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China can attack India by 2014

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there will be no war between china and India.
if war occurs,
India = :sick:
we crushed two rising would be major world powers.
Veeru buddy stop this kind of threads for gods sake. There is no need, if China wants it can do it anytime and especially now is the right time. Don't u see the logic, 2012 2014 2016 what the hell who gives these dumass predictions i don't know:hitwall:
your media is really, really not helping.

maybe once corruption clears up, should check the real owners of indian media. who knows, maybe there's US stockholders in indian media companies?
1.) For national unity and integration.
Actually this is India's reason, China does not have nearly as much internal problems. We do not need to make war on our neighbors for that reason.

2.) For show of strength and to establish itself as a most powerful nation after USA.
This is right! China can intimidate its not-so-friendly neighbors like Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore by demonstrating its military power against India. Let's face it, in a contest, India would be humiliated just like the Commonwealth Games compared to Beijing Olympics. We can make an example out of India -- what happens when you defy the will of Asia's superpower.

3.) To derail our economy and growth.
That is right! We know you guys don't practice population control. You just want to explosively grow in population and expand outwards. That's why you can't get along with any of your neighbors!

You are running out of water too. You are looking at Tibet for more land when India reaches 2+ billion population and 99% is poor and overcrowded. It would be a disaster to share the world's resources with 2+ billion Indians.
If they could give the dates also, i could apply for a vacation in some island of Bali or seychelles. Ive heard if you apply ealry there is discount.

Why?? Just come to China instead! The most dangerous place is often the safest! :lol:
It is a open secret that the inefficient & lazy Chinese Army were kicked in their A**ES by Vietnamese.:rofl::rofl:U r leaders did some s*it talk & lied to the Stupid public that they were Victorious.Chinese Army and ruling party are "RUBBISH" & their Commanders are good for nothing.:lol::lol::lol::P
Ha ha.... If China didn't defeat Vietnam, then why didn't Soviet Union enter the war to protect Vietnam? They had a military pact! Soviet Union already mobilized along the border. Why didn't they attack? :azn:
Don't be stupid, how does him writing an article prove he is Chinese.

i didnt say he is chineese..
Cross1993 just saw his 2 or 3 post and asked this question,
so i showed him the other thread written by Hongwu so that he can decided if he is chinese or not..
decision is upto u guys... :)
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