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China 'committed' to develop military ties with India

^american/japanese standards of living are becoming obsolete IMHO. forget about developing countries (china, India), even developed countries will be forced to change and acquire more sustainable levels of lifestyle and that will happen across the board including developing countries.

And who is going to tell the Western world, to stop consuming so much per capita?

To let the poor people in the developing world have a chance?

No, each developing country is going to seek development for itself. Those developing countries which can't do it fast enough, will be left behind.
. .
And who is going to tell the Western world, to stop consuming so much per capita?

To let the poor people in the developing world have a chance?

No, each developing country is going to seek development for itself. Those developing countries which can't do it fast enough, will be left behind.

economics has a funny way of forcing change...the coming decade will be hella interesting for sure.
. .
But not equality.

Market forces have never been good at reducing income gaps, and in fact will often increase them.

total equality is not necessary for a decent standard of living. . .people can still have a healthy lifestyle while having income gaps
What's happening now is the US dollar is almost losing its reserve currency status. Other countries are deciding whether or not to finally pull the plug on the dollar. If the BRICS unite, the US dollar is finished and US military decline is inevitable.

The US is desperately trying to avoid this by encouraging China's neighbors to fight China. Victory will secure US unipolar hyperpower status. Vietnam and Philippines are getting closer and closer to this threshold because they think US navy will back them up. India also has plans to attack China once conflict first breaks out elsewhere.

Now China is presenting India a choice: carrot or stick? Despite China's hopes, India will not go with BRICS. India still fawns after the Anglo world and fancies itself an equal to China. Ultimately, the most destabilizing factor in South Asia and by extension the world at large is Indian expansionism driven by self-aggrandizement and inferiority complex. You can see everywhere in Indian media and on internet forums.

Instead, the forces are set for a domino reaction within a few years. Economic crisis in the US --> US warships challenge China together with Vietnam and Philippines --> India attacks
Instead, the forces are set for a domino reaction within a few years. Economic crisis in the US --> US warships challenge China together with Vietnam and Philippines --> India attacks

Don't worry, they still have a big fish to fry in Libya.

Hopefully Gaddafi will cause them more troubles.
. .
Its good to see ..less tensions between India and China..cuz hypocrite US wants the other way around...:woot:

US wants to see non-whites kill each other.

China wants to see the prosperity in South Asia, India and Pakistan stop fighting each other.

This is the difference between us and Amerikkka.
What's happening now is the US dollar is almost losing its reserve currency status. Other countries are deciding whether or not to finally pull the plug on the dollar. If the BRICS unite, the US dollar is finished and US military decline is inevitable.

The US is desperately trying to avoid this by encouraging China's neighbors to fight China. Victory will secure US unipolar hyperpower status. Vietnam and Philippines are getting closer and closer to this threshold because they think US navy will back them up. India also has plans to attack China once conflict first breaks out elsewhere.

Now China is presenting India a choice: carrot or stick? Despite China's hopes, India will not go with BRICS. India still fawns after the Anglo world and fancies itself an equal to China. Ultimately, the most destabilizing factor in South Asia and by extension the world at large is Indian expansionism driven by self-aggrandizement and inferiority complex. You can see everywhere in Indian media and on internet forums.

Instead, the forces are set for a domino reaction within a few years. Economic crisis in the US --> US warships challenge China together with Vietnam and Philippines --> India attacks

Zaid Hamid, is that you? :blink:
What a willfully blind and deceptive reply. If you truly believe India is not meddling in China's affairs by hosting Tibetan rebels, you should critize your fellows on PDF who talks about playing the Tibet card against China.

Your attempt to cover up India's inteference in China's affair is laughable.

My question, yet again,

Has the Chinese Govt ever claimed, even once, that India is behind any of the activity of Tibetans on its soil ?

Has any one of the activity, bomb blast, riot that occured in China been traced back to India ?

If the above answers are no, I dont see any rationale in your arguments.

I see that you really dont have any answer to the most pertinent questions except hot air all over. But then as the phrase goes, Haters gonna be haters. :coffee:


India's stand on Tibet ‘clear, consistent’: China

China praises India's stand on Tibet

It is the Chinese e-warriors who are blowing hot and cold over a non-existant issue to soothe their fragile ego.
My question, yet again,

Has the Chinese Govt ever claimed, even once, that India is behind any of the activity of Tibetans on its soil ?

Has any one of the activity, bomb blast, riot that occured in China been traced back to India ?

If the above answers are no, I dont see any rationale in your arguments.

I see that you really dont have any answer to the most pertinent questions except hot air all over. But then as the phrase goes, Haters gonna be haters. :coffee:

India's stand on Tibet ‘clear, consistent’: China

China praises India's stand on Tibet

It is the Chinese e-warriors who are blowing hot and cold over a non-existant issue to soothe their fragile ego.

China has said Dalai Lama was behind all these activities, and he happens to be living on Indian soil and even set up a Tibetan government in exile under the permission of your government.

Karthic Sri, denying your ambition over Chinese Tibet and your intention to interfere with Chinese internal affairs won't help, because what you and your government have been doing tells a different story. Hosting a group of Tibetan separatists in your country is more than enough to prove that India is somehow behind all the Tibetan separatism.
China has said Dalai Lama was behind all these activities, and he happens to be living on Indian soil and even set up a Tibetan government in exile under the permission of your government.

Karthic Sri, denying your ambition over Chinese Tibet and your intention to interfere with Chinese internal affairs won't help, because what you and your government have been doing tells a different story. Hosting a group of Tibetan separatists in your country is more than enough to prove that India is somehow behind all the Tibetan separatism.

You have to understand that India is a democracy and in no way expel or punish Dalai Lama except when he is caught red handed doing something wrong. If China wants India not not to hold Tibet's exile goverment then to put it in simple words it is not possible. But yes if China tries Dalai Lama for any wrongs done to the core interests of China and follow the due course, then India will absolutely cooperate with China. Please understand till now CPC has only asked India to banish him, but this is not possible.
Well, this is quite fascinating. We are told that

a) The world's largest democracy doesn't really represent its people's wishes.

the fact remains the Govt does everything on its own and seldom asks it oh so enlightened citizens about it..

b) Media sensationalism isn't driven by the simple economics of supply and demand.

Media's revenue doesnt depend on these stories.

We are also told -- falsely -- that TOI, Rediff and NDTV are fringe media outlets, comparable to National Enquirer. In fact, these outfits are about as mainstream as you can get and they cater to the mainstream audience. In turn, they set the tone of the political debate in the country.

Coming to India's internal politics, it is one of the dirtiest campaign landscapes of any democracy. Demagoguery and shameless xenophobia are commonplace. The opposition BJP's central theme is that the ruling Congress 'panders' to minorities -- the subtext being 'Congress is their party and the BJP is ours'. In the east, there is outright ethnic and religious bigotry on display questioning fellow Indian citizens' right to vote simply because the are ethnic Bengali and Muslim. For 60 years, Indian media and politicians have used Pakistan as the external bogeyman to shore up domestic unity. Now India is growing and the Indian ego demands a bigger challenge, a stronger opponent, a more worthy bogeyman. Enter China.

Make no mistake about it. If Indian media and politicians are not beyond demonizing their own citizens in the politics of us v/s them, they will certainly not hesitate to use China as the target of their demagoguery.
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