than 40 years back. :lol:

Chinese look up to the US and want to learn from the US how to operate a complete aircraft carrier group, I believe China don't look to India to learn the Indian experience with operation an aircraft carrier group.

Don't tell me you can't click on links now either.... Post #37...

"What he said China paid Russian 2 billions dollars for a complete production line of Su fighter jet from Sukhoi aerospace industry, what he said India couldn't even produce 1 Sukhoi fighter jet after spent over 10 of billions dollar with their purchase of Su27 and Su30 MKI from the Russian."

I said India couldn't produce one Su30 by their own after spent over 10 billions dollars.
Chinese look up to the US and want to learn from the US how to operate a complete aircraft carrier group, I believe China don't look to India to learn the Indian experience with operation an aircraft carrier group.

Silly... China will neither have access to USN nor the IN for that matter. It has to learn from the basics or Russia might be an option if they wish to gain on their lost time.

You still dont get the difference between Driving an Aircraft Carrier and Operating one..
China, the world's largest shipbuilding nation, has just announced that it is building its second carrier and has plans for at least four carriers.

I wonder which part is more unsettling for India. The fact that China is building at least four carriers in peacetime, or the fact that China has the world's largest shipbuilding industry.:lol:


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PACOM Chief Says US Losing Military Dominance to China in Asian-Pacific

PACOM Chief Says US Losing Military Dominance to China in Asian-Pacific

Friday, 17 Jan 2014 09:27 AM

By Courtney Coren
  • risk factor for U.S. Navy ships and troops stationed in the Pacific, Defense News reports.

    "Our historic dominance that most of us in this room have enjoyed is diminishing, no question," said Locklear, chief of the United States Pacific Command (PACOM).

    "We need to think about all scenarios, not just the ones we've been dealing with over the last several years where we've enjoyed basic air superiority and basic sea superiority," he added. "There are places in the world where in this century we won't have them."

    While it is clear that China's military power is on the rise, Locklear said, the question remains whether China will actively seek to challenge U.S. dominance in that region. The goal in Washington, he said, should be pushing Chinese officials to work with the United States to secure the region.

    "China is going to rise, we all know that. [But] how are they behaving? That is really the question," the Navy commander said. "The PACOM goal is for China to be a net provider of security, not a net user of security."

    According to The Washington Times, Locklear's remarks raise a lot of questions about how the Pentagon expects China to provide security in the region when Beijing and Moscow are both considered challengers to U.S. dominance there.

    "The problem with this formulation is, for whom does Adm. Locklear think China will be providing security?" asked Dean Cheng of The Heritage Foundation, the Times reported. "The implicit answer is, 'To everyone,' because the assumption is that we can somehow mold China into being ourselves — that China will see its interests as somehow congruent and coincident with those of the United States, and therefore China will assume the mantle of regional provider of public goods.

    "But this is a remarkable assumption, especially in light of recent Chinese behavior," Cheng told the Times. "China is not interested in providing security for everyone and, frankly, not even for anyone other than itself. This is the kind of bizarre lens that led one of Adm. Locklear's predecessors to offer to help China with its carrier development."

    China attempted to assert its authority in November when it declared an air defense zone over most of the East China Sea that included islands currently involved in a territorial dispute with Japan.

    The United States promptly tested the threat that China would take "defensive emergency measures" against aircraft that flew through the zone without first identifying itself by sending two B-52 bombers over the islands in dispute. The fly over took place "without incident" in what the Pentagon described was a "long-planned" training exercise.

    But in December, a Chinese warship nearly collided with a Navy missile cruiser, and early in January, China tested a high speed hypersonic missile vehicle that could reach the U.S. defense system. Both are considered additional signs of China's growing military dominance.

    Despite all the Chinese military activity in the region, Locklear said he is still more concerned about "an unpredictable North Korea" and its nuclear program.

    Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com PACOM Chief Says US Losing Military Dominance to China in Asian-Pacific
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Don't believe all that nonsense it's going to take China many years to learn how to operate a carrier battle group proficiently. The West has this arrogance that what they can do is beyond the comprehension and capacity of perceived primitive foreigners, but the truth is that China has been doing many things that took Westerners decades to achieve, in just a few years. Once anything has been done and the fundamentals are known or can be learned, whether gleaned by legal or illegal means, it can be adopted very quickly, depending on the determination of a given nation, China is a very determined nation. It is just pure arrogance and hubris, the mindset of Westerners, that they are just inherently better than anybody else and nobody can possibly do things better, faster, and more efficiently than them. Even more laughably, India has also adopted this mindset of their former colonial overlords. China will be operating multiple carrier battle groups and fielding indefensible, asymmetric warfare weapons, like the recently tested hypersonic glide vehicle, before the US and India have time to pull their fingers out of their ears and stop saying "la la la, I'm not listening"
Don't believe all that nonsense it's going to take China many years to learn how to operate a carrier battle group proficiently. The West has this arrogance that what they can do is beyond the comprehension and capacity of perceived primitive foreigners, but the truth is that China has been doing many things that took Westerners decades to achieve, in just a few years. Once anything has been done and the fundamentals are known or can be learned, whether gleaned by legal or illegal means, it can be adopted very quickly, depending on the determination of a given nation, China is a very determined nation. It is just pure arrogance and hubris, the mindset of Westerners, that they are just inherently better than anybody else and nobody can possibly do things better, faster, and more efficiently than them. Even more laughably, India has also adopted this mindset of their former colonial overlords. China will be operating multiple carrier battle groups and fielding indefensible, asymmetric warfare weapons, like the recently tested hypersonic glide vehicle, before the US and India have time to pull their fingers out of their ears and stop saying "la la la, I'm not listening"

If you want to put China's progress into perspective, then think of the Burma Road. The west thought it would take years for China to build (with machine tools) only took us 8 months. This was back in 1937-1938 during war time (using hand tools).

All I can say is, Chinese self complacency, spirit, determination and diligence are grossly underestimated.
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Reports: China Starts Building 2nd Aircraft Carrier

BEIJING — China has started constructing the second of four planned aircraft carriers, a top government official said according to media reports on Saturday.

The ship is under construction in the northeastern port of Dalian and will take six years to build, the reports said quoting Wang Min, Communist Party chief for Dalian’s Liaoning province.

The country’s first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, was completed in September 2012 in a symbolic milestone for the country’s increasingly muscular military.

Another two are in the pipeline, according to Wang, in a projection of power that could be seen as contradicting Beijing’s long-stated policy of arming itself strictly for self-defense.

When the Liaoning went into service, Beijing and Tokyo were locked in a territorial row over the Japanese-controlled Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea which China also claims and calls the Diaoyus.

The row continues to simmer, along with other sovereignty disputes with the Philippines and Vietnam.

Early this month a Japanese newspaper said China was overhauling its military structure in order to strengthen its attack capability and secure air and naval superiority in the South China and East China seas.

The Liaoning carrier conducted its maiden mission in the South China Sea in January.

It followed an incident in December in which a US warship was forced to avoid a collision with a Chinese naval vessel, prompting Washington to accuse China of being the aggressor.

Reports: China Starts Building 2nd Aircraft Carrier | Defense News | defensenews.com
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