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China 'committed' to develop military ties with India

There is no equivalent of the word n*gger/ch*nk in the English language to attack Indians with.

Nothing on that level at least.

(Not that I would use it anyway.)

And thats a good ting. We shouldn't go down to the level of the people who need to use those kind of terms.
I've seen chinese members telling Indians to go back to their slum, talking about how Indians smell of curry. Both threads have been deleted because of trolls from both sides goin at it.

These people are ignorant, if they deliberately start with these, then they should get warned at least, if keep doing so, then they should get banned.

But i don't against to start the racism against the racists, since the racist people should be prepared to get flamed if they start with those $hitty comments first. :pop:
I reported all those members who were making racist comments on you in that "china voted against banning jud" thread..

I've found that is pointless most of the time. There was this thread where a false flag troll was posting **** and we waited hours for mods to clean it up. Mods aren't everywhere and I feel that we should act proactively when we see a troll and refute by counter posting. It is hard to go against your own nationality and I have been yelled at by Brotherhood for telling Hongwu to stop his trolling.

Sometimes I wish we didn't have flags at all, like in Sinodefence forum. Many people defend posts simply because the poster is from the same country and not because it made any sense.
I'd say the main problem is a lack of action due to the flag system, and especially the prevalence of false flag trolls who benefit from conflict between China and India.

I've even fallen for their tricks, but luckily, our leaders are more sane.
I'd say the main problem is a lack of action due to the flag system, and especially the prevalence of false flag trolls who benefit from conflict between China and India.

I've even fallen for their tricks, but luckily, our leaders are more sane.
I would lay blame to maturity. These trolls are immature just like some members with the correct nationality with the correct flag.
To be patriotic is one thing, but to be ignorant is another.
But then again, civil debate will only invite civil people, of which there are very few of. Nationalistic uneducated with an internet connection are far more easily found.
My question to you Chinese, which has not been answered by anyone.

Has the Chinese Govt ever claimed, even once, that India is behind any of the activity of Tibetans on its soil ?

Has any one of the activity, bomb blast, riot that occured in China been traced back to India ?

If the above answers are no, I dont see any rationale in your arguments.

And if you don't agree with CPC, I cant be held responsible for that.It is your government. Go elect another Government that reflects your concerns or revolt against the current one.We Indians cant be going to each and every 1.4 billion Chinese and soothe their ego.

The CPC is the official spokesperson for the Chinese and we can act only on the CPC's concerns, not on an anonymous net warrior out here in an online forum.

As for the IQ part, no dont go there.

Since when does what CPC says or doesn't say become the criteria of right and wrong?

CPC claims South Tibet to be an integral part of China. Do you also accept that?

CPC says Kashmir is a disputed land between India and Pakistan. Do you agree?

Why don't you also quote CPC's stance when we are arguing about South Tibet and Kashmir?

Why all the sudden CPC becomes your last straw?

CPC certainly accused Dalai Lama of being a separatist, why don't you also quote that?
CPC certainly blamed the Tibetan Government in exile for the riot in Tibet, why don't you aslo keep that in mind?

Explain to me about your duplicity over CPC.
nothing's going to happen unless both sides deal with the border issue first
How about the Tibetan army you recruited with the help of the CIA? The so called "free" Indian press isn't very good about the telling the Indian people the real history is it? Has it covered the real reason for the '62 war? Or are you told it's all China's fault?

There is no such thing Like Tibetian Army, If You are getting something of a news like that then it sure is a Challenge put forth by your hopeless deeds back in the 50's...The real Reason for the war which happened was nothing but for Accepting "His Holiness The Dalai Lama" , And About our Forward Policy which Your media Quotes triggered the war, Let me tell you why was this Forward Policy Initiated, Your Troops Ventured In claiming it to be there territory and it was Obvious of us to cut your supply routes, if Your nation had a Map of its own, we in no way are Inferior to follow the one accepted worldwide as the Mc Mohan line....

The Blunder from our side was we opted for this policy keeping hopes on Nehru , who later refused to spend on military and There the rest is History..
cause indian members provoked them

now i start to doubt those trollers behind indian flags are real indians!! because they are so dedicated into trolling chinese threads, what will they gain eventually?? i started to believe most of them are those tibetan dalai losers and some 'lunzi' idiots`?
Since when does what CPC says or doesn't say become the criteria of right and wrong?

CPC claims South Tibet to be an integral part of China. Do you also accept that?

CPC says Kashmir is a disputed land between India and Pakistan. Do you agree?

