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China comes to Myanmar’s aid in face of sanctions

So, all major powers China,Russia,India and Israel fully supports Myanmar. West and their Presstitute media propaganda against innocent peaceful Myanmar's Buddhists failed again. :smitten:
India and Israel are not major power.India at best is a regional power who can't jump beyond south Asia.While Israel has no standing in the world other than selling weapon to anti muslim countries of the world.Israel is propped up by American 3.5 billion dollar yearly military aid and stolen American defence technology which American Jew leak to Tel Aviv as soon as that developed in US.This is a parasite sucking blood from western body.
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India and Israel are not major power.India at best is a regional power who can't jump beyond south Asia.While Israel has no standing in the world other than selling weapon to anti muslim countries of the world.Israel is propped up by American 3.5 billion yearly military aid and stolen American defence technology which American Jew leak to Tel Aviv as soon as that developed in US.This is a parasite sucking blood from western body.
Lungis shouldn't call anyone else a parasite.
I couldn't help laughing out loud on reading your sardonic wisecrack.

I have known you to be a religious conservative, but never suspected that you were prone to errors under that influence. It so happens that the man you are addressing is one the sharpest intellects on the forum. It is just that he cannot suffer fools gladly, and many of us have felt the whiplash of his tongue, so he is not hugely popular. Respected, even feared, but never given appropriate credit.

As you are a Bangladeshi, my sincere - truly sincere - suggestion is that you pick some other target. Please do not misunderstand my humble suggestion; it is not intended to cause offence. My apologies in advance.

You known me for "jack". And your endorsement for "the man I was addressing" makes it even clear about depth of his capability. His argument and line of question just complemented what I said before. Thanks for fear mongering but none taken. Chug along - point will be made regardless whomever it is, if anyone has valid counterargument lets hear it.
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bngldshis should understand the world doesn't care for them. When we decided to engage MM, South Block didn't care to think for even a minute about how bgndsh would feel. Neither did cheen consider you nor Russia.

Indian position is excellent as it destroys pro-India faction in BD for good.
BD will turn into a heavily militarised state as it has been proven to have no allies.
India and Israel are not major power.India at best is a regional power who can't jump beyond south Asia.While Israel has no standing in the world other than selling weapon to anti muslim countries of the world.Israel is propped up by American 3.5 billion dollar yearly military aid and stolen American defence technology which American Jew leak to Tel Aviv as soon as that developed in US.This is a parasite sucking blood from western body.

Just another example how American technology leaking to Israel

Just another example how American technology leaking to Israel
Israel's entire technological base standing on stealing and espionage of American and other western countries.Israel has successfully infiltrated all aspect of American defence sector by using American Jews who have more loyalty to Israel than US.This is how Israel get benefit of world's latest and most advanced technology without sharing the burden of heavy spending(impossible for the economy size of Israel) on R&D.What Israel is selling to US is repackaged technology stolen from the same country.This is how Isreal milk US both directly and indirectly.

Former CIA Phil Giraldi: “Israel Steals US Technology”

Israeli Military and Industrial Espionage

Israel Won’t Stop Spying on the U.S.

Stealing Success Tel Aviv Style

Evidence are too numerous to count and impossible to refute of what Israel has done in the last 70 years.:rolleyes:
Israel's entire technological base standing on stealing and espionage of American and other western countries.Israel has successfully infiltrated all aspect of American defence sector by using American Jews who have more loyalty to Israel than US.This is how Israel get benefit of world's latest and most advanced technology without sharing the burden of heavy spending on R&D.What Israel is selling to US is repackaged technology stolen from the same country.This is how Isreal milk US both directly and indirectly.

Former CIA Phil Giraldi: “Israel Steals US Technology”

Israeli Military and Industrial Espionage

Israel Won’t Stop Spying on the U.S.

Stealing Success Tel Aviv Style

Evidence are too numerous to count and impossible to refute of what Israel has done in the last 70 years.:rolleyes:
Unlike the propaganda u call news, I got facts
if Israel stole U.S technology then why U.S is buying Israeli technology?
United States

Spying espionage by the U.S
Unlike the propaganda u call news, I got facts
if Israel stole U.S technology then why U.S is buying Israeli technology?
United States

Spying espionage by the U.S

Shame on India, China, and Russia and others who support genocide in Myanmar.

Shame on Bangladesh, who despite multiple requests by the UNHCR has denied refugee status to the Rohingya, and whose official policy is to send them all back to Myanmar as soon as possible, where they will be killed.

If even their fellow Bengali Muslims are throwing them to die, what do you expect from anyone else?
if Israel stole U.S technology then why U.S is buying Israeli technology?
US is buying repackaged US technology from Israel to satisfy the all powerful Zionist lobby working to hollow out US for the benefit of their promised land.Here US have no choice, even can't protest this arrangement for the risk of being called antisemitic and loose the blessing of AIPAC.
US is buying repackaged US technology from Israel to satisfy the all powerful Zionist lobby working to hollow out US for the benefit of their promised land.Here US have no choice, even can't protest this arrangement for the risk of being called antisemitic and loose the blessing of AIPAC.
ur logic amuse me
Apart from Chinese reason, which terrorist hindu nation is not entitled to speak about, what was the indian reason for supporting Myanmar genocide? Eternal hatred against Muslims????

Please spare me the India bashing. India has nothing to do with Myanmar actions.
India has nothing to do with Myanmar actions.

India presses on with Myanmar defense supplies in show of support
Sanjeev Miglani
3 Min Read
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - India is considering supplying arms to Myanmar’s government in a sign of strong support for a neighbor that faces criticism for its crackdown on Rohingya Muslims.

The arms were discussed during a visit by the chief of Myanmar’s navy, Indian officials said on Thursday. The two sides also talked about training Myanmar sailors on top of the courses taught to its army officers at elite Indian defense institutions.



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India presses on with Myanmar defense supplies in show of support
Sanjeev Miglani
3 Min Read
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - India is considering supplying arms to Myanmar’s government in a sign of strong support for a neighbor that faces criticism for its crackdown on Rohingya Muslims.

The arms were discussed during a visit by the chief of Myanmar’s navy, Indian officials said on Thursday. The two sides also talked about training Myanmar sailors on top of the courses taught to its army officers at elite Indian defense institutions.


Please post data on the origin of Myanmar military hardware
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