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China comes to Myanmar’s aid in face of sanctions

Bangladesh does not consider China as enemy. BUT india is eternal enemy of Bangladesh. That is fundamental difference between China and india to Bangladesh.

That being said, Bangladesh is not like india which is ruled and run by hindu warmongers. How did indian war with China in Doklam go? indians ran tail between legs. indians needs to fight its own war and not asking someone to do that.
Your people seem to think contrary, having elected Hasina.
I really wish India was ruled by a brain like yours.
Oh cute..another personal attack! Well your parents would be proud!

Bangladesh does not consider China as enemy. BUT india is eternal enemy of Bangladesh. That is fundamental difference between China and india to Bangladesh.

That being said, Bangladesh is not like india which is ruled and run by hindu warmongers. How did indian war with China in Doklam go? indians ran tail between legs. indians needs to fight its own war and not asking someone to do that.
Lol...why are u bringing doklam here....how you going respond to China supporting Myanmar? What are going to say to your rohingya brother's?
China knows Bangladeshi are one of the most ungrateful people in the world . So China playing her cards accordingly. Way to go China .

What a deplorable statement!

Apart from Chinese reason, which terrorist hindu nation is not entitled to speak about, what was the indian reason for supporting Myanmar genocide? Eternal hatred against Muslims????

Oh, sorry, he was not the only deplorable member, and his statement was not the only deplorable statement.

as always indian troll brigade made this about india. Go ponder that with indians.

When it cannot bite, what does it do? Hint: the word starts with 'b', ends with 'k'.

I really wish India was ruled by a brain like yours.

We could do better than that, surely. Are you convinced that you do not want to stand? 'A brain like yours...' and all that.
BUT india is eternal enemy of Bangladesh.
How does this work? Seriously. Indian Army was the maternal nurse that delivered the immature baby Bangla in 1971. How can the maternal nurse that delivered infant Bangla and saved it from being aborted by Pakistan today be called "eternal enemy"?

Does not make sense.
How does this work? Seriously. Indian Army was the maternal nurse that delivered the immature baby Bangla in 1971. How can the maternal nurse that delivered infant Bangla and saved it from being aborted by Pakistan today be called "eternal enemy"?

Does not make sense.
Seriously, mr. "think-tank"; had all the thinking tanked; all these years you could not figure out why india did what it did in 1971?? WoW. @WebMaster do you need this type of consultant serving PDF?
Shame on India, China, and Russia and others who support genocide in Myanmar.

মা বাবাকে হারিয়ে, ছোট ভাইকে নিয়ে
চার দিন পায়ে হেটে, অবশেষে বাংলাদেশে,,
ছোট ভাইটা আর হাটতে পারছে না তাই
রাস্তার মাঝেই শুয়ে পরছে,,
এর চেয়ে কষ্টের ছবি পৃথীবিতে,,...
Chinese have invented a business model around ripping off sanctions countries.

I couldn't help laughing out loud on reading your sardonic wisecrack.

Seriously, mr. "think-tank"; had all the thinking tanked; all these years you could not figure out why india did what it did in 1971?? WoW. @WebMaster do you need this type of consultant serving PDF?

I have known you to be a religious conservative, but never suspected that you were prone to errors under that influence. It so happens that the man you are addressing is one the sharpest intellects on the forum. It is just that he cannot suffer fools gladly, and many of us have felt the whiplash of his tongue, so he is not hugely popular. Respected, even feared, but never given appropriate credit.

As you are a Bangladeshi, my sincere - truly sincere - suggestion is that you pick some other target. Please do not misunderstand my humble suggestion; it is not intended to cause offence. My apologies in advance.
So, all major powers China,Russia,India and Israel fully supports Myanmar. West and their Presstitute media propaganda against innocent peaceful Myanmar's Buddhists failed again. :smitten:
bngldshis should understand the world doesn't care for them. When we decided to engage MM, South Block didn't care to think for even a minute about how bgndsh would feel. Neither did cheen consider you nor Russia.
Bangladesh should give all rohingyas BD citizenship. Myanmar will be very grateful. Maybe you can even form a military alliance with Myanmar.

They are Bangladeshis after all. Their habit of pole vaulting is omni directional. :lol:
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