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China asks Pakistan to hand over Uighur terrorists

Without any proof from China ??????

Are yar ye to had hai ...

So what if they want those terrorists? Doesnt Canada want terrorists from Air India bombing that killed 200+ Canadians on board?
Its very unlikely as indian and chinese aims differ regarding afghanistan and this overall region...But ofcourse diplomacy is the best weapon these days so on the surface we may see some buttering but underneath its always gonna be different and ugly...

The single aim is to invest and exploit the resources their and if the taliban come back it will be impossible so thats why it's a common stand.
you guys need to come to the reality that uighur terrorists are in pakistan, I mean even Iran is starting to build an anti fence due to the Jundallah elements in pakistan coming into iran.

hey dude we admit all the terrorists of worlds are here but why dont you accept that india,israel and american is providing them financial aid where else from they getting billions of dollars to survive for such a long time...
hey dude we admit all the terrorists of worlds are here but why dont you accept that india,israel and american is providing them financial aid where else from they getting billions of dollars to survive for such a long time...

Not everything is india or israel fault, give the BLA for example they can just get weapons off the black market.
Iran is starting to build an anti fence due to the Jundallah elements in pakistan coming into iran.
PressTV - Iran to build fence at Pakistan border
Error Chinese want the mineral and oil and gas and indians are completing for it as well, basically rebuilding the country to ensure the taliban don't ever come back.

the Chinese could care less who runs Afghanistan, as long as its politically stable and not in chaos.....of course they have economic interests there (much to the chagrin of NATO)

the fact that NATO is in talks with taleban leads me to believe that some kind of political settlement will be reached between the 2, after some ironing out.
The single aim is to invest and exploit the resources their and if the taliban come back it will be impossible so thats why it's a common stand.

Talibans learnt a few things in past 10 years and they would be willing to explore as well but with different partners but inany case china will be there owing to Pak...Besides america is not being able to eliminate taliban in 11 years what miracles you guys expect in two years...taliban are the actaul people of afghanistan whom their public wanna see as their rulers and thats how its gonna be once america leaves...
China's been always an inspiration as to how to tackle militancy. When it comes to nation's integrity they won't care about friend or foe. For a Chibese it's all about China.
Not everything is india or israel fault, give the BLA for example they can just get weapons off the black market.
Iran is starting to build an anti fence due to the Jundallah elements in pakistan coming into iran.
PressTV - Iran to build fence at Pakistan border

Its not about weapons its about money..If i have the money i can have the best weapons...whoz providing these billions of dollars?????
the Chinese could care less who runs Afghanistan, as long as its politically stable and not in chaos.....of course they have economic interests there (much to the chagrin of NATO)

the fact that NATO is in talks with taleban leads me to believe that some kind of political settlement will be reached between the 2, after some ironing out.

Taliban actually supports the East Turkmenistan Islamic movement so no China does care, the taliban movement is weakened they will never controll afghanistan however still pose a threat to the region this is why Russia & India and the central asian states will arm the non pushtuns if that times comes again.

Its not about weapons its about money..If i have the money i can have the best weapons...whoz providing these billions of dollars?????

The fact is the whole region knows you either get rid of them all or just let them keep coming, you literary find chechens, ubzeks, arabs, uighurs, all there.

Talibans learnt a few things in past 10 years and they would be willing to explore as well but with different partners but inany case china will be there owing to Pak...Besides america is not being able to eliminate taliban in 11 years what miracles you guys expect in two years...taliban are the actaul people of afghanistan whom their public wanna see as their rulers and thats how its gonna be once america leaves...

Neither india nor china is going to accept that, the taliban supports the uighur militant groups which won't go well with china. nope the taliban popularity has dropped their support comes from the pashtuns.
So that was, what, about 150 posts I deleted ...

Stick to the topic please - childish flaming and trolling will merely result in more bans.
Its not about weapons its about money..If i have the money i can have the best weapons...whoz providing these billions of dollars?????

You know where the money and weapons come from don't play games the west, russia and now china knows your playing a dangerous game against the most powerful countries in the world.
Here, from the People's Daily:

Individual terrorists not to affect China, Pakistan relations - People's Daily

And the same story from Xinhua:

Individual terrorists not to affect China, Pakistan relations - Xinhua News

These Uyghur militants are Chinese citizens.

Pakistan is our closest ally, and they have always extradited ETIM militants back to us. And we know they will do everything in their power to help us in this situation.

Give it a rest Chinese Dragon it's commendable you guys stick with pakistan, it's time to come to reality and you know that.
You know where the money and weapons come from don't play games the west, russia and now china knows your playing a dangerous game against the most powerful countries in the world.
Are you suggesting that the hundreds of millions of dollars supporting the TTP and other like minded terrorist groups comes from the US (NATO) and Europe?
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