Why don't you also quote CPC's stance when we are arguing about South Tibet and Kashmir?

Why all the sudden CPC becomes your last straw?

CPC certainly accused Dalai Lama of being a separatist, why don't you also quote that?
CPC certainly blamed the Tibetan Government in exile for the riot in Tibet, why don't you aslo keep that in mind?

Explain to me about your duplicity over CPC.

There is difference in accepting what CPC says about Tibet and Arunachal.

Let me explain it to you with an example (if you are willing to listen)

Suppose a person comes to a police station accusing another person of snatching his bag then automatically what the person says does not become true. The other person may/may not have taken his bag.

This is the case of China accusing India of taking Arunachal. The accuser need not always be true nor the accused had really committed the crime

Coming to case of Tibet, when the same person again after some days comes to the police and withdraws his complaint to the police saying that the other person did not take his bag and he had got it back, then the police will believe him and take back the complaint. There is nothing to prove here.

This is the case of China praising India on Tibet. When the opposite party itself is saying "Look guys you have done a great in Tibet and thanks for it" there is no reason in doubting it. Right ?

Now coming again to the question - Has China ever accused India of trying to snatch away Tibet or has Chinese once, atleast once, traced a plot back to India.

I meant that Indians love to use racial slurs invented in the West (chink, etc.), to abuse Chinese people.

Might as well invent your own racial slurs.

Believe it or not we use slurs all the while in India. No state is spared and people from every region have their own nicknames.

I think you guys are a bit uptight. Need to loosen up a bit. :)
There is difference in accepting what CPC says about Tibet and Arunachal.

Let me explain it to you with an example (if you are willing to listen)

Suppose a person comes to a police station accusing another person of snatching his bag then automatically what the person says does not become true. The other person may/may not have taken his bag.

This is the case of China accusing India of taking Arunachal. The accuser need not always be true nor the accused had really committed the crime

Coming to case of Tibet, when the same person again after some days comes to the police and withdraws his complaint to the police saying that the other person did not take his bag and he had got it back, then the police will believe him and take back the complaint. There is nothing to prove here.

This is the case of China praising India on Tibet. When the opposite party itself is saying "Look guys you have done a great in Tibet and thanks for it" there is no reason in doubting it. Right ?

Now coming again to the question - Has China ever accused India of trying to snatch away Tibet or has Chinese once, atleast once, traced a plot back to India.

Believe it or not we use slurs all the while in India. No state is spared and people from every region have their own nicknames.

I think you guys are a bit uptight. Need to loosen up a bit. :)

Do I need to remind you CPC only praises India for its official stance over Tibet ?
Does CPC praises India for hosting a bunch separatists and terrotists on Indian soil?

Just because CPC flatters India for its official stance over Tibet doesn't mean CPC has no problem with India shamelessly supporting the Tibetan separatists.

Yes, CPC praises India, so what?

In the mean time of flattering India, CPC also accuses Dalai Lama of being a separatist and terrorist, and that separatist and terrorist happens to be living on your soil and are treated as an honorable guest by you. Any idea what that means? Do I need to enlighten you that CPC is implicitly accusing India of hosting a group separatist and terrorist by doing that?

Well, I guess I need to explain it to you with an example (if you are willing to listen).

Imagine a man(India) hosting a man(Dalai Lama) in his house and treats him as a guest. Another man(China) accuses Dalai Lama of being a thief more than enough times in public, but for tbe sake of friendship between China and Inida, he never publicly criticises India for hosting that thief. So the self-righteous India believes that he has done nothing wrong and China doesn't mind what he is doing.
Indian military in the Indian Ocean and other countries :

The actual interpretation is as follows:-
1. There is not much that China can do about the so called Indian occupation of South Tibet.
2. However, India is still hurting from 1962. Even though 1962 can not be repeated ever again.
3. So it is better to keep India guessing and keep India on its toes by these small tricks like stapled visas etc.
4. However, never annoy India to the point that they really get worked up as then they can do a lot of damage in Tibet and East Turkmenistan.
5. So, take a step ahead and then a step back. Keep the enemy off balance always. Confucius, Sun Tzu............ Just as the enemy is about to take a step, you step back.... so the enemy will be disarmed.

The lessons for India:-
The game of chess was invented in Russia. The Chinese learned chess from the Russians. India has some grand masters also. Induct some good chess players in the foreign ministry.

Chess is invented by Indians not Russians:cool: you guys need to reinvent your ancient glory:tup:
